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mjc's GOTY Selections - Because I Said So Part 3 - 2016

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Because I Said So is the only game of the year awards you should care about...because I said so.

If you missed Part 1, check it out to see my 2016 choice for most disappointing, best shrink wrapped and best old game. If you missed Part 2, check it out to see my 2016 choice for best mobile, Vita and 3DS games.

On to Part 3, where I continue to select my favourite game for PS4, Xbox One and Wii U.

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The Xbox One didn't get too much love this year. The winner and runner-up, shown below, represent the only two games I purchased for the console all year!

WINNER - Recore

Yes, it's been receiving mediocre reviews, but it's a very good game with an interesting story. I love the setting and gameplay is very satisfying. If you've been intrigued by the game, you may as well give it a try now that it's in the bargain bin.

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RUNNER UP - Halo 5

Runner-up by default. It was fine, but pretty forgettable.

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Unlike the Xbox One, my PS4 got plenty of attention throughout 2016. That made narrowing down to a winner and runner-up much more challenging.

WINNER - Uncharted 4

Rich story, finely-tuned gameplay, and a Monkey Island reference. Need I say more?

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RUNNER UP - Gravity Rush Remastered

Much like my top Vita game for 2016, this is a remaster of a previous GOTY winner for me. I can't wait for the sequel in the new year!

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The Wii U is on the way out and my selection of 2016 games is a reflection of that. Why? I only picked up one new Wii U game this year. While it's winner by default, it's still a decent title.

WINNER - Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE

I haven't played as much of this game as I'd like, but it appears to be a rare gem. If you're into JRPGs with decent battle mechanics, check this one out.

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RUNNER UP - <null>

That's all for Part 3. Keen an eye out for Part 4, coming soon!

mjc's GOTY Selections - Because I Said So Part 2 - 2016

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Because I Said So is the only game of the year awards you should care about...because I said so.

If you missed Part 1, check it out to see my 2016 choice for most disappointing, best shrink wrapped and best old game.

On to Part 2, where I start my selection for favourite game for each platform. My GOTY will emerge from this list, so be sure to pay close attention!

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There were plenty of awesome mobile games to choose from this year, including Deus Ex GO, Lumines, PinOut, and Submerged. However, my favourite for 2016 is:

WINNER - Severed

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A fantastic adventure game with excellent touch screen combat that makes it a perfect fit for a mobile game

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There wasn't too many games for the Vita in 2016 and things look pretty grim for 2017. I'm guessing this will be the last time it gets its own category:

WINNER - Day of the Tentacle Remastered

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A remaster of my 1993 GOTY. No need to say anymore!

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A pretty decent selection of 3DS games this year. While Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice has been keeping me busy the past month, I have to give this one to:

WINNER - Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright

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It could have done with stronger story, but the gameplay is top notch. I went with Birthright, but plan to return to Conquest soon.

That's all for this part. Keep an eye out for Part 3!

mjc's GOTY Selections - Because I Said So Part 1 - 2016

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Now in its ninth year, Because I Said So is the only game of the year awards you should care about...because I said so. Each year I select my favourite game, along with a few others in categories such as favourite unwrapped, most disappointing and best old game I finally got around to. If you're interested in my choices from last year, you can check them out here.

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Games in this category don't necessarily suck. They either didn't live up to my hype or I felt they could have been so much more.

WINNER - No Man's Sky (PC)

I had no plans on pre-ordering and I was happy to wait for the reviews. However, a mere day or two before launch - I purchased a ticket. A ticket on the hype train...

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For the first hour, I really enjoyed NMS, but it didn't take long for me to realise it was pretty hollow. I hadn't been following the hype for too long, so I wasn't as disappointed as others were. However, after reading and watching some videos on what everyone was expecting, I can see why they got so upset.

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There's the start of a great game there and I'm thankful they've released a new patch with new content. I can only hope it grows into the game everyone wants, because at the moment, it's only good for penis simulations.

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There's a ton of games I purchased this year that remain shrink wrapped. Titanfall 2, The Division, Deus Ex Mankind, but the one I'm most eager to play...

WINNER - Final Fantasy XV (PS4)

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It's been 10 years in the making, what's another month or two?

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Perhaps the reason there's so many shrink wrapped is because I played so many oldies. Yakuza 5, my Best Shrinkwrapped from 2015, is the perfect example - it's been taking up a large chunk of my time. However, my favourite was...

WINNER - Everybody's Gone to the Rapture

As an astronomer, perhaps I'm biased (the story revolves around one). However, I truly feel this game is a masterpiece of storytelling. Yes, it's slow paced, but it's by design. You don't want to rush through this beautiful story.

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That's all for now, but keep an eye out for Part 2 coming up soon!

mjc's GOTY Selections - Because I Said So Part 4 - 2015

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Because I Said So is the only game of the year awards you should care about...because I said so.

If you missed Part 1, check it out to see my 2015 choice for most disappointing, best shrink wrapped and best old game. If you missed Part 2 and 3, check them out to see my 2015 choices for best games by platform.

Now it's time for the pièce de résistance! My 2015 GOTY.

THE WINNER! - Miss Colombia The Witcher 3

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There were so many great games this year, which made selecting just one a difficult task. Originally, The Witcher 3 was never really on my radar because I had such a large backlog of games to get through. However, after powering through The Witcher 2, I was keen to continue Geralt's story and soon jumped into his third game. In the first 5 minutes, I wasn't impressed by his slightly different appearance and what, at first, appeared to be an over-saturated colour palette. By the 6 min mark I was over all of that and was hooked. I went on to sink about 90 hours into the game and the first DLC, Hearts of Stone. As I said in Part 3, it's such a fantastic gaming world that feels so alive. I can't wait to return to it in the new year with the Blood and Wine expansion!

mjc's GOTY Selections - Because I Said So Part 3 - 2015

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Because I Said So is the only game of the year awards you should care about...because I said so.

If you missed Part 1, check it out to see my 2015 choice for most disappointing, best shrink wrapped and best old game. If you missed Part 2, check it out to see my 2015 choice for best mobile, Vita and 3DS games.

On to Part 3, where I continue to select my favourite game for each platform. My GOTY will emerge from this list, so be sure to pay close attention!

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WINNER - Massive Chalice

I kickstarted this game and got a copy for PC, but I'm yet to play it. Then, Microsoft give me a free copy as part of my Gold subscription. However...I haven't really played much of it either! So why is it top spot? Because I haven't purchased a single Xbox One game all year. My pricey Xbox One has been collecting dust. That being said, I'm looking forward to picking up the new Halo, Tomb Raider and Quantum Break.

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RUNNER UP - <null>

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WINNER - Metal Gear Solid V

I'm not a fan of the ending, but it was an awesome experience while playing. I even dabbled with the online multiplayer, and that's a big deal for me - I never play online with anyone! I really really hope some DLC comes out, because I'd love to return to the world of MGS V.

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RUNNER UP - Grow Home

Grow Home was a PS Plus freebie. It also felt like a tech demo after my first 5 minutes of play. After that, I didn't bother playing it for awhile. For whatever reason, I decided to give it a second shot and I went on to finish it in one or two sittings. It was such a fun little game with quirky mechanics.

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WINNER - Super Mario Maker

Unlimited Mario levels? Yes please.

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RUNNER UP - <null>

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WINNER - Cities: Skylines

This is what the new SimCity should have been. I wasn't expecting much from Cities Skylines, but it ended up being the best city building experience I've had since SimCity 2000. It's pretty cheap, so go grab it...now!

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RUNNER UP - Broken Age Act 2

It wasn't a strong finish, but I really enjoyed Broken Age. It was another one I Kickstarted and I'm glad I did. I'm hopeful we'll see more adventure games like this released in the future.

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WINNER - The Witcher 3

I rushed to finish The Witcher 2 so I could start the third entry. All up, I think I played almost 120 hours of Witcher games back to back. That shows you how much I must like them! It's such a fantastic gaming world that feels so alive. I'm sad there may be no more Witcher games...at least for the near future.

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RUNNER UP - Life is Strange

It was really difficult not to give this one top spot for PC games. Life is Strange was an emotional (episodic) story in a beautifully drawn world. I'm beginning to click with games being released in chunks every other month and every time an episode of Life is Strange was released, I jumped on it.

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That's all for Part 2. Stay tuned for Part 4, which will be my GOTY reveal!

mjc's GOTY Selections - Because I Said So Part 2 - 2015

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Because I Said So is the only game of the year awards you should care about...because I said so.

If you missed Part 1, check it out to see my 2015 choice for most disappointing, best shrink wrapped and best old game.

On to Part 2, where I select my favourite game for each platform. My GOTY will emerge from this list, so be sure to pay close attention!

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WINNER - The Witcher Battle Arena

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I didn't play too many mobile games this year, but one did manage to suck a few hours out of me. The Witcher Battle Arena is a MOBA game, which I actually played exclusively offline. Unfortunately, the game's servers are being closed at the end of this month. While that's bad news for those who played it as a MOBA game, I'm kinda lucky as I'll get all those premium priced goodies for free!

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RUNNER UP - Sonic Runners

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It's the perfect time waster - just what a mobile game should be.

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WINNER - Grim Fandango

The runner up and winning title for best VITA game are both remakes! Shocker! However, I never got around to finishing Grim Fandango, so I was quite excited to see it being re-released.

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RUNNER UP - Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD

To be fair, I only managed to finish FF X HD this year. I'm still chipping away at FF X-2. However, it's still so good that I'll let it steal second place.

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WINNER - Xenoblade Chronicles 3D

The Wii version remains shrink wrapped on my shelf. Yet, here I am buying, playing and giving top sport to the 3DS version. What's my problem?

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It's not horrible, but it's also not that good. Unfortunately, it's the only other new 3DS game I played in 2015, so it gets runner up.

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That's all for this part. Keep an eye out for Part 3!

mjc's GOTY Selections - Because I Said So Part 1 - 2015

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Now in its eighth year, Because I Said So is the only game of the year awards you should care about...because I said so. Each year I select my favourite game, along with a few others in categories such as favourite unwrapped, most disappointing and best old game I finally got around to. If you're interested in my choices from last year, you can check them out here.

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Games in this category don't necessarily suck. They either didn't live up to my hype or I felt they could have been so much more.

Winner - Batman Arkham Knight (PC)

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Batman Arkham Knight turned out to be one of my favourite games of the year. It's just too bad I had to wait months before I could play it. I'm sure many of you have heard about the debacle that was the PC release of this game. In brief, there were frame rate issues, stuttering, long load times, and crashing. While many still experience these issues, I've been fortunate enough to get it working!

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Winner - Yakuza 5

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Yes, it only came out a few days ago. Yes, it's a digital only release (still digitally shrink wrapped). However, it's by far the best game I own that I'm yet to play. I can't wait to sink my teeth into it!

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Winner - Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

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It only took me 7 years, but I finally got around to it. I wasn't expecting much, but it worked so well on the PSP. I had such a great time that I went out and purchased the PC version as well. Who knows, it may end up being my Best Oldie for 2016!

That's all for now, but keep an eye out for Part 2 coming up soon!

mjc's GOTY Selections - Because I Said So GOTY - 2014

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This has been a long time coming, but I've finally decided on my GOTY for 2014! For those of you not aware, Because I Said So is the only game of the year awards you should care about...because I said so.

You can find my platform selections below or here. With that out of the way, let's move on to the pièce de résistance!

The Winner! - WATCH DOGS

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It may not be as revolutionary as early trailers suggested, but what it does it does well - exciting open world gameplay. While I had hoped to get a little more from the story, it still kept me hooked and wanting more. I really enjoyed exploring modern uber-connected Chicago and hope to see the game get a sequel in the near future.

mjc's GOTY Selections - Because I Said So Part 2 - 2014

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Because I Said So is the only game of the year awards you should care about...because I said so.

If you missed Part 1, check it out to see my 2014 choice for most disappointing, favourite unplayed and best old game.

On to Part 2, where I select my favourite game for each platform. My GOTY will emerge from this list, so be sure to pay close attention!

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WINNER - Watch_Dogs

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WINNER - Octodad

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WINNER - Sunset Overdrive

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WINNER - Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes

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WINNER- Velocity 2X

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WINNER - Super Smash Bros.

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WINNER - Broken Age Act 1

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I hope you enjoyed the picture dump. Stay tuned for part 3, which will have a little more meat to it!