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missanimefan Blog

Me complaining about boring life...*sarcastic*yippe...

Lets see...

I'm basically rant bout junk my lame annoying...

The following unions rule:

The Gamespot Community
Gotei 13
The everything anime/manga, games, and art union


I really sux at campaining...oh that's something I haven't mentioned! I really need work on my campaining skills...It seems everytime I campain for something to not happen it happens! Yet if it's for something to happen without any not happens then it happens! Know what I mean?


Life is boring and confusing...what's new? I love to be annoying as some*snickers*have found out...I am serious when I need to be though, so be careful...also be careful of my temper...not something to mess with...

It seems I get the short end of the stick here at sister causes more trouble then me nowdays but because shes younger and acts obeident she gets away with it! I hate that!

My father, mother, and grandma keeps saying I should talk to someone like a psychatrist or whatever but I tell them if they try taken me ta one I won't say anything...I am after all a queit shy depressing angel...I got an outside world reputation to hold! Online is different though...It's hard to explain...
Oh one thing I've managed to succeed in is killing between 50%-80% of my useless emotions like love, care, happiness, and some others...I still have anger, sorrow, depression, joy, and others to take care of...

I know I need to get a life that off...


My D@mn sister accused me stealing her ****** money and walet for the millionth her find it in 30minutes...

I'm ****** sick of always being blamed! GAH!


Now less boring...animes I like:

More recent on tv:


Naruto, Naruto manga and Naruto Shippuden

Death Note

Not recent on tv:

Code Geass: Louch of rebellion(saw on tv but don't get it...looks cool though!)

FullMetal Alchemist


Blood +


neon genesis evangelion


and others I don't currently remember.


Lets see...I hate most questions...and sux at math...


I hope I've bored those who think theres anything to know about me cause this would've bored me:D


Interview #3 eliteguard91!! And little other news after...

I interviewed a friend who I think people would find cool(I hope)!


missanimefan: What's your real name?

eliteguard91: Gabriella Alexandria Razsek

missanimefan: How old are you?

eliteguard91: 17 years old!!!

missanimefan: What do you think of Gamespot?

eliteguard91: It's great and its not like the invasion of privacy like Myspace or that other one lol :lol:

missanimefan: What unions do you like and What do you like about those unions?

eliteguard91: Gotei 13 Im an officer there :D and the girl gamers union only girls union hello sign me up!!!!

missanimefan: What are some of your favorite videogames and why?

eliteguard91: RPG, Flying, Racing I honestly have no idea I just love to play them it keeps me entertained and from getting bored which is a pro.

missanimefan: What kinda-of job(if any)do you have?

eliteguard91: :| me and the workforce dont meet eye to eye sometimes....OK all the times.

missanimefan: What are some of your hobbies?

eliteguard91: Cheerleading, dance, gaming, plotting to rule the world and of course being a YAOI FANGIRL! :P

missanimefan: Do you have a favorite quote?

eliteguard91: Yes its the one I use here all the time"I am a girl damnit im allowed to use the word cute"

missanimefan: Is there anyone you'd like to meet on GS in real life? Who?

eliteguard91: EVERY1 they all seem so cool I would love to have everyone over for a BBQ!!!

missanimefan: What's a breif summary of yourself?

eliteguard91: Cute and perky?lol nah Im an easy going down to earth person. Just don't push my buttons :x

missanimefan: Thank you for letting me interview you!

eliteguard91: :D No problem I love these!!!!


Okay lets see...I left a few unions...I have a union idea but have to wait till august to use it cause chartering for someone in a few days...and I noticed that I seem to be interviewing aomeone in one of three unions I like each interview...also...that's about it...:D Thank ya!


Interview #2 is...

I interviewed the great artist(who made my banner)Ninja_Rebel!!


missanimefan: What's your real name? How old are you?

Ninja_Rebel: I'd prefer not to say my real name or age.

missanimefan: What do you think of Gamespot?

Ninja_Rebel: I think that Gamespot is a great place to meet up with people who enjoy videogames and kill time. (yeah I am cruel I know)

missanimefan: What unions do you like and What do you like about those unions?

Ninja_Rebel: I like The Zero Union, The Everything Anime/Manga, Games, and Art Union, and The Gamespot Community Union because they are all fun and are very enjoyable to be in.

missanimefan: What are some of your favorite videogames and why?

Ninja_Rebel: Some of my favorite video games are hmm, lately it is The World Ends With You because it has an amazing story line and the best RPG I have ever played, Super Smash Bros. Brawl because it is a he// of alot of fun, MX Unleashed because it us very enjoyable to cruise around places and then just switch from an MX Bike to a monster truck or even a Biplane.

missanimefan: What kinda-of job(if any)do you have?

Ninja_Rebel: No job.

missanimefan: What are some of your hobbies?

Ninja_Rebel: Playing video games, getting on GS, making things on GIMP, and fishing.

missanimefan: Do you have a favorite quote?

Ninja_Rebel: Not really but, the most memorable one right now is "Frags are for f@gs" said by my friend when he was fragged while playing Call of Duty 4.

missanimefan: Is there anyone you'd like to meet on GS in real life? Who?

Ninja_Rebel: Hmmm, you since we seem to be sorta similiar and you are fun to be around.

missanimefan: Why did you create the CoG union(council of gamers)?

Ninja_Rebel: I created the CoG (I so wish I had changed that short name, for some reason I dislike it) because I wanted to give all gamers a place to talk about whatever games they wanted and allow them to have almost a mini-GS under their control (that hasn't gone well lately).

missanimefan: What's a breif summary of yourself?

Ninja_Rebel: I am frikin' awesome why you may ask, I am ninja! A FRIKIN' NINJA!!!! (plus I have a great personality )

missanimefan: Anything else you want to say(cause I'm out of questions)?

Ninja_Rebel: I want to say that this wasn't as bad as I thought and that if anyone needs a banner or icon or sig then post in my request theard! (got to advertise when I get a chance:D )


I would like to say he's a great artist and can be found at The Gamespot Community Union(among other unions)!!

Thanks Ninja_Rebel!!


Okay on a side note remember to check out some of the great unions I'm in if you haven't yet!!


Lets see*looks through papers*Oh right! Status of unions I'm in and such...

These are my unions and why I think you should join them:D

Okay First up is the first union I joined on Gamespot! Introducing the Akatsuki Clan!

Union leader: ItachiWillOwnU

It needs some more active members to regain great activity! If you like Akatsuki or know anything about Naruto then please join this union so it can become really active and I have peoples to talk to on the OT(off topic) thread. This union is about all things Akatsuki! Currently at 78 members! It's full of great and cool people and the more people there talking the better!

If you join this union then Thank You!


Next up is*drum roll*the Infinite Darkness!

Union leader: yuinode

This union is all about your favorite villains from game and anime! If you have favorite villains this is the place to be! Everyone is welcome! Member count is currently at 39. This union also needs active members among them! So remember if it's a villain then it welcome for discussion here!

If you join this union then Thank You!


Now introducing my very own union*trumpets sound*The Gamespot Community!

Union leader: Me

This union is an off-topic union where you can talk about anything and everything from games and anime to what it's like where you live! Fairly active union and this union welcomes everyone and wants them to have a good time! Member count is currently at 66 and growing! We've just started interviews and Manga updates! There are union characters and off-topic threads are entertaining!

If you join this union then Thank You!


Now lets see who's next...the Everything Anime/Manga, Games and Art Union!

Union leader: arline6

This union is also fairly active but still more activity the better! With a current member count of 150 members! This is a great place for union characters! Pick a character and head to the OT character thread where the fun and battles are held! This union is the perfect place for...well the title of the union says it all!

If you join this union then Thank You!


Now lets introduce Gamespots best Bleach union*orchestra plays*who ordered the orchestra!!! Oh right the Gotei 13!

Union leader: Nightmare-_-

This union is very active and very fun! If you love bleach this is the place to be! With 184 members this union knows how to have fun! It's prefect for all Bleach anime/manga lovers! This is the best union I'm in for activity! You can join squads, kido squad, and royal squads! Remember to introduce yourself because this union has a thing for welcoming!

If you join this union then Thank You!


Now what's next on the list? Oh right! Allow me to introduce*spotlight*the Elite Group Of Gamers!

Union leader: Ronstera/DfrostD

With a member count of 56 this union is fairly active and great for all you gamers! They're is some talk of sports as well,though I personally am not a sports fan,I love the talk of games! This union is one cool place!

Once again If you join this union then Thank You!


Next up is the great union called The Council of Gamers!

Union leader: Ninja_Rebel

This union like all unions had some rocky times but this is now a great union for all those who love games! Fairly active with a member count of 116! This union you can talk about anything game! One great place for chat about games! Ask questions about parts of games you can't figure out or help others!

If you join this union then Thank You!


Now introducing the newly formed The Tactical Adventure/Shooters & Espionage Union!


With a member count of 109 and just formed on Wednesday, June 18 this union is fairly active and a great for quote" The next-generation in shooters and adventure unions.":unquote...a new and forming union for all who like this kinda-of stuff!

If you join this union then Thank You!


Those are the union:P and reasons I think you should join...if you don't but read thank you and if you read and/or join then Thank you!

Now lets see...well that's it for now! :P

G.C.U. interviews start!!:D First up...

I'll be asking someone once maybe twice a week to be interviewed and that interview be posted on the union homepage thread...I'm letting recruits suggest people and I'm keeping track of who is interviewed and if someone doesn't want to interviewed I'm keeping track of those people as well on wordpad...just letting ya know cause I'm probably gonna interview my friends who are active and I know can respond quickly...


I'm gonna post interviews on my blog as well for people not in the Gamespot Community Union...


I interviewed the Gotei 13's very own leader Nightmare-_-!



What's your real name?


Justin Marriott


How old are you?


17 years old.


What do you think of Gamespot?


awesome site. i find Gamespot are much better than other video games sites plus they got amazing idea about unions and emblems to keep people more excited to come on everyday to keep them busy.unlike Ign(no offence)


What unions do you like and What do you like about those unions?


I like any unions that match my interest, I thought unions is best place to talk about your favorite interest, hobby, since you got something same in common with other people.


What are some of your favorite videogames and why?


My favorite video game is Legend of Zelda, most fight games because I love the story and the action through every area and challenge boss and try find their weakspot. for fight, I love to challenge other people on live and challenge their mind and striary to prove who is smartest.


What kinda-of job(if any)do you have?


sad... I might going end up work at Dairy Queen :lol:


What are some of your hobbies?


all I do is sleeping, check computer, hang out with my friends and my girlfriends and try to enjoy my life with random stuff.


Do you have a favorite quote?


"I might be smart.. but I'm lazy"- myself :P


Is there anyone you'd like to meet on GS in real life? Who?


lots of people :lol: It would be great to meet all officers in my union :lol:


What's a breif summary of yourself?


well I'm deaf.. 100% people keep told me deaf people can't do anything guess what? I proved them wrong, only they dont understand about deaf people... is that deaf people can do anything but hear... pretty much I'm friendly, always cared about other people support them no matter what. same idea like people who would never hurt a fly :P yeah what els... most people know I'm smart.. because I scored 198+ on IQ test but sad... I'm lazy :lol: I just want to live a easy life... getting marry, have two children and amazing wife and see them grown up and watch them getting married and wait until my time is up.


Thank you for allowing me to interview you!!:D


your welcome :)


Well*thinks*There's no other news right now so...Later:D!

Yay! New sig and blog image courtsy of my sis and new avvie!:P...

:DI was bored with old so got new! New sig thanks to sis:

And new nlog pic thing thanks to sis as well*points up*...I was bored with my avatar(again)So found a pic I liked and resized it to fit:D...also I managed to keep the target sig and Gotei 13,EAMGAU,and G.C.U ad sigs as well so I'm good...

Also no-pic related: Things are fine for now and my b-day's this wendsday(*sarcastic*joy...happiness...blech)...Hm...That's bout it for now...


Not good Not good!!

Not sure what I'm going to do...Let's start here:

I was a freshman...I got a letter today saying the new 4x4 system the state has implemented requires a student to take 4 years of math,science,english,and history in order to graduate...If a freahman fails Algebra 1 their freshman year, summer school will be required in order to stay on track. Algevra 1 serves as a building block to the math classes your child will be required to take. Obviously, without success in Algebra 1 your child will not be able to move on to Geometry. Summer school registation is from 8 to 12 on june 13 at my school. The cost for one credit is $190. If your student is on free or reduced lunch the cost is $125.

Basically my faimly anit got money to blow like that and if I get summer school life will sux big time...theres also fees and crap...OI!!! But if I'm correct Obviously, without success in Algebra 1 your child will not be able to move on to Geometry... means since 10th grade takes Algebra 2 I can retake Algebra 1 next school year...OI!! I need to try harder to pass next year...

I don't know if I have to goto summer school yet but if I do that means computer time is limited so I'll update the situation after my mom tells me what will happen...

Leader of The Gamespot Community Union and need help!!

Okay...I NEED HELP!! I was officer in this union but...I never wanted to be a leader and never planned to but...I got a message saying:

This is an automated message to confirm that the previous leader of The Gamespot Community Union, DDEMONOFTHEMIST, has resigned, and missanimefan was auto-selected as the new leader based on rank and tenure. As the new leader of The Gamespot Community Union, missanimefan inherits all the privileges and responsibilities implied by the role. DDEMONOFTHEMIST is now ranked officer. At ease!

His blog says:

Im not hacked or anything i just see GS as less active nowadays so im leaving to play web games again....when i do return i will be under another name so goodbye everyone.

Basically I'm saying this because I will need lots of help since I never thought about this happening...

I need people who wouldn't mind volunteering as an officer...I'm looking for six people...I'll post a new blog with people I choose okay? This way if I choose more than that you'll know...just post a comment saying you wouldn't mind being an officer okay? I intend to choose wisely...I'll post a blog saying Officers ofThe Gamespot Community Union once I decided...

(some I'll ask in person so if they say yes the'll be on the list as well.)

Unfair targeting at The Everything Anime/Manga, Games and Art Union's hot seat

This has to do with the first week of June next week...

The leader and officer have taken it upon themselves to target me in The Everything Anime/Manga, Games and Art Union's hot seat...I don't know why though*innocent face*I just voted for people each week and didn't target as much as they're targeting me...If your in The Everything Anime/Manga, Games and Art Union you'll know what I mean...Recruits there please don't vote for me.




Thank you!
