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missanimefan Blog

The Akatsuki Clan. Sound familar?

Remember the Akatsuki Clan?

I use to be a member but resigned from lack of activity and the look that it was hopeless.

Well I cant just forget the union that made me join Gamespot in the first place no matter how much I think I cant help it!

Now the reason I am saying this is pretty obvious I bet.

I want help getting it alive again!

Akatsuki Clan

Akatsuki Clan Union Board

Any question PM me^^

Or Email me at:


Miss's Evil Blog Station! The Black Cat Segement!


Special edition cause its been ONE year of gamespot for me!

Not as long as some of you but hey, its a long time in Miss time:P

Btw, Black cat means Yoruichi-san lol:P

This blog is a CAT blog this time!

*Yoruichi in cat form*







*passed out*


She always faints when I transform

*Miss gets up*





Warning: Long Interview lol!


missanimefan: What's your real name?

Eucalypta: LaiTing

missanimefan: How old are you?

Eucalypta: 26

missanimefan: What do you think of Gamespot?

Eucalypta: it's ok, I used to only come here to see if there were any new games. now I only come here for unions and on occasions for the blogs.

missanimefan: What unions do you like and What do you like about those unions?

Eucalypta: I have currently 3 unions I check almost daily, The Gotei 13, The Artist Canvas and The Naruto X Bleach union. I come to Gotei 13 because that was the 1rst union I got promoted to officer and they are a lively and lovely bunch over there. There is always some activity there and most people are my best friend in the Gotei 13.
The Artis Cavas is a place I always go to when I'm stuck in designing, if you are a starting designer this is seriously the place to be when you need new tips, tutorials and help on designing. I have to say i haven;t been there in a while, thats a my bad on my side .:P
The Naruto X Bleach union is an union still in revival stage, this was the 1rst union I ever joined and actually posted 1rst in an union. I came in that union when it was.... well pretty much dead but someone still bothered to welcome me soo that was nice. Since I thought nothing was going to happen there I left. I went back to check there a year later and saw the union had a change in leader (or the dude changed his account) and now he's trying to revive the union again. I hopped in to see what he's was going to do and decided to stick a while longer then last time.

missanimefan: What are some of your favorite videogames and why?

Eucalypta: hmm I'm still on the Zelda games lol I had a game break (console break) for more then.. uh 10 years?! you you can guess I missed all PS, xBox generations... the last console I have of nintendo is a SNES lol yup yup, I very very long time ago!! And now I have a Wii, not much interesting games I must say but that dont matter much since I'm not a serious hardcore gamer. In my so called gaming console absence I started playing PC games... PC? yes, I dont call that a console. sorry lol Anyway, yup PC games and most.. uh.. all of them are stragegy games like Age of Mythology, SpellForce, Warcraft, Rome: Total war and the relaxing warfare in Civilization 3&4. relaxing because it's turnbased stragegy so I have to finish my turn 1rst before anyone can go any further lol

missanimefan: What kinda-of job(if any)do you have?

Eucalypta: I am unemployed right now and in serious need in a job, I blame economic crysis. sorry I seriously need a job...

missanimefan: What are some of your hobbies?

Eucalypta: drawing, doing designs on computer. watching anime, having chat with people on MSN (I think ya know what I mean lol)but my most fav hobby of all is... sleeping lol jk

missanimefan: Do you have a favorite quote?

Eucalypta: hmm.. yup yup?!

missanimefan: Is there anyone you'd like to meet on GS in real life? Who?

Eucalypta: all the Gotei 13 people for sure, they are so friggin funny I seriously need to meet them in person

missanimefan: Who was the first person you remember from GS?

Eucalypta: Don_Shadio, also the only person that calls me Euca-neesan. That's when I decided to call him Don-kun. lol

missanimefan: Whats your favorite music?

Eucalypta: fav music... overall I still have to say 90's. to some horrible times but to me it was heaven on earth. I dont have a specific type of music I listen to. I like rock/metal, r&b/hiphop, dance/trance/drum 'n bass and sometimes even pop music. it kinda depends what mood I am, just dont give me the Britney stuff.. seriously.. no..

missanimefan: What subject(math, english, sports, etc.)are you good at and are your favorite?

Eucalypta: .... MATH!!!! mwuahahahaaaa!!! ... yes that was my favorite subject, after that was art cIass. Math and Art people are soo different.. I always have people asking me in at Art cIass how in the world I was good at math and the other way around. Those people seriously don't understand each other.

missanimefan: What's a breif summary of yourself?

Eucalypta: brief summary of myself... hmm.. ok, graduated graphic designer (print production, yes I have a certificate or whatever it's called in English) from the Netherlands. I hate chocolate, have allergies from trees/flowers and have some allergies to some food.. I dont blow dry my hair. hmm... meh.. dunno anymore unless you have some you would like to add.


Thank you Euca-san!

Since I'm bored I add in five things you may not know about me:

1. I live in Texas

2. My Real Name is Marika. Pronounced Ma-re-ka. Not merica.

3. I wear alll black

4. Im a sophomore

5. Im really nice to my friends:P (no real life though)

This has been Miss Posting on her one year anniversary of gamespoting(now a word)! THANK YOU FOR READING!


Miss's Evil Blog Station! Best interview 2 date!!!(imo)gotei&toonami must re


Welcome to my grand blog!

I have a very awesome interview for you all today and I personally think its the best up to date!!

So I am going to make you wait a little bit for it!

You know the best thing about interviewing? I get to learn about the person before I tell you all! Lol, j/k. It is awesome though to learn about people:P

Ok so lets kick off the segment already!


*Rangiku walks in*

Whaaaaaat? Trying to sleep here.


Its almost 2:30pm...


Not in some parts of the world.



Any ideas before the magnificent interveiw?


Yeah, Aizen said you better stop yaoi-ifying Hueco Mundo.


Ulquiorra and Grimmjow were meant to be!


Moving on.

Whats the current interview status?


Interviewed some the awesomest people and once the closest friends and ones I find most intresting I will move on to ones who may request to be interviewed or randomly choose someone.


Thats great. Now Ichigo said he is sueing you.



*Ichigo walks in*

Thats right! For harrassment!


Change your mind before I drop you in a ditch of hungry rabid beast after tying you to a ceiling and torturing you. You seen supernatural? Then you know.


EEP! *withdraws lawsuit*


Good boy. They never learn do they Rangiku?


Nope. Cant teach old dogs new tricks though.


So true.

Anyway lets bring on the interview cause I cant wait any longer!


missanimefan: What's your real name?

Nicaboy456: For those who wish to know, its Mark.

missanimefan: What's your namename(s)?

Nicaboy456: Dont really have one but i'm being called Pops more and more nowadays....

missanimefan: How old are you?

Nicaboy456: 22

missanimefan: What do you think of Gamespot?

Nicaboy456: its okay. It gives me a place to talk about some of my fave stuff whether it be games, anime/manga or sports.

missanimefan: What unions do you like and What do you like about those unions?

Nicaboy456: Toonami since it was my original union and is filled with intellectual anime and manga viewers who back up what they preach as opposed to random fanboy n00bs. Gotei because i like the general bond between most members there and though its now starting to structure itself, that only means that it will become greater in the future. At first it was just OT, but now its OT with some topics of relevance to discuss lol. Nice.....

missanimefan: What are some of your favorite videogames and why?

Nicaboy456: MLB 09 The Show cuz its baseball and damn near the realest sports game i ever played. MGS4 because its the best game to come out for the PS3 so far. Dead Space cuz i'm a huge horror/suspense nut. TWEWY for the music, story and gameplay and the last two Castlevania's on the DS: Portrait of Ruin and Order of Ecclesia just cuz i love Castlevania so much for gameplay, story and music....

missanimefan: What kinda-of job(if any)do you have?

Nicaboy456: Dont have one now since my place of employment (Circuit City) went under but when i did work there, i was Assistant Manager of the store and also ruled over the TV and Home Audio departments....

missanimefan: What are some of your hobbies?

Nicaboy456: Playing games of course, playing sports, practicing with my weapons and playing around with Aya-chan....

missanimefan: Do you have a favorite quote?

Nicaboy456: Rather interesting....

missanimefan: Is there anyone you'd like to meet on GS in real life? Who?

Nicaboy456: Not really....

missanimefan: Who was the first person you remember from GS?

Nicaboy456: First person i remember is my old buddy OA. i read one of his legendary GS fights and could never forget him. i have tremendous respect for him....

missanimefan: Whats your favorite music?

Nicaboy456: I dont have a favortie per say. My wife likes to play alot of her Japanese stuff around the house and i've gotten used to it. so i guess i'd have to say anything that has a J- put right before it lol....

missanimefan: What subject(math, english, sports, etc.)are you good at and are your favorite?

Nicaboy456: Hated math, English was okay , Gym was awesome, excelled in all sciences, but most importantly i dominated in Global Studies and World history. I still can never forget how i got a 98 in my Global Regents. best test score i ever had for something i never studied for....

missanimefan: What's a breif summary of yourself?(basically anything I may forgot to ask)

Nicaboy456: Well.....for those who dont know, i'm a calm, level headed, care-free kinda person who moves at his own pace and tries to avoid conflict at all costs but doesnt mind when a challenge from time to time. I'm also married and have a 5 month old daughter named Aya. I gave her the middle name Nunnally cuz of Nunnally from C.G. Umm....i majored in Speech pathology and minored in psych. Its through Psych where i met my wife in college. She's about to finish her master's in it. Allegedly i speak in sarcastic tones though i dont hear it really and it pisses off a lot of people like i really care about them anyway. My wife is an artistic type. She's been drawing since i think she said 6 or 7 and is in talks with a major animation company in Japan (i cant say who) to become one of their lead artists or something like that. She does great work and also happens to be my Japanese teacher when she feels like it. She gets a tad bit emotional from time to time which isnt exactly a good thing. I personally dont believe in showing emotions really. She's a hell of a fighter who can hold her own just like me. I think that on a good day, she could kick my ass if she really wanted to. ANYWAY....I do my own thing and live my own life and if you dont like it, then you can just move on....


Thank you Nica-kun for allowing me to interview you!!!! You certainly gave one of the best interviews yet in my opion:P


Why did you interview him though?


Because he was one at the top of my list to interview which people only get there to ways. 1, I really want to learn about them. 2, I find them really awesome.

And most I consider friends lol.


Miss...where is the cookies?*looks over to see Miss eating a cookie*


*quickly finishes cookie*

Best part is while others are distracted by interview I can steal the cookies^-^


MISS! Your buying the next cookies!


Steal the money from Hitsu, he wont mind. Or egoist Kuchiki.


...You are evil.


Uh, duh.

*turns back to Rangiku*



Special thanks to Nica for the interview!

Thanks for all who have left comments on any of my blogs!

~Miss(missanimefan aka Evil Goddess Miss)

P.S. NEXT BLOG WILL LIKELY BE APRIL 5!! I'll been here one year O_o Rare for me to stay with a site so long, But I anit leaving anytime soon:P

Miss's evil blog presents EGO MANIA! OH and a nice little torture session!


Today I bring you the EGO portion of are station! In honor of FINALLY getting Mr. Ego man himself to interview!

I kept "forgetting" to post his interview lol.

First off lets put off the interview a few minutes, ok?




Theres my first victim for todays segment^-^

*Naruto walks in*



No no no! Nothing to worry about Naru-kun^_^


I never asked. Now I am suspicious.


When did you get smart? ANYWAY! Where are the other contestants?


Other cont-




Because I can.


And Im here...?


Need a few more boys so sit your butts over there*points at bench*

*Rangiku walks in*

You call Miss?




Whats going on?


You'll see=D

*Suzaku walks in*

Hello Miss.


Sit*points at bench where other boys are*

*Edward falls through ceiling*



Watch it mr! SIT!





*Boys all sit*

Good boys.

I think thats everyone.



Introducing this segment of Miss's Evil Blog!





You didn't think I'd call you all here for nothing did you?^_^


And me?


Co Host silly!




Now here are the need to knows:

Hmmmmmm, there aren't any really.

*Boys try to run*

*Miss pressing a button and boys fall through ground*


*cage rises up and boys are in it*

Yay! No escape gentlemen XD




No. Now, lets have some fun? RANGIKU! BRING EM IN!

*Rangiku brings in a covered table*

*Miss grins wickedly*

Now boys. Behave and this wont hurt...Too much:twisted:

*waves and Rangiku pulls Ichigo forward*


Why me!?


You spoke first and are most fun to hurt^_^

*Ichigo sees Miss take a needle filled with red liquid*

Wha-what is that?


You'll see:twisted:



*loud scream and camrea appears in abandon run down building*

*Rangiku appears on screen and Ichigos screams are still hearable*

Poor Ichigo. You dont want to know what she is doing to him.

*hears multiple male screams*

Poor boys.

*sighs and walks over to the tv and vcr*

Lets watch the interview, eh?


missanimefan: What's your real name?

sfkm2: Jordan Foster

missanimefan: Whats some your nicknames?

sfkm2: GS- Legendary Captain or Kisuke since I act like him most of the time.

missanimefan: How old are you?

sfkm2: 18

missanimefan: What do you think of Gamespot?

sfkm2: Awesome site where you chat with friends

missanimefan: What unions do you like and What do you like about those unions?

sfkm2: Fighter's Realm Union because of the fighting games. Thank You Demon2545.

Gotei 13 Union because of Bleach.

missanimefan: What are some of your favorite videogames and why?

sfkm2: Street Fighter Series including the Vs. Series. I just love the series period.

missanimefan: What are some of your hobbies?

sfkm2: playing video games, writting my anime story, hitting balls at the batting cage

missanimefan: Do you have a favorite quote?

sfkm2: "The Chaos Winds of Nami flows strong and freely but it always take down the weak."

"I'm always ten steps ahead of everyone except one person."

missanimefan: Is there anyone you'd like to meet on GS in real life? Who?

sfkm2: The current and former captains of the Gotei 13 Union.

missanimefan: Who was the first person you remember from GS?

sfkm2: Hmmm Mostly the members from Fighter Realm Union like Demon2545, Linkzero, and so on.

missanimefan: Whats your favorite music?

sfkm2: Don't have one

missanimefan: What subject(math, english, sports, etc.)are you good at and are your favorite?

sfkm2: Mostly all the history s except World History.

missanimefan: What's a breif summary of yourself?

sfkm2: Look at Byakuya and Kisuke brief summary and you know my brief summary.


Well, we managed to get an interview but soon he went egoist so we hung up on him^_^

*Rangiku looks around and hear cell phone ring*

*answers*Yes? Ok. Yeah. I understand. Yeah, the interview just ended. Ok.*hangs up*

Back to Miss.

*Camera appears on Miss*

Welcome back ^-^


Where are the boys?






OH THEM! I tied them up to a cliff half naked and a mouse nawing the rope.





Please note no one was severely harmed during the making of this blog.


NOT SERVERELY!? You did harm them!?



*ties skfm2 up to a plane half naked*TO CANADA!




*Miss gone somewhere*

~missanimefan(Miss the Evil Goddess)

Miss's Evil Blog Station waits & wham! Choas ensues!? Be afraid...very afra


If you get scared type in "123 interview!!" in the find(ctrl + F) to skip straight to the interview.

Here we are yet again eh? Well I decided since sfkm2 is being a pain about interviewing him I would interview someone whom is intresting and cool...not to mention bored enough to take the time to do an interview lol.

While I wait for her response I am going to talk about random stuff.

First off my mom can't take me along in may to philly to find house since I missed too many school days already and too many more will mean court.

Second, About ten(10) weeks of school left!!! YAY!! But boooo cause testing in April. TAKS suxs! Imma fail it, just watch.

Third, I love pic hunting:)

I find lots of cool avatars and pics lol.

Currently, Im attempting to watch strawberry panic though I keep getting sidetracked in convos. See my avatar and sig? Well they are from that show. They are not boys, they are girls. Meaning not yaoi-_-

The Gotei is doing well from what I see, chaotic but still doing well. The toonami is seeming calm as usual. Note the only two I been going to lately>.>

Hm...outta stuff to say really.


Whats taking darn it...

*Ichigo walks in*

Hey Miss where is Renji?

*Miss looks over*

Hm? Oh hes training...why? You two gonna have a little fun ;)

*Ichigo shouts*

MISS! Stop being perverted! And No! I just wanna training my bankai against his dammit!


:o You wanna train "it" against "his"!?!?*fangirl squeal*




You gave me the ammo dude...never girl a fangirl ammo.


You mean perverted fangirl.


That too.


...whatever...your crazy.


Yeah? Well normal is overrated.

*Ichigo leaves*

*Rangiku walks in waving a yaoi book*


*Miss snatches it*

Mine! Now shoo!

*Rangiku pouts but leaves*

*Renji approches*

Was Ichigo here?


Yes. But he seemed offended when I asked if he was trying to get with you.


.......Miss.....You are creepy......


I dont stalk therefore I am not creepy. Do you think Ichimaru like Ichigo?

*Renji* are messed up.....*walks away*

*Miss yells after him*

SO ARE MANY OTHERS! *pouts and walks in the Naruto world* Oh Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasukeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

*no response*

..........they ran.......

*Naruto cast*

She wont find us in the Inuyasha deminsion.

*Miss appears above them*

What will I not find?

*Naruto cast run away*


Aw boo.

*goes back to the tv/radio station*

We need that inteview...

~One day later~

*Miss sleeping and drools on table*



*Miss jumps startled and cuts off interns head*

...I told them not to do that...*calls the head department* We need a new intern.*goes to the station*

"123 interview!!"


~rolls film~


missanimefan: What nicknames do people usually call you here(gs)?

Kuroida: Kuro, Kur

missanimefan: What do you think of Gamespot?

Kuroida: It's OK, not enough people on anymore though

missanimefan: What unions do you like and What do you like about those unions?

Kuroida: Toonami union (know practically everyone there, comics + manga= awesome since I'm a fan of both ^_^; ), Gotei 13 (lots of people, new and old), Naruto Union (keeps me updated with current events in the manga and I also know a lot of people there), STMT (has helped me become a better designer, still does)

missanimefan: What are some of your favorite videogames and why?

Kuroida: Area 51 (PS) because it's straightforward and practically kills brain cells. There's no complicated rules, you don't have to move around or hide and worry about which gun you should be using etc. Simple point and shoot.

missanimefan: What are some of your hobbies?

Kuroida: playing video games, reading (mostly manga and comic books), surfing the web, hanging out with my friends, building models and I've been wanting to make AMVs now a days for some reason.....

missanimefan: Do you have a favorite quote?

Kuroida: "Bond.....James Bond" (not really my favourite quote but can't think of anything else at the moment except for the famous Yoda one)

missanimefan: Is there anyone you'd like to meet on GS in real life? Who?

Kuroida: I dunno, you? ^_^;

missanimefan: Who was the first person you remember from GS?

Kuroida: uhhh....spiritwave....I think

missanimefan: Whats your favorite music?

Kuroida: 80s, some 70s too mostly

missanimefan: What subject(math, english, sports, etc.)are you good at and are your favorite?

Kuroida: I was good at English until I got a b**** as a teacher and now my average just plunged from a 90 to like a 70 >_>. Now I dunno, art I guess I was pretty good at gym too last semester

missanimefan: Whats you favorite tv show?

Kuroida: Monty Python's Flying Circus

missanimefan: What's a breif summary of yourself(basically whatever I may forgot to ask that you want to add)?

Kuroida: Asian, girl, 14, 9th grade, beginnner designer, trying to write my own book, likes Formula One, hangs out with weird friends *coughKatecough* and I dunno, that's about it....

~End Interview~

Thank you Kuro!

At least she didn't give me hell like sfkm did._. He wouldn't say yes or no to an interview-_- I'll try to get it thurday...

Thank you for reading!

Feel free to leave comments:P lol


Miss's Evil Blog Station! Interview with Puppy-chan! OMGOSH:o

OMIGOSH! Waiting on interview response from the great Puppy-chan! For those whom are oblivios to this person: BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES! His username is spiritwave.

Oh, and a few things while we wait...
Spring break starts next Friday!
Sometime May, me and my mom are going to look for a place to live in phillidelphia, Imma be "skipping school" for a week. But never fear! My mom plans to bring a wireless connection laptop! I'll be online the entire time! WHOO! lol

Now to the interview!


missanimefan: What's your real name?

spiritwave: ...Mike

missanimefan: How old are you?

spiritwave: Gonna be 18 next you can guess my age now...O.o

missanimefan: What do you think of Gamespot?

spiritwave: Fun place to hang around in unions and talk with people tyhat have common interests...*cough*Toonami Union*cough*

missanimefan: What unions do you like and What do you like about those unions?

spiritwave: hmmmm...tough not rly...Anyway, I like the Toonami Union for a few reasons. It's always active, has fun games, and really organized. Nice people too. Can't forget that I'm an officer there...;) Only other Unions that I drop by are The Gotei 13...but I have no clue about Bleach so I only do annual 1000s of post visits there...then there is that 1 union that I invaded...better check in on how the invasion is going...

missanimefan: What are some of your favorite videogames and why?

spiritwave: MGO, beastly online game...I'm at a rank that most people cheat to get, and I have tons of friends on there.

missanimefan: What are some of your animes and why?

spiritwave: YYH(c1assic fighter/awesome characters), Nausicaa Of the Valley of theWind (I luv u Princess!!!), Princess MOnonoke(The Wolf Clan rules), Gundam 00...(Lockon Stratos ftw...yeah, awesome character...)

missanimefan: What kinda-of job(if any)do you have?

spiritwave: my*stops thinking of this thing called a job*

missanimefan: What are some of your hobbies?

spiritwave: you mean besides dedication to no life??? ...GS...and MGO right now basically...used to draw anime a bit, but I don't have much time for that with art c1ass assignments...

missanimefan: Do you have a favorite quote?

spiritwave: not really, but i do have a few comin to mind right now...

"Fission Mailed." and "Believe in yourself, and create your own destiny. Don't fear failure."

missanimefan: Is there anyone you'd like to meet on GS in real life? Who?

spiritwave: eh...I'd like to meet a lot of my friends on here. You all seem like cool people.

missanimefan: Who was the first person you remember from GS?

spiritwave: i came from how to answer this lol...

missanimefan: Whats your favorite music?

spiritwave: hip hop/ rock(just started liking rock recently.)

missanimefan: What subject(math, english, sports, etc.)are you good at and are your favorite?

spiritwave: I think I'm good at science a bit...and I like it most because c1ass is so funny...

missanimefan: Whats you favorite music?

spiritwave: that you ask me again...I like anime op and eds more than regular songs most of the time.

missanimefan: Whats your favorite color?(random)

spiritwave: blue

missanimefan: What's a breif summary of yourself?

spiritwave: I guess I'm a laid back kinda guy. I take things seriously though...don't get me wrong. I like competing in things...but I also don't mind losing or even losing on purpose...I usually try hard when I want to prove something or just for honor ya know. Anway...yeah...I think that was a pretty random thing to say...but I guess I can just be a random person at times..or slightly random...yeah...i like that term better..."slightly random."


Thanks to Puppy-chan for being interveiwed!!!!

Well there you have it!:o

Now on another note:

If ya lookin ta join a uni you outta check out these:

Clan of Evil Conquest

Yaoi Lovers union

Yuri fan club

Black Knights Rebellion

Thanks fer readin!

Whoa, texas moment there lol

~Miss(feel free to comment even if I dont know you lmao)

Miss's Evil Blog Station Returns With a Old segment! Welcome Guest appearence...


HIYA! Welcome to my blog station!

Here we are, yet again, a new blog post, a new peice! Only this peice isn't totally new! Remember I use to interveiws? WELL GUESS WHAT!? Imma bring them back! Imma choose peeps I haven't interviewed yet and bring them here!

So! This is techniquely interview 6 if I go by already posted interviews(go though blog post to see them).

I remember awhile back asking to interview Dracon_08 but he sais nah. HOWEVER! I asked last night and he said sure so DRUM ROLL!

INRODUCING*drums play*


(This interview was done via messanger so its raw format has been fixed to fit this blog aka. edited format.)


What's your real name?


ceasar chavez


How old are you?


20 years smex
*waits while you write that down*


What do you think of Gamespot?


the mods need to stop ridein my ass


What unions do you like and What do you like about those unions?

gotie 13 and i like it cause its got cool people with the exception of kisu my asske and the cheerloser
write it down i be in my trailer. WHERE THE F**** MY DIET COKE. this is coke zero YOUR FIRED

missanimefan: Kisu? And Asske?

kisuke. kisu my asske
its a play on words! hey you in the back get the lighting right! dont make me pull a christian bale on your ass!


What are some of your favorite videogames and why?


halo 3, ears 2, left 4 dead, pokemonses, chrono trigger,shadow of the collusus cause halo ive been playing for like 6 or 7 years now and am devasting at and gears is just awesome left 4 dead with buddies online is the funniest thing ever pokemons is just clasic and entertaining chrono trigger cause its awesome and shadow of the collusus cause holy crap man you climb these huge monsters and then you gotta stab em places and oh man so awesome


What kinda-of job(if any)do you have?


hmmmm currently im all over the place job wise but mainly im learning carpentry and electric work TRAADES BABY! thats the life for me!


What are some of your hobbies?


i likes to train with my sword and take my beautiful fiance jenn out to eat and watch me be obnoxious like the time i called her a raceist in the store LMAO and the people looked at us lmao and im a pretty good drawer to...who says im not......they liars i kick the in da nuts


Do you have a favorite quote?


thats weak sauce with a hint of lame
no i dont make sense i make dollas!
thats what she said
life will find a way
that wasnt my mom it was my uncle HA you did it with a man


Is there anyone you'd like to meet on GS in real life? Who?


id like to hang out with sean and justin and punch jordan right in his nerd face! id also like to meet my sisters and ive already met my love.....oh and id like to kick gabbie right in her pom poms


Who was the first person you remember from GS?


my sweet sweet jennifer


Whats your favorite music?




What subject(math, english, sports, etc.)are you good at and are your favorite?


i was always good at drama which was my favorite do the work the teacher would say shuv it john id good times


What's a breif summary of yourself?


im awesome. i always sleep with a fan on i will defend anyone i care about to the death i love to entertain people and i love dragons and my favorite food is bacon. i love jesus and my jennifer and my favorite show growin up as beast wars WOOH

Anything I forgot to ask you'd like to add?

why are you so awesome ? you forgot to ask that


heh, what would the answer be?


steroids.......lots and lots of steroids.......and self promotion GOOOOOO ME!


uh huh...


thy were thinking of putting my face on the side of a bus but they tink its so awesome it might cause the bus to go back in time so they put it on hold for further research. true story

Thank you for letting me interview you!! Its much appreciated!


There it is! Brother Hitsus interview!

*Rangiku walks by and sees*

Thats my captain for you.


Get off my station...

*Rangiku shrugs and leaves*



Unions that rule:

Gotei 13, toonami, the black knights rebellion, clan of evil conquest,and...

Any union Im in! Otherwise I wouldn't be there! lol:P

Well! Anywho, I plan to continue interviews! So If you'd like to be interviewed tell me, ok?

People I plan to ask to interview in future:









and well...anyone I speak or notice fron the Gotei 13 and/or Toonami union. Like I said, just tell me ya want to be interviewed:P

Thanks for reading!!!

Evil Goddess of all and infiniate darkness,


Miss's Evil Blog!! Update...

*sarcastic annoyed tone*

Great! I had typed up a blog 15 minutes ago on my grandmas crappy computer and WHAM! It shuts down!

So I gotta RE-type EVERYTHING! *sighs*No use complaining over whats done though I suppose.

Lets begin(again):

First off Imma give ya a few updates.

TODAY: I got a DS! FINALLY! I got it from ebay, it came with two gba advance games, mario and luigi superstar saga which currently I am absorbed inand spyro orange which I beat awhile back. It also had 2 DS games, Star wars IIlego thing which I got totally bored with in seconds, I plan to pawn it off at school...maybe that one kid will buy it, and spectrobes which is kinda cool though the batte bit I dont understand>_>

This past week: Its been awesome for the part I been on messanger and chatting:P

January: Kinda boring...

Hm, what else...oh right...

Some on my messanger keep asking me this same thing so I say it now that way I can tell them "READ MY BLOG" next time they ask:

I am grounded on school days. I am using MOBILE messanger! Which means, NO, I'm not online>_>

Im staying home tommorrow to help out around house so I can stay up til 2am, thats why I'm here instead of sleeping for school.

I plan to get back to making blogs like my evil station at some point but, school is hazardous. I cant manage to focus, sleep through C|ass and write fanfic when awake.

Oh! Speaking of which! On, If you like yaoi look up Authors -> missanimeuchiha

Hm...I only on weekends now so I usually stay at gotei 13...send me a PM if ya need me or whatever...someone can almost always contact me if Im awake and out of school.

Hm...what else...thats it for now...


~Miss(THATS ME!!:o:D)

OMGOSH!!!! Its Miss's evil blog station!


*climbs outta a dark abyss*YES! I AM ALIVE!

Hello kiddos! How you been!?

*Rangiku smacks her*

Your younger than alot of them-_-


Oh well!

Ok, first off let me fill you in on a few things, okay?

1. The Gotei 13 Rulez! If ya like bleach at all then JOIN! DO IT NOW!:D

2. If you have ANY evil in you then JOIN THE CLAN OF EVIL CONQUEST!

3. I cut my unions down to 8!:o

Now on a different note, I'm writing this on my grandmas slow as a rock wheel computer cause mom is using her computer, the one I normally write blogs one, and wont get the **** off already!! *rolls eyes*


Quick note: This is a boredom blog so I'm thinking of random stuff.


Oh how about 5 things you may not know bout me?

1. I live in Texas but am moving to Phillidelphia in June 2009

2. I want to move to Canada or somewhere in the Europes area

3. A non-anime show I like is supernatural

4. I am a MAJOR yaoi fangirl!!!!! *fan squeal*Yaoi is sooooo hot!!(ok some of you already knew that)

5. I have brown eyes and dark brown hair and some people think I'm crazy when I say I rather have blue eyes and silky black hair:|


Most of my friends are male, but since I joined gs I now have almost as many female friends as guys. The girls may have something to do with my acting more like a girl lately...But I gots lots of friends around here:o


*shoots Ichigo outta cannon*

Oh! Just for the record, NO ONE CAN DEFEAT ME!!!! SERIOUSLY, NONE CAN!!!:twisted:


So how have you all been?


Lets look at some innocent bunny pictures shall we?:D


I could see me saying this:

These two bunnies are just MEAN:

Hm, so true:

OMIGOSH I had this poster at my house at one time:

Now why is this familer:

From top left to top right: Yep, Yep, Lame, Yep, Yep
From bottom left to bottom right: Lame, Lame, Lame, Yep, Yep

So true:o:

When Im told not to eat the newbies I'll remind them the newbies say this:

Cant get over this:

I will never think bunnies are innocent again!:lol:

Well thats it!


Miss's Evil Blog station!!! I.C. Pt2


And Now for a chaos endused chapter, I'm surprised I didn't get killed!


Told you, now just tell the story before you give it all away.


*sarcastic*Yes mum

*Rangiku glares*


Fine Fine!

Insanity Crew


Part 2


Miss waited for Soi Fon to answer,"Whats taking her?"   Rangiku looked up from adjusting her clothes,"Oh, she went out."  Miss looked sideways,"How did YOU know that?"  Rangiku smiled lightly, pointing to to window with a sign saying 'gone out, be back later'.  Miss scowled,"We'll return later then."  Miss ran north,"Hurry up Rangiku!"  Rangiku yawned,"Where are you going?"  "To girly mans.  Ya know, Kiki?"  Rangiku facepalmed,"Byakuya don't like when you call him that you know?"  "I know, thats why I do it."  Miss took a hairpin from her hair and carefully unlocked the Kuchiki manor,"Lets go Rangiku,"she whispered.  Rangiku sighed,"This is a bad idea Miss."  "Hush!"  She hid as Renji passed, noting him stop.  "Miss, Rangiku, I know your here."  Miss walked out,"How?"  "You weren't masking your reatisu."  "Dam!  Wheres Kuchiki?"  "Captain?  Hes upstairs.  I wouldn't bother him though."  "Thanks Renji," Miss called, running toward Byakuya.  "Does she listen when people tell her somethings a bad idea?"  Rangiku laughed lightly,"No, she doesn't seem to care though."  Rangiku noted Miss looking down the stairs.  "You going to stand there all day or are we going to go find Kiki?"  Rangiku sighed and smiled,"I'll be there in a moment,"she said walking slowly to the staircase.

It took a few minutes, but, they finally found Byakuya.

"KIKI!"  "Scatter Sen-" Rangiku stepped in front of Miss,"Relax, shes just trying to get a reaction."  Miss shunpo'd infront of his desk and starting going through it,"Paperwork, paperwork, and LAMENESS!"  She poured a bottle of ink over everything.  "White lightning."  Miss quickly moved,"Ai, careful now!"  Miss noted Byakuya growing annoyed so looked at Rangiku,"Help?"  Rangiku yawned,"Byakuya...we are videotapping the Captains and anyone who happens to cross are path, my point being, Miss is trying to get reactions from people."  Miss hissed,"I should've just used my zapakuto to help..."  She gazed at the window," long have you been messing with Renji?  And why him, Gin, Aizen, an-"  Rangiku noted the meaning immediately and that Byakuya was pointing at Miss, she grabbed Miss's shoulder and ran to the door,"Run!!"  They dashed outta the room, just as a white lightning hit the wall, setting off the house's sprinklers.

After being a safe distance from the Kuchiki manor, Miss gasped back ****!! That was close!!  And look at me," she rung out the arm of her shinigami robes,"I'm soaked!"  She stomped to squad 5 and Rangiku went to squad 10.  After both changed to dry clothes they met up at the sakura tree deep in the forests.  "Where to next Miss get us killed?"  "Hm...OH!  I KNOW!"





This has been Miss telling you to ALWAYS cause choas my dears!


And Rangiku advising you not to listen to Miss when it comes to antagonizing.
