@meatz666 @mkeezay22 Yeh sometimes I wish I could just put my thoughts and feelings in those peoples head for a day and then ask them to suck it up,like I said though people who haven't suffered from it just can't understand it's a chemical problem in your head,you can't say hey brain produce me some more dopamine or ceratonin so I can get out of bed
@Noclippin @meatz666 I can tell you now you know the difference between depression and the blues and so will any professional,sure I had lots of bad days before I got really depressed but I never thought of suicide or harming myself,it's a sickness thats in your head and even on a good day I can be depressed now unlike when I was young and felt good on a good day and bad on a bad day when something went wrong.
@Kairysama @meatz666 The great escape from reality,it can really help keep your mind of the bad things I agree 100%,glad you had WoW @Kairysama , stick around fellow gamer :)
Almost all you guys get a "LIKE" from me,it takes courage to tell your story as I know being a sufferer of depression,ocd and anxiety myself.
But like talking to a professional just getting it off your chest helps.
I also applaud GS and Danny for doing a great job with the video and talking to people who aren't afraid to tell their story and how gaming helped them in their times of depression.
Keep up the great work guys,more articles about the real life implications of gaming and the effect it has on society in many ways would be nice
@meatz666 Exactly,before I was diagnosed with depression,ocd,anxiety I would always think stuff like why don't these people just stop,then when I was 16 my dad died and I was diagnosed with crohns disease.
After that I fell into a deep depresssion and developed ocd and severe anxiety.I finally understood you can't understand the disease or disorder unless you have it,it's an unexplainable thing really,you can tell the symptoms but yopu can't tell your brain to stop you from having them.
@ken_athomos @mkeezay22 Thanks I'm doing much better.
It's definitely true,the only times the nurses had to remind me it was time for pain meds was when I was gaming,any other time the pain would remind me
@Ladiesman17 Whats depressing is your username,sure it's not loserman.
Grow up and don't comment unless you have something relevant to say.
Personally I have suffered for 12 years from depression due to my medical problems and gaming always helps me,for instance I was recently hospitalized and had surgery on my bowel and leg,when I got into my recovery room I opened my laptop and downloaded Tomb Raider on Steam and right away I was feeling better not just mentally but physically too.The only time I wasn't thinking about the pain was when I was immersed gaming,just shows the power of gaming as a way to shut out real world pain,mental and physical
@Zloth2 @mkeezay22 that would just give me a big version of the main screen,I'd like the main screen with this to expand my view to see more of the gaming area
@Zloth2 @mkeezay22 well I would be using it just to expand my view so for me a clean flat wall would be optimal,I don't care if I miss snowflakes piling up on my bookcase
mkeezay22's comments