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Miss's evil Blog Station PRESENTS: Insanity Crew pt1!


Okay heres the deal, Imma writing a story on fanfiction called insanity crew!  Pay attention:

Insanity Crew

A random Fanfiction I created based on some friends I created outta boredom.

Summary:  Miss decides to make a video about her Gotei 13 friends with help from Rangiku.

Characters:  Bleach Characters and Miss(my own made up character as in, ME!)

Warnings:  OOC due to using traits of roleplay with friends.  Possible referances mentioned.  Possible use of innappropriate lanuage.  Possible suggestive themes.

THAT^  Is what the warning things say on      Now I can post the first part here cause its got none of the stuff in the warning(and the warning is like that cause I am writing this from boredom so its not planned out words)


Part 1


Miss scouted the area carefully, "All clear.  Let operation antagonize begin."  "Are you sure about this,"  Rangiku questioned.  "Certainly, what could go wrong?"  Rangiku thought of quite a few things actually, but knew Miss wasn't going to listen since she already made up her mind, "Fine but if we get caught, its your fault."  "We anit gonna get caught Rangiku so pipe down.  Now, action!"  Rangiku turned on the taped recorder. 
"Hello Soul Society and people somehow connected to it!  I will be showing you inside peeks of my fellow soul reapers and other fools we come across.  I, The EVIL MISS!" 
"Too loud Miss!"
"Gah!  Whatever, just be quiet.   Now first up lets spy on Squads from 1-13 then go find Kisuke and Yoruichi."
They carefully peeked outta the bushes through the window.

Yamamoto wasn't in his office.

"Where'd Old Man Coco go?"
"Hello Rangiku, Miss"
Miss and Rangiku jumped, falling backwards outta the bush.
"What are you two doing looking through my office window Miss," Yamamoto asked, but obviously had heard everything.
"We were just...........leaving!"  Miss made a dash for it and was gone.
Yamamoto looked at Rangiku, "Make sure she doesn't cause too much chaos."  Rangiku nodded and walked off to retrive Miss from squad 5, knowing she hid there whenever she ran from such a situation.

"OKAY!  Minor setback there!"  Miss walked up to squad 2.  "Senpai will be easier to record,"  Miss assured Rangiku.  She knocked lightly on the door.


Ok thats it for now...

Check it out and keep an eye out at:  




Miss's Evil Blog Station!!!

Let us begin shall we? Lets start with a mini talkshow...CAUSE I SAY!!! And am bored cause its 2am-ish



Welcome to the Evil Miss's talkshow! A sub division of Miss's Evil Blog Station! Well lets kick off with the question from peeps, people, or dead people pretending to be alive...THATS RIGHT! I KNOW YOUR SECRET ZOMBIES!

*camera man whispers something*


Oh...ok then...*Reads card*OK LIGHT!

*Light walks in*What is it?


Thug2Wasteland asks:

Why do you wanba be god of the new world?


Because only I can make the world a better place.


Shoo shoo Mr. copy cat, cause thats my thing

Now, watchingnin asks:

To any main character guy: What does it feel like to have all the hot chicks fight over you?

So lets ask a few! Ichigo!! Naruto!! And Light get your @ss back in here!!

*Light, Ichigo, Naruto*




*all three*



I got photos of ya'll with others like*show them photos*

*All 3 guys*

O_o Fine...


I could care less.


None fight over me:cry:


I dont think anyone fights over me...


NO HELP! I'm giving the photos to the press! *faxes photos*

*The guys leave*


Now then...Time for my RANDOM CHOICE!!


In my RANDOM CHOICE Miss will choose a few random anime character and say her thought on him or her.


AND*pulls name outta hat*ICHIMARU GIN! KOMARURA SAJIN!!

OK! Ichimaru is the MOST hot character EVER! And Komamura is the MOST adorable EVER!! *looks at blank stares of audience*What? You expected me to choose characters for other reason? :P

I'm bored so lets see...How about...

Worthy mention!? Nah I already do that...GAH!!


Now for Miss to go crazy!!


HEY!*throws bricks at him*

~5 minutes later~

*on phone*Yeah...yeah...okay...yeah*hangs up*Ok so I owe a few hundred thousand for him to get surgey but on the up side hes suffering from amneisa so he wont remember to sue me...

How about 5 things about me...I'm bored so I'll so that...

1. Miss is my nickname due to I liked considering myself Miss *insert real name here* and decided it was a hell of alot easier to remember then my real name.

2. I love my evil persona cause its fun! But I'm actually quite nice so have been forced to try and prevent emotions so I don't get hurt.

3. I avoid actually making people for real mad. I prefer keeping peace and only know of one person who actually hates me on GS...

4. I like pic hunting and finding my own pics for avvies, sigs, and whatnot cause I prefer not asking for help from others.

5. I like to talk alot online:D But you probably figured that out:P

NOW...I gonna mention some of my friends...Theres alot...

: Brother Hitsu is awesomest bro! lol hes quite funny and cool. Hes can kick @ss so ya best beware:P

sfkm2: I owe him for joining the Gotei 13 lol. Hes like my brother:P Hes smart and put mildly, beware lol

Lotus_Edge: HE WILL FALL BEFORE MY MIGHT!!! Hes a cool friend though:P

eliteguard91: Senpai rulez!! She like a sister:P

Curtis1560: Hes awesomest of all. Plain and simple:P lol

arline6: Shes awesome, shes leader of the EAMGAU and shes really smart:P

Eucalypta: Shes also very smart. Shes a great designer too btw.

dhameliz: Shes like my sister. Shes awesome and kinda funny too

Itachieyes12: Hes awesome. Hes helping me take over the world:D:twisted:

: Awesome friend. You should meet him if ya haven't:D:P

spiritwave: A really good friend. Nice and hard worker:P Defintally worthy on mention.

-Katsuri-: Shes cool and can be quite amusing. Shes smart so beware:P

nightmare-_-: Hes totally awesome lol:P Hes smart and cool. Also leader of the best union I know:P

SasukeXXChidori: Hes awesome as well. Hes like a bro too:P Hes funny but if he stands in my way of ruling the world he'll fall to my sword:D Same goes to all who oppose my rein:twisted:

xchaosx97: Hes cool. Smart like DG lol. Call him youngen he may kill ya though:lol::P

Nicaboy456: He roleplays a cool charater at the Gotei 13 so I decided to mention him:P So sue me lol

Darkguard15: Hes cool. Hes really logical sometimes but overall hes a cool person.

jeyviolin: Shes REALLY nice. Shes a very helpful person and a very good friend.

Jing16: Hes random sometimes. Hes funny and cool to be around.

: A cool person thats for sure. So I mentioned him:P

: Shes awesome. Shes smart and a good person to be around.

Skip04: Skippy is awesome. Hes nice and also funny:P

: Hes cool, he'd be cooler if he stop avoiding my killing him lol. Hes leader of espada union.

armstrong_lavi: Hes cool. Cant think of what else to say>_>

seker456: Hes okay. Occassionaly hard to get rid of. But still worthy of mention.

: Awesome friend. Hes smart and cool to chat with.

converse08: I vaugely remember him. Hes a cool person I remember that much.

dancingbeatle: An awesome person from what I know..

Ecko-freerunna: I torture him enough that he should at least be mentioned. Hes survived so long I gotta congradulate him.

momohinamoriX: Shes cool. Shes smart and she can find awesome pics like me:P

naruto_444: Hes cool too. Hes fun to talk to and friendly.

gaara014: A cool person. Also worthy of mention.

jstrife: A very cool person and worthy of mention.

Ninja_Rebel: Hes been my friend and kinda like a bro for awhile:P

DarkxSoul713: Shes cool:P Shes in my all girl union too.

rocketfox129: Hes cool too. I don't know much about him but I see him quite abit.

Zelda1118: Shes smart and funny. A good friend.

YouKnowWho5: Cool for the most part. Sometimes a pain but hey, everyone is like that at some point right?:P

Colmillios: Awesome person:P I remember that much lol

Fishbrain8: I don't know much about him but he comments in my blog:D

(please note that some profiles my be set to friends only so thats why ya canit get to them)


If I forgot anyone its cause I don't know much about ya or I am just to lazy to continue writing about people.

Now my awesomest top 5 Unions in order:

The Gotei 13

The Anime Fans Hideout

The All Anime Union

The Espada Union

Everything Anime/Manga, Games and Art Union


NOW...I got another idea...It's called...................


*no one speaks*

What? I continued long enough...and outta :P

Now before we end I got an idea. Lets have another segement talkshow next time? Heres the plan(got it from tv)I is gonna do the top 5 best Bleach battles and also a top 5 best Naruto battles. Heres how it works, you send me a message with you fave battle, don't forget the episode its from. I will then post the videos(using youtube probably or a description)you all then message me with your vote and the next blog will have the winners. Sound good? NOW if there is a battle from a different anime you like then send me the episode, show, and a small description OR youtube or some kind of vid ok? I'll have a worthy mention vid session. BUT! I need you all to participate in this or it wont work...tell your friends if ya want, my blog is open to all.

Thank you!!

(Miss WUVS comments alot and appreciates them very much)

Miss's Evil Blog Station!! Yo!

Okay I'll do the little interveiw thing later cause today was eventful enough for a blog...soooo...

Lets start with school,

I fell asleep in school>_>

Then at 11:30am CT the nurse called me to her office. Turns out I needed mandatory booster shot*tremble*

Mom got me early release so we went to the clinic and FOUR ******* shots! My arm still hurts>_> But it wasn't as bad as I thought once it was done...


We went to celebration station, I won 1066 tickets while 4 others put together won I won more XP


I tried to drive off with a rental car but failed XD I got the pedals and gears figured out but couldn't move the gear shift>_> Well there went my chance for a joy ride...

I said it'd take 5 mins to do this blog so I could get it up tonight so thats it for now, I anit got time for anything else so bye!

Loves comments:P

Miss's Blog station! Random blog!


*walks in circles*Dam dam dam...where are those blog ideas??

*Editor enters*Sorry still working.


*aura crushes everything nearby*FINE! A talkshow! I've seen some one quizilla and before!

Ok...need you all to help! Message me a question you'd ask a anime character(i only know anime)and I'll find someone who either roleplays, is like, or I'll come up with an answer, okay?

Sorry that this time is a bore, but ran outta ideas>_>




Wonder what they saw:

And because it is SOOO irresistable:


One for Hitsu:

Hope the pics made up for lack of words:P I was in search pic crazy mode:lol:

This has been the Evilest ever


Miss's Blog station! Me fighted wit 2 peoples on bus and funny pics:P

Welcome again!

Now...To start off...

Guess what happened after school on the bus on the way home...Well we(students and I) sneak ketchup pakets out from lunch. Today the 2 boys...Lets just say ketchup packets where thrown...I cut one open a bit, it slightly got on one of them and the other opened 3-5 more and poured 'em on my hair and outfit!!! They poured 3 packs of ketchup on my hair and outfit!! It took an hour to wash the cl@ss out!
I'm going to watch as their flesh burns in acid...


Now I'm here for abit then gotta go out grocey shopping and to the bank...though I rather stay home>_>


spiritwave: Puppy-chan/Wolf Clan is a friend from the Toonami Union:P He is really smart and nice, not to mention cool and funny:P spirtwave was on of the first people I noticed at the Toonami Union and appears to be a hard worker. I thought spirit was worth mentioning so I did:D:P


Now Pics!!

This has been Miss:P


Miss's evil blog STation!!! We got some big new today ;) Interview and...YAY!!

Okay lets start with the interview shall we?



What's your real name?


*takes a seat*

My real name is Rekianio, but my Nordic name is Daniel


How old are you?

I'm 17 years old

What do you think of Gamespot?

I think Gamespot is a great place to hang out with other people that like similar things, but the quality I like best of all is the fact that you can talk about non-game related things :P

What unions do you like and What do you like about those unions?

My favourite unions are the FMA Union, The Gotei 13, Hueco Mundo, The Talk about it Union, Toonami Union and the Anime Fan's Hideout. What I like most about these unions is that they're really well polished and active, not to mention that there's really cool and awesome people there :P

What are some of your favorite videogames and why?

My favourite types of games are Japanese RPGs and Fighting games. I prefer Japanese RPGs mostly because of the depth and character development you just don't get with other types of games. And fighting games....well......I just like to be able to sit back, and not have to worry about anything else in the game other than beating the hell out of who I'm up against to be honest :P And my favourite 2 games are Tales of Symphonia and the Tekken series for the reasons stated above lol

What kinda-of job(if any)do you have?

I work at a car wash, all I do is just spray water on the cars and clean them with a crappy towel lol

What are some of your hobbies?

My hobbies are hanging out with friends, swimming, playing futbol (soccer), running in track and some mixed martial arts after school. I also watch anime quite a bit and play games whenever I have the chance

Do you have a favorite quote?

Let's see it's "there are many versions of yourself, the way you view yourself and how other people view you" by Shinji Ikari from the anime Evangelion

Is there anyone you'd like to meet on GS in real life? Who?

I would like to meet everyone I know on GS in real life :P

Why did you create the Full Metal Alchemist Union?

I created the FMA Union mostly since I noticed there was a lot of FMA fans here and there and they didn't have any centralized union, so I decided to make one lol

What's a breif summary of yourself and/or something you like to say?

Only a brief summary??? Darn I wanted something more lol. Well I think I'm a nice person, or at least I try. I tend to go out of my way to be an A-hole at times but mostly due to boredom. Even though I seem like a jerk at first I can be nice if you get to take the time to know me. I have plans for world domination believe it or not :P I can speak Spanisch, German and Englisch fluently and I also know a tad bit of Arabic since I'm Muslim. And.......oh yeah, I hate it when people mistake me for a girl, I'm a guy dammit!!! :x

Lets give him a hand*no applause*Ok*claps and everyone else claps*Good good!


Now my friend mention:

eliteguard91: She is one of my awesome friends from the Gotei 13:P (shes likes yaoi like me:P) She roleplays Soi Fon. She is like my sister here so thats why I decided to mention her:P Yay!


AND Now!


*10 minutes later*

-AAAAY!!!! *takes breath*Okay thats outta my system:P The reason I'm so happy is I'm now captain:

Sosuke Aizen

Rangiku still too(even more yay!)!

And now some pics:P

(Miss loves when ya comment:P)


Miss's Blog station! So much to say, so little time...not really...lets begin:D

Okay lets see:

Today at school in Spanish random people were saying what they'd do if they had one wish...well EVERYONE asked me...guess what I said...Take over the world:P Well the response was slightly amusing...1 girl said she scared now:lol: and everyone talked about it all c|ass lol.

Well I'm tyoinbg pretty fast cause got like 30mins to an 1 hour online today so...yeah.

Now lets see...

OH! I'm gonna mention one person on each my blogs:D So this time is:

Curtis1560 -My friend from the Gotei 13, Kom and Kensei:P He recently has returned so I'm glad he's back:P I choose him as the mentioned friend cause hes a good friend and cause it's my blog so I can do what I want:lol:

Speaking of the Gotei 13 Union...Please join if you like anything Bleach:D

Now some Pics:P

Okay Thats all for now:P


Miss's Blog station! Getting some upgrades and staying cool:P

Welcome Welcome! Tonight I got some plan:P I plan to update this to a cooler level and keep it intresting! So heres the upgrades:

1. I plan to have this(points up) or some kind of welcome sign for each blog:P

2. Is there something you'd like to see my blog about? Well I may run low on ideas but if you got some message them to me!:P

3. I'll try to keep each blog amusing or at least not boring.

4. This is like a radio station you could say...

5. I'll have link to blog in the Miss's Blog Station sig to get to recent blog, I'll put updated day by sig as well.

6. I will try to post a new one at least once a week.

Thats it for now...Some pics to end this segement of Miss's blog!

Cool Cool!


Whats ta say:P

THANK YOU For reading!
(Miss loves it when ya comment;):P)


We return 2, M.B.S! 2night pics I find funny/like/cute!(resized 3sanin )

(M.B.S. is short for Miss's blog station)

As usual important updates:

I got a fishy named owen! He's a beta fish...hardest pet to kill...

I didn't where all black for 2 days of school so I almost turned tan again and not to forget 1 girl and 3 boys tried talking to me...didn't help my socail "issue"...I'll stick w/ all black thank you.

I wasn't on for almost 2 days thanks to mom not allowing me online! I hate that...but its not often so oh well...


Naruto PICS!



Yourichi rulez:

Wonder what Ichigo is thinking:

THANK YOU FOR READING! Hope ya liked the pics there some of the ones I find amusing:P


The Evil Miss Blog Station :P

Welcome to The Evil Miss Blog Station!! For amusement and cool my opinion at least:P Lets begin!

I decided "HEY! New blog time!"

Lets see first is important updates:

The AGAU is doing good I'm glad to say:P

The Gotei 13 is...the same as always:D

I got a new blog pic*points to top*

Now for some Pics I like!



Tune in next time to The Evil Miss Blog! Thankz you!
