The second category is Best FPS/3rd Person shooter (Multiplayer - CoOp/versus). In this category I will be judging on graphics, fun factor, achievements, longevity, modes, online community and available maps. Please keep in mind that these are games that I have played and had some contact with.
Coming in at fourth place is the Orange Box (Team Fortress 2). This game has no co-op of any kind but as far as I'm concerned, any game with as many different types of classes as this game can't be a bad one. I believe that there are 12-13 classes in the game like sniper, pyro, engineer, heavy gunner, medic and spy just to name a few. Each class has its own distinct feel and requires different strategies to be successful in the game. There are two game modes that I have played so far. One mode is a capture the flag type game which has you retrieve a briefcase from the other team's base and then the other mode that I have played is a territories/domination type game where one team defends while the other team tries to take over an area by occupying a certain spot for a set amount of time. I believe there are three areas to be taken over with only one accessible at a time. When the attacking team takes over the first area then the second area opens up and so on, so forth. The graphics on this game are pretty awesome since they sort of look like Pixar animation but with guns. The game is extremely fun and would be higher up on the list if it had more maps and maybe a few different modes for those of us who don't like to play domination/territories and capture the flag every game. There are a lot of little touches here and there that make the game stand out a little more. Things like when you are carrying the briefcase to your base there is an animation of papers flying out of the briefcase, there is a an awesome stats keeper for the game that keeps stats like kills with each and every class, if someone kills you more than a few times they become your nemesis and if/when you kill them you have your revenge. It's little things like that that make it worth it. The achievements are normal achievements but some have a few twists. The game does an excellent job of keeping track of how far along the player is on an achievement (i.e. 5 kills with spy: 1 out of 5 kills). The community that I have played with so far has been good. There haven't been any immature kids in the rooms or know-it-alls that think you should know the whole layout of the game before playing with them. Also, upon asking questions on what I am supposed to do the answers were generally nice and to the point. I'm not sure how many people play this game on Live but unfortunately it doesn't look like it will be around for a long time to come.
Next we have Halo 3. I actually gave the original Xbox a try ONLY after playing Halo on the kiosk at EB so I consider myself a pretty good fan. I like the multiplayer of Halo 3. The matchmaking, although it doesn't always pick the type of game I want to play, is great. There is co-op of up to 4 players over Xbox Live which is reason enough to buy the game in my opinion. The versus modes are where the real meat and potatoes of the game are. There are several multiplayer modes in both ranked and player (unranked) games. The multiplayer games on Halo 3 are generally fun but there are a few things that tend to bring it down especially if you are not a Halo-holic (meaning you don't play the game every single day of your life for a minimum of 8 hours a day or more). First thing is the community. Halo 3 has the worst community I have ever seen on an online game. I would say that for every 5 games you play at least 2 to 3 of those games have someone who isn't old enough to play, feels the need to tell you how bad you suck, decides it is all right to rap/sing to everyone else playing the game or has someone whose every other word is b*t%h, f&c% or a##h@#e which is generally directed to the other team or those players on their team who they decided didn't pull their own weight. Second thing is the need for players of this game to cheat. Whether it is hacking the game or finding glitches to help them cheat during online matches the great Halo players need some sort of advantage that isn't available to everyone to win the game. Third is the mystery factor. Maybe it can contributed to lag or someone cheating but there are too many times where someone is killed and they have no clue how it happened. I'm not talking about when you don't see the grenade stuck to your back or walk up on a grenade you didn't see sitting there either. I'm talking about two players come into the room with the same gun and player A starts firing first hitting player B and half a second later player B starts firing hitting player A. Somehow player B wins but immediately after the battle player C comes into the room firing first and hitting player B but player B, low shields and all, takes down player C as well. HUH? The graphics for this game are great! The little touches include making holes in the snow when your character's body falls down in it, stat keeping and map viewing on, screen captures of any aspect of the battle you were in, the ability to save films of your matches and share them with the Halo community and character customization. As far as maps go, there was a bunch when the game launched and they have already added 3 more to the mix. Add to that the fact that you can change around things in maps and the map customization is endless. This game is going to be around for a while. Halo 2 came out a while ago and there are still people playing it.
Come back soon for the final two games in this category.
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