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Super Mario Galaxy and we're having a baby.

I've been playing the Wii as much as I can with it being in the front room. My other game systems are in the back bedroom and I can play those whenever I want. The Wii, on the other hand, is in the living room because there is so much more room there and less of a chance that someone or something will get hit with flailing arms holding Wiimotes. Super Mario Galaxy is usually the game of choice since it is the game in the Wii right now. I love this game! It takes the greatness of the past Super Mario games and adds some new tricks with the Wiimote. I have unlocked the 3rd observatory and have 34 stars. I don't know if that is good or bad but so far I haven't had any problems opening up any galaxies because of a lack of stars. The last thing I did last night while I was on break was save Luigi from the mansion. Now he is available to talk but I don't know what he says or how he can or will help. I'm looking forward to playing soon but will probably have to wait until the weekend.

The second part of my blog is not some clever intro into another topic. My wife is actually going to have a baby! YEAAAA! We have been trying for 3 years now and have been met with a little resistance. Luckily fortune has shined on us, FINALLY, and she is pregnant! Woo hoo! Sorry, I'm a little excited. On the 17th we find out her official due date and make sure everything is going as it should. We are still early on in the process so at this point we don't know anything. Keep your fingers crossed for me! :)


I only have a few minutes to type this out so this is going to be quick. I got a new assistant at work. It's funny because I work with her daughter at my second job so that's sort of funny...well, to me it is. I got Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 yesterday but couldn't play it until I got home from the second job around 11 PM. Ug. I played it and enjoyed it a lot but I definately understand what the reviewers are meaning when they say this should have been called RB6: Vegas 1.5. So far I've only hit the Terrorist Hunt mode with my friends. I'll try out the multiplayer this Friday when I only have to work one job. Woo hoo! Has anyone else picked up RB6:V2 yet?

Wii (DAY 2) **Impressions**

First off, I say day 2 because although I've had the Wii since Sunday I haven't been able to play it since Sunday. Ug! Getting new, addictive things while working two jobs is never a good thing until you get a paycheck. First I loaded up some Super Mario Galaxy since of all the games I played on Sunday, Galaxy was the one that got the shortest play time. Let me tell you that everything good that anyone has been saying about this game is true. It is all the things we love about Mario games with innovative things that keeps what normally might be the "same old, same old" and keeping them fresh and new. Second I had to pop back in Wii Sports because on Sunday my cousin beat the crap out of me in every game except golf (which I killed him in) and boxing (because I only have one numchuck). I did pretty good at bowling this time around. Actually, compared to the last time I played I did really good. After that I played some tennis which is super fun. I'm getting better at that game as well. After those two games I busted out Wave Race 64 which is a personal favorite of mine from when I had my N64. It is still awesome but I can't remember the graphics looking like they do now. Last I wanted to try out Super Smash Brother: Brawl online. Couldn't connect....denied! I'll try again on Friday.

Finally found one! Woo hoo! *First impressions**

After a year and some odd months I finally found a Wii. I had to get up early Sunday morning and wait in a small line at Best Buy but I finally got one and for the first time got to play a Wii and and I was not disappointed. I got Wii Play for the controller, Super Mario Galaxy and Super Smash Brothers: Brawl. The majority of my Sunday was spent playing Brawl with a close second going to Wii Sports. First off, I suck at Brawl but with a little help from my cousin I am getting a little better. I am ok at bowling and baseball but I'm really good at the golf. Well, by "really good" I of course mean good enough to beat my cousin. HAHA! I was thinking of getting a full bowling game and Tiger Woods but I'm going to have to look at the reviews and see how they faired. Lastly, I got to play a little of Super Mario Galaxy. I am an older gamer but have been a fan of Mario since the beginning. I only got to play this game a little but so far I am very impressed. Also, I am stuck. Ug. If anyone has any games to recommend please let me know. I was looking at Wario Ware and Mario Party so those may be in my future. Let me know.

Bye bye PSP???

I've had a PSP since launch and although I took advantage of the 2 year warranty and got me another one to replace a dead pixel I find myself never playing it. I don't have the time to play it and I don't have a memory card that is big enough to download any of the games or demos from the Sony Store so what should I do? The only games that I have are Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories and SOCOM 2 and the only game that I can see myself getting next is God of War: Chains of Olympus and I have no idea when that is coming out. Right now, and this is a shame, I can see myself playing more games on the DS that I can on the PSP. Should I sell the PSP and get a DS? I am a huge fan of Mario Kart and the fact that you can play it online is definatley the winning factor here. At this point, I wonder even how much I can get for it since Sony came out with a PSP slim. What does everyone think I should do? Any suggestions?

Busy, busy busy...

Like the title says...I am busy. Work sucks and doing two peoples worth of work is never fun. UG! I did find the time and money to preorder Condemned 2 and Vegas 2 (SE). Both are high up on my list of wanted games this year. Other than that I have been playing the heck out of COD4 trying to get as high as I can befoe Vegas 2 comes out because I know I will be hooked on that for a while until new boards come out for COD4. Also, with the announcment of Gears 2 I have been wanting to play Gears but cannot persuade any of my friends to join me. They will evenutally because I am quite persistant so until then I will continue to play COD4.

Terminator (the TV show) ended last night. Awesome series. Jehrico is in it's mid-season already since it only has 7 episodes this year and that show is also kicking major butt! Lost took notes from a slow season 3 and season 4 is AWESOME! Little people, Big World started it's new season last night and started right with his DUI so that has been interesting.

I picked up American Gangstar and We Own The Night on DVD. Both of them are great movies and I hope to have reviews somewhat soon.

Take care everyone and i will try and find time to blog a little more.

I've been gone a while

I have inadvertently been away for a while. Usually I have more than enough time at work to write my blogs but they got rid of the position of my assistant so now I am stuck with all the work I usually pawned off on my assistant. Luckily I received all the work and no pay raise so that makes me happy! UG! I still do get to check the blogs so I can stay caught up with what everyone is doing.

I am still playing COD4 like a madman. I believe I am at the 3rd Prestige level (I have the gold star with the green dot in the middle if anyone knows what level that is). I want to play as much as possible before March because in March Rainbow 6: Vegas 2 comes out and after that COD4 will be no more at least for a while.

It seems that some if the Halo players are slowly but surely trickling into COD4. How do I know this you ask? Well, between the halo jumping, the smack talk and the obnoxious behavior they have to be coming from some place and the worst I have ever seen is Halo so I believe we have a winner. It stopped me from enjoying and playing Halo3 and it is slowly doing the same thing with COD4.

There are a few games that I am looking forward to between now and the end of March. One of them is a long time coming too. That game would be Condemned 2. I loved the first game and I hope they don't mess up the second game trying to be different. Also, coming is the Lost game. The ONLY reason I am going to play this game is because it is based on the T.V. show Lost of which I am a big fan of. I have heard some cool things about the game so it will definitely be worth a try. The other game I am looking forward to is Rainbow 6: Vegas 2. I know that this game is going to rock and be the only game to tear me away from COD4. What are some of the games that you all are waiting for in the coming months?

Weekend gaming/No star power for Guitar Hero

I played so much this weekend that I am almost embarrassed. Has anyone ever just played and played and played not keeping track of the time therefore having no clue that you just spent way too long on video games? That was me this weekend. The fact that I am still alive because my wife didn't kill me is amazing!

I did get to play some Assassin's Creed this weekend. I don't know the ending but as far as I know I just made the last assassination and all I have to do is make my way back to the assassin's bureau and see where that takes me. I did make it a point to try and get all of the achievements that I could while fighting my way through to the last target. I unlocked the enemy of the poor achievement, the 50 combo on guard's achievement and I believe another one that I didn't previously have and can't think of at the moment. There are two achievements that I can't seem to get though...the stay in conflict for 10 minutes achievement and the defeat 25 guard's achievement. If anyone has any tips on those please let me know. For the stay in conflict for 10 minutes achievement can I just fight a couple guys and just keep blocking for 10 minutes?

Most of my gaming this weekend went to COD4 multiplayer. I always seem to play that the most these days. I usually play Team Deathmatch but when XBOX Live was crapping out I played some Free-For-All and did pretty good. Out of 6 games on Free-For-All I got 2nd place once and 1st place 5 times (not in row though. My streak was 3 I believe and that was Saturday). I scored as high as 10 kills ahead of 2nd place and once I beat the 2nd place guy by 1. That is what I call lucky. What was funny in that particular game was my last kill, which was also the last kill of the game, was to the 2nd place guy. Whoops! It was probably funnier to me than to him.

At the beginning of December I bought Guitar Hero II for the 360. It came with everything you need. This was my first time playing the game so my first night I played the game with the guitar upside down. Now why would I do that you ask? Well, between never holding a guitar before and never looking at the instructions I had no clue what to do. The next day I had to re-learn the game, this time with the guitar held correctly. As many of you who have been reading my blogs know, I love the game. After playing for close to a month I bought Guitar Hero III so I could play online with my friend. That is where I figured out that the Star Power doesn't work correctly. Like I said before, I had never played it before that time so I had no clue what it was supposed to do. I just thought it was supposed to be a pain to get it to work. Wrong! Add to that the fact that during the boss battles on III you need to activate Star Power and I can't on command means that I can't beat the game.

XBOX Live still broken/Gamespot blogs/COD4/Gamertag on Gamespot

I worked all day yesterday and got home and played some COD4 online with my buddies. Imagine my surprise when it was actually working! We played a few games and had no problems what-so-ever. Dinner was ready so I had to get off for a while. After dinner I get back on to see if anyone was still on and I can't connect. Thinking it was my connection I ask my wife to see if her laptop connects to the internet and sure enough it works just fine. A little ticked, I try again and slowly but surely I am back onto XBOX Live. As everyone probably knows, when XBOX Live is broke you know it almost immediately. My friends list wouldn't come up, I couldn't contact anyone and I was getting moments where my dashboard would lock up when trying to do something that required Live to do something for me like downloading demos and such. We all know XBOX Live is awesome but what is pure and utter crap is the fact that Microsoft is taking so long to fix it. During a time at which XBOX is getting closer and closer to getting passed up by the PS3 in sales it will end up that at one point the only thing XBOX has going for it will be exclusives and XBOX Live and XBOX Live isn't doing anything for them right now but hurt them.

I just want to take this time to thank everyone who has accepted me as a friend here on Gamespot. I have been coming to this website for a while now and one day decided to see what the blogging was all about. And that is how I found all of you. I know I don't have the most interesting blog but I'm sure someone reads it. To me it isn't about whether or not the blog is good or bad it is more like I wonder what Stan, Robbie or Neo is up to or what game everyone is playing right now or what movies or T.V. shows everyone are watching and it is all interesting to me. Again, just wanted to write and say thank you. I look forward to reading about you soon.

I am still very much into COD4! I love it! It hasn't gotten old for me at all which is a very good thing. Even at this late point in my progress I am still testing out which perks to use with which guns and so on, so forth. I don't know how to let you know what level I am so I'll try to explain it to you the long way. I have done Prestige twice now and I am on level 17. Not too bad for someone who only gets to play a few days a week. I would be a lot higher if Live was working correctly these past two or three weeks. Ug!

Can someone please tell me how to put my gamer tag on the front page of my blog? It would be greatly appreciated. If you don't mind I will probably need the "dummies" version. Thanks!

MGOY cancelled/XBOX Live

I had to cancel my Game of the Year awards. No big deal because it seemed that everyone else was doing them as well so think of it as one less award blog to read about. I do want to give everyone "my" game of the year and that would have to be Bioshock. I loved that game. I loved looking for all of the hidden items in the game, the boss fights, the many different ways of defeating the bad guys, the story, the exploration and the times where you just have to stop and stare at your surroundings because it is just so cool to look at. A close, and I mean close, second place goes to COD4. The single player portion of the game had some of the most exciting levels to come around in a long time. The multiplayer portion is the new mark at which all other multiplayer games will be judged in my opinion. Third place would have to go to Halo 3. Love it or hate it you have to admit it is a big deal. The single player, while short, was good and the multiplayer, even with its rotten community, is good as well. Forge is one of the best ideas for multiplayer video games. It gives longevity to the boards as well as lets the community be as creative as the want. Also, putting stats on the internet that you can track as well as study the game by looking at the other players kill spots is genius! Stats made available for multiplayer games are a "must have" item in all multiplayer games in my opinion.

What the heck is going on with XBOX Live? The last message we got from Major Nelson on his blog was that the problems going on with XBOX Live were unacceptable and that nobody there was going home until it was fixed. Well, since that was about 3 weeks ago they must be logging in some extra overtime because except for a few hours here and there XBOX Live is pretty much useless. When did it become acceptable at Microsoft to leave their service in this condition and then announce that "not everyone is having problems" when that is a blatant lie? Is it just a coincidence that every time I get into a room everyone is amazed when the game actually connects and everyone makes it into a room? I don't think so. It looks to me like they are trying not to go into CES with XBOX Live on the crapper and doing there best to keep it under wraps but as you can tell from various websites like there is definitely a problem and everyone should be aware of it.