Great feature ! just do me one favour... just mention "Spoiler Alert !!!!!" in the biggest font you have on this page. People are in for a surprise if they expect you guys to retain the plot & element of surprise in these games. :-)
if the developers & studios held their own shows, does ESA think all the press will be able to cover these events ? What about their hotel room expenses, their meals, their transportation ? Maybe the Gamespot, CNN, G4 etc. can afford it but what about the hundred other gaming sites/publications ? A trade show like E3 is important & ESA has to take measures to make the event what it was intended to be - a press & marketing event. Not some trade show where even Paris Hilton has to make her presence felt !
hey pretty cool idea. good going Gamespot... looking forward to more. Amazing how the word 'Podcast' nowadays can make a mundane 'ol audio-interview sound like one big deal. he he.
mithund's comments