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mjc's GOTY Selections - Because I Said So Part 1 - 2014

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Now in its seventh year, Because I Said So is the only game of the year awards you should care about...because I said so. Each year I select my favourite game, along with a few others in categories such as favourite unwrapped, most disappointing and best retro game I finally got around to. If you're interested in my choices from last year, you can check them out here.

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Games in this category don't necessarily suck. They either didn't live up to my hype or I felt they could have been so much more.


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Valiant Hearts had the potential to be my game of the year. Unfortunately, it's very broken on iOS. Upon release, I played the first episode and was absolutely captivated by the characters, story and beautiful music. I immediately purchased the sound track and the remaining episodes through iTunes. Unfortunately, this is where the problems first began. A iOS-wide glitch prevented anyone from downloading new episodes. It took weeks to patch and by then some of the shine had worn off. When I was finally able to download the episodes, I found the iPhone 6 version was missing 1/3rd of the screen, much like my picture above. Despite the many complaints from other users and two subsequent patches since the issue began, it remains and makes the game unplayable. Had I purchased it on PC or another platform, I suspect it would be sitting pretty on the top of my list for 2014. Instead, it sits down here.

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Transistor remains shrink wrapped ... virtually shrink wrapped, at least. I would put this down to a busy year, but when I've spent hours trying to play broken games like the one above, I really have no excuse. I was so excited to play this when I first purchased it. Now, it's available for a fraction of the price and sitting on the top of many gamer's GOTY lists. I hope to tackle it soon.

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Valkyria Chronicles 2 won my top spot as GOTY in 2010 and its predecessor earnt a special mention around its release too. Unfortunately, when VC3 was released, Sega went silent on any plans to release the game to western markets. Thankfully, fans came to the rescue with a translation, which can be applied to the Japanese version of the game. I've already sank about 50 hours in and while the lack of spoken dialogue is disappointing, it's still a super game. I still have hopes that Sega will listen to the fans and release this on Vita or PS4 in the near future.

That's all for now, but keep an eye out for Part 2 coming up soon!

mjc's GOTY Selections - Because I Said So Part 4 - 2013

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Because I Said So is the only game of the year awards you should care about...because I said so.

Part 1 - Most disappointing, favourite unplayed and favourite old game for 2013

Part 2 - Most annoying passenger, worst barber and best cannibal moment for 2013

Part 3 - Platform awards for 2013

Now for the one you've been waiting for, my GOTY for 2013. It should come as no surprise, because it should be everyone's GOTY...because I said so.

IN THIRD SPOT - Attack of the Friday Monsters! A Tokyo Tale

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Those unexpected pleasures are always the best. I first noticed in on the 3DS eShop and decided to throw down the few dollars they were asking. It was a short, but sweet interactive story. I recommend it to all!

RUNNER UP - Beyond: Two Souls

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There's very few games that my wife will sit through and watch while I play. This was one of them and she enjoyed it so much that I wasn't allowed to play it unless she was there. Luckily, I enjoyed it just as much!

THE WINNER - Persona 4 Golden

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Despite sinking 100 hours into Persona 4 Golden, it never felt like a chore and it left me wanting more. It was one of those games that I had to keep picking up and I could play for 1 minute or 1 hour and still have a blast. Yet another GOTY winner on the Vita for me!

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That's it from me. Thanks for those who read and commented. Be sure to share your favourite game of the year as well, but remember only my choices count ... because I said so!

My 2013 List

My GOTY selection will be posted soon, but here's the list of every game I played that was released during 2013. What a year!

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mjc's GOTY Selections - Because I Said So Part 3 - 2013

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Because I Said So is the only game of the year awards you should care about...because I said so.

If you missed Part 1, check it out to see my 2013 choice for most disappointing, favourite unplayed and best old game. If you'd prefer to see which game had the best cannibal moment or worst barber, Part 2 is where it's at.

On to Part 3, where I select my favourite three games for each platform. My GOTY will emerge from this list, so be sure to pay close attention!

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WINNER - Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn

It's been a long time since I've paid a MMO subscription, but here we are. I didn't expect much from FFXIV:ARR, especially after the poor start with FFXIV. However, this game pulls all the best bits from other MMOs and mixes it in a world worthy of Final Fantasy.

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RUNNER UP - Tomb Raider

A reboot done right.

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WINNER - The Wolf Among Us: Episode 1

I avoided almost everything on this game before it came out. It wasn't because I didn't want to spoil it, I just wasn't interested. However, one impulse buy later and I was found myself a big fan. This year's pleasant surprise game.

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RUNNER UP - Gone Home

An exciting game of exploration that tells a good story.

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WINNER - Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

It stayed true to the series, while moving it into a new genre. Quite an achievement!

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RUNNER UP - Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons

A beautiful world and unique double-character control system made this a must-play.

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WINNER - Beyond: Two Souls

Not only is it a deeply moving and emotional game, but it sets the standard for character models and the facial animations. Every game I've played since seems horribly dated in that department.

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RUNNER UP - Grand Theft Auto V

Planning and executing heists made this one a standout!

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WINNER - Sonic: Lost World

I'm a sucker for platformers and Sonic. It's possible Mario 3D World tops this, but I haven't unwrapped it yet!

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RUNNER UP - Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut

My GOTY for 2011. It's still just as good and I loved being able to play it on a handheld with Off-TV Play.

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WINNER - Killer Instinct


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RUNNER UP - Battlefield 4

I guess it was okay, but I don't have much to select from at the moment...

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WINNER - Resogun

Who would have thought that the free retro shooter you get with the system would be this year's best game for it!

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RUNNER UP - Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag

Ship battles - YEAH!

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WINNER - Persona 4 Golden

I poked around with this one on the PS2, but never got into it. I'm so glad they made it for the Vita - such an absorbing game.

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RUNNER UP - Dead or Alive 5 Plus

A perfect handheld port for the already awesome PS3 game.

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WINNER - Attack of the Friday Monsters! A Tokyo Tale

A humorous, interactive story that I never wanted to end.

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RUNNER UP - Fire Emblem: Awakening

Turn it to easy if you don't want to cry when your characters die and can't come back.

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WINNER - Layton Brothers: Mystery Room

Not quite Professor Layton, but still a decent game and worth a look - even if you're not a fan of mobile games.

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RUNNER UP - Halo: Spartan Assault

I'll admit, I waited until 360 controller support before playing it. The touch controls are pretty crap, but it's still a decent game.

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That's all for Part 2. Keep an eye out for Part 3 next week!

mjc's GOTY Selections - Because I Said So Part 2 - 2013

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Because I Said So is the only game of the year awards you should care about...because I said so.

If you missed Part 1, be sure to check it out to see my most disappointing, favourite unplayed and favourite old game were for 2013. Part 2 is made up of some miscellaneous categories, all which I feel should be standard in every end of year game awards! Be sure to let me know yours!

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Multiple attempts to remove this lady from my car failed and it wasn't until I sent my hot set of wheels off the edge of a cliff I was finally rid of her. How rude!

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There's been some shocking video game barbers. Just check out the little pic above of the barber from Monkey Island! However, this one has to be the worse by far.

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The new XRAY finishing moves in the new Mortal Kombat game are quite revealing and shocking, but none more than Jax who appears to eat his victims!

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Enough of the silly stuff. Keep an eye out for Part 3 next week where I'll release my favourite games by platform. Be sure to share some of your favourites in the comments.

mjc's GOTY Selections - Because I Said So Part 1 - 2013

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Now in its sixth year, Because I Said So is the only game of the year awards you should care about...because I said so. Each year I select my favourite game, along with a few others in categories such as favourite unwrapped, most disappointing and prettiest Final Fantasy costume. If you're interested what I chose last year, you can check it out here.

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Games in this category don't necessarily suck. They either didn't live up to my hype or I felt they could have been so much more.


I'm a Trekkie (not a Trekker) and a proud one. I started with the original series and have seen everything that's been released, including the awesome animated series! I've also played many of the games. There's been many ups and the few downs, but nothing as horrific as this. Star Trek for the PC is a buggy, broken and horrible looking game. I could barely stomach 30 mins of it.

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First it was delayed for Mac, then I had to contend with server issues and stripped features. It was really disappointing to be limited to such small maps and not be able to alter the terrain as in previous Sim City games. Unfortunately, I only played it as long as I could build my first complete city - that wasn't long.

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The winner of this category is either still shrink wrapped or awaiting download on Steam. I know it's good, as many people tell me so, but I just haven't had the time to start it.


While it has the look of yet another sexist slayfest, Suda usually delivers so much more. It really does remain shrink wrapped on my shelf, but I hope to include it in the holiday play list.

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I love the look of this tactical roleplaying game and can't wait to sink my teeth into it. I'm a big fan of these types of games and this one certainly looks like it'll bring the nostalgia.

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We don't all have the time to play each and every new game released within the year, so here I give you the top game I played for the first time, but came out before 2013.


The best games are those unexpected beauties. I didn't expect much from The Last Story and was also a little worried about the dated graphics, but it turned out to be an awesome experience. Xenoblade Chronicles is another shrink wrapped title that just missed the list above, but after playing The Last Story, I'm pretty excited about jumping into it as well.

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I first played Dead Souls last year and quickly shelved it out of disappointment. I thought it was mindless zombie game (ha!) milking the success of the Yakuza franchise. After giving it a second chance earlier this year, I was pleasantly surprised to find it was so much more. There's tons of fan service and it handles pretty well.

That's all for now, but keep an eye out for Part 2 and be sure to share in the comments if you've started posting your own GOTY selections!

mjc's weekly gaming summary 24 - 30 Nov

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What's this all about? I take my weekly gaming summary from Raptr and chat about a few of the games I've been playing. Feel free to leave a comment and share what games you've been playing this past week!

PlayStation 4

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Last week was the Xbox One, but this week is all about the PlayStation 4. Unlike the issues I had with my Xbox One pre-order, my PS4 order went quite smoothly. My initial impressions are good - I find the controller and user interface to be more pleasant than the Xbox One, but I'm yet to jump into the games. I picked up Assassin's Creed IV and Killzone Shadow Fall and hope to start them very soon. As a PS Plus subscriber, I also got Contrast and Resogun. I've been playing Contrast on PC (great game) and Resogun looks like a neat little title, so they were nice bonuses.

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Gaming PC

Since the Xbox One and PS4 weren't enough to whet my appetite, I also took delivery of my new gaming PC. This came about because of the death of my iMac. It's got plenty of RAMs, SSDs, GPUs and other 3 letter acronyms that will hopefully allow this little beast to run most modern games on high settings for at least a month or two! I specifically went with the nifty red case with handles so I could move it from the office to the living room for Steam Big Picture Mode - my own Steam Box.

That's all for now, but before I go I'll leave you with a clip of an Ultra Combo I performed in Killer Instinct on the Xbox One. Enjoy!

mjc's weekly gaming summary 17 - 23 Nov

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What's this all about? I take my weekly gaming summary from Raptr and chat about a few of the games I've been playing. Feel free to leave a comment and share what games you've been playing this past week!

Xbox One

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This week was all about the Xbox One. I pre-ordered my console from a local store, Harvey Norman. Unfortunately, this turned out to be a bad idea. They lost my pre-order details, forgot my free Fifa 14 code and gave me a standard pack and not the Day One pack I paid for. After some phone calls and three return visits to the store, I've managed to secure my Fifa code and a Day One controller, but not the Day One achievement unlock - I'll live.

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As for the games, I purchased Battlefield 4 on disc and the the combo breaker pack for Killer Instinct. Battlefield is pretty meh, but I'm enjoying Killer Instinct. I managed to pull off my first Ultra Combo in only a few minutes. It's a great game and a worthy successor to SNES version I played so much. There's little else out that I'm interested in, so I'm keen to see what's released in the near future.

That's all for now, but before I go I'll leave you with a clip I recorded with the Xbox One's new DVR feature. Just be warned, there's some swears!

mjc's bi-weekly gaming summary 3 Nov - 16 Nov

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What's this all about? I take my weekly gaming summary from Raptr and chat about a few of the games I've been playing. Feel free to leave a comment and share what games you've been playing this past week!

Beyond Two Souls

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The gameplay may simply be a means to an end, but it remains such a unique and pleasant experience that this wasn't a bother for me. It's one of the few games that I can play with my wife and it feels as if I was controlling the outcome of a movie. The only negative that I have with the game is that there's so many different endings, which I will never get around to playing!

That's all for now, but before I go I'll leave you with my favourite screenshot of the week. As you make your way through Beyond Two Souls, you'll unlock artwork, clips and even behind the scenes. It was an impressive sight to see what they went through to make this one!

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mjc's weekly gaming summary 27 Oct - 2 Nov

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What's this all about? I take my weekly gaming summary from Raptr and chat about a few of the games I've been playing. Feel free to leave a comment and share what games you've been playing this past week!

Batman Arkham Origins

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The only gaming news I've got to talk about this week is Batman related. I only recently completed Arkham City and had no plans to start Origins just yet, but after playing the first 5 minutes (to test PC performance) I got sucked in and before I knew it, I had sunk in an hour or two. I can appreciate the issues reviewers are having with this game, but it's still worth a look if you're a fan of the series.

That's all for this week, but before I go I'll leave you with my favourite screenshot of the week. This is what it would look like if you pissed off Batman...or if he saved you from a horrible fall...your choice.

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