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As Procter_Fox_Fan Would Pro'ly Say....(BM I Hope You Aren't Here!) *EDIT*

....Stupid blizzard!! :evil: My brother and I both shoveled at different times last night so it doesn't pile up and really, it doesn't look like we did anything at all. Well, I watched Buffy S7 instead of studying just because. And, I got my grad ring! :D $616.20 later, I am loving my sister. At this rate, i'll be paying her back until I'm 50. Stupid, tempting Master Card!!

this is what it looks like on the computer, I'm still waiting for it to be shipped out and all that:

Lol Friday was so awesome. We did this Wondercafe thing to raise money for our year end youth group trip. I arrived late on account of no ride. But it was all good. I dragged Esther to the washroom so we could talk and our conversation went as follows:

"So, you're really good with the drama stuff right?"


"So, you're good with improvising, yeah?"

"Sort of, why?"

"Great! We are going to do a skit about, random nothingness!"

"Okay!.......Wait what?"

I was watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer and was totally channeling Drusilla.

So, I found doll in the nursery and Esther played as an IRS agent coming to seize my possessions. Well, Esther didn't actually realise what I was talking about and thought that I meant she was looking for stolen property. Which I guess could work the same way.

Mum said it was so me with the way we kept tossing things out, nothing really clicking together. Esther was part of several other acts, which were just wonderful.

Well, it's dark now so tomorrow when the ball of fire and the pain-of-my-eyes pops back into the sky I'll take pictures of the blizzard that hit us.

Hey PFF how bad were you hit?

Tip of the Day

The more gorgeous a cat is the less brain there is between his ears and no matter how many times he's told the white stuff outside is bad or how many times you toss the idiot in the nearest snowbank, he'll keep demanding for "Outs".

(It's tradition in our house to toss Dickie and Spike in a snowbank when there's actually enough snow to do this. And don't worry, it's only once a year and we don't leave them out there for long. :) )

Word of the Mog

Ha-blah: this eplains everything when your tongue decides to take the opportunity to get all tied up. note, that this must be sounded out in a gutteral tone, sort of like when speaking German orcertain Spanish words. :)

EDIT: Lol, I was looking my blog over and realised how bad the title sounded. When I meant BM I Hope You Aren't Here, I meant here in Canuckland, not the site. Well, I suppose the plus would be snuggling up with a certain blond in front of a warm fire place. :twisted:

EDIT 2: Sorry for mispelling your name! Thought that looked a little funny....

BM? I Wrote a Letter for You...

For my Spanish final that I did not study for at all, I had to write three major parts. First one was about a picture and what everyone was doing and the second one was a letter to a friend regarding "tengo que" and "voy a" (have to and want to) over the weekend. My weekends are always the same, so I just faked it and wrote a letter to BM! :) I asked my eacher if I can copy it out so I can give it to you guys and she says (while giving me a strange look) I can next week when we get our marks.

I only have two more exams (Friday and Monday in the mornings) and the rest of the week off until the 30 when school starts for the seconds semester. Joy!

I went to see Cloverfield and I thought it was awesome. If you get motion sick watching movies, this one's NOT fo you!! I think the cool thing about it was how realistic it was and that alien was so cool!!

I plan on seeing Meet the Spartan's either tomorrow or on Sunday, which ever is deemed best.

Tip of the day

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, wine in the other, body thoroughly used up and screaming; 'Woo Hoo, what a ride!'

My mum got this from a friend and I just had to have her send it to me.

Word of the Mog

Monotonity - To be monotone, to say something with a monotone voice.

Thank You All!

Thank you everyone who responded to my previous blog. It means a lot to me and Kels. I saw her the day after I found out at school, which I personally thought was rather early. She looked a little worse for wear, but not nearly as bad as she younger sister. I'm not good with the sympathy thing, I'll say that now. I know how to give a dam good hug, but I really never know what to say.

So, I did what I know I can do and joked around about random things. My friend Mel totally helped. Unintentionally, of course. It was on our Science test where we hada question asking us, "What is homologous (SP?) and what does it describe?"

Her answer was "It mean gay and that everyone should be loved." We nearly peed ourselves laughing over that. It helped Kels a ton.

RIP Madre de Kels

We interrupt Mog's normal Blogging to bring bad news.

My best friend's mother just passed away. Seems it was an anurism that did it. Kels didn't know this until the next day, because she had been locked out of her house.

Please send all hugs, thoughts, and prayers towards Kels and her family.

When I heard, I didn't even make it ten minutes into my first c l a s s before needing a moment to myself.

OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGO (Kaiiiiiiitlyn! Question Again!)

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Our favourite bands are coming to the States!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D Helloween and Gamma Ray!

I hope we can go, right now my sister doesn't have her birthcertificate, I short a learner's lisence and we both don't have passports.

They haven't posted the US dates yet, but I think it might be in march, so study study!! :D:D

So, Kaitlyn, my question for you was, how to say Hojem's name. It's German and I accidentally deleted your Facebook message when I asked you the first time. :oops:

Tip of the Day

REmember, three-year-olds are not as clean and tidy as you are, so when playing with moonsand, remember to put down newspaper!

Word of the Mog

Speckek: It's the greatest stuff in the world. Even better than half-baked brownies! :lol: (story and link tomorrow!)

O...M...G.... I'm Straight, You Guys!! O.O

Here's the scoop:

Straight-haired people want bent hair and bent-haired people want straight hair.

Take out the "-haired" parts and you get:

Straight people want bent hair and bent people want straight hair.


This really doesn't apply to me because I simply tie my hair back or let it down. :P

SQEEEE CSI NY was soooooo awesome! I agree with elektra_lapant, more M&Ms please!

I had my other to in to see the doctor. Lol, I asked te nurse to hold my leg down because I didn't want to kick Dr. Paris in the face and she had said she was a wimp and I replied, "i'm in TKD and giving Dr. Paris a serious injury would not be difficult." So, she put her hold body weight on my leg.

It worked. That needle totally sucks. Dr. Paris didn't cut off that much of my nail this time. Just a corner. Lol, everyone at school thought I was creating a fashion statement when I was walking around with a shoe and sandle. :P:lol:

Tip of the Day

when going to the doctor's do get your toenail partially removed, remember to bring a sandle so you don't freeze your toe off.

Word of the Mog

Multitaskual = this means to be multitaskual, or to multitask.

Example: She's very multitaskual.

Looking into the Past.....(Yoinked from Kate!)

So my plans for New Years were simple. Cuddle with my baby, Molly, and watch the CSI marathon on Spike TV. Well, I got as far as about 7 when my friend Lori called and wanted me to come to her place to celebrate with her, Big B, and guess who? SCOTTY! I totally jumped on that! So, quick shower, bandage the toes and tell Molly where her Mummy was going I was out the door.

It was actually pretty fun. We talked about crazy stunts do at West Edmonton Mall to video tape and put on YouTube and dangerous stunts (Example: dressing the psycho cats up, riding a crazy carpet down the stairs at WEM). Then we watched CSI and Robot Chicken. Robot Chicken is the dumbest funniest stupidest show ever created. They make fun of people, other shows, and things that have happened. If you aren't offended easily, watch it.

Lori's dad said we should go to the video store and get some movies. So we went and apparently it was closed. Lol, on our way back, we started waved at every car that went by, which wasn't many. Scott said they all probably thought we were drunk or something. Then we made snow angels in Lori's front yard before going in.

We lit candles and watched the New Years broadcasting on the TV. Edmonton gets very fireworks happy.

So a test thingy that Kate has on her blog that I wanted to fill out, because it's what cool people do!

1. What did you do in 2007 that you'd never done before?
Get a job. :P

2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
You know, I think those are silly because within two weeks I forget I made one. Although, this year I resolve to buy all my jingly pants online. It's half the price of what I pay at the Sanctuary.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Yes, my French teacher! She even came to see me at work! Her baby's so cute!!!

4. Did anyone close to you die?

5. What countries did you visit?
Lol, that requires getting out of town to do that.

6. What would you like to have in 2008 that you lacked in 2007?
The ability to go to school and come home without looking like a ran a marathon.

7. What date from 2007 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
Paintballing in November. :twisted:

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Scaring the tenth graders!!

9. What was your biggest failure?
chickening out and not putting a man behind bars.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Yeah, my toes, anyone know a good toe doctor that can get me new ones?

11. What was the best thing you bought?

Nuff said. (Anyone know the allusion to that? :D HINT: Has something to do with water and ends in 13).

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
Mine duh!

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
My brother's, the jerk.

14. Where did most of your money go?
Christmas, well technically my sister.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
CSI, Christmas, um, that's about it.

16. What song will always remind you of 2007?
Mr. Jaws by Dr. Demento, because that's how random '07 was.

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder? Happier, definitely.
ii. thinner or fatter? Bit fatter, but hey, Christmas dinner is good man!
iii. richer or poorer? That's debatble, really.

18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
Keeping my room clean. :P

19.What do you wish you'd done less of?
Grumbling at my brother.

20. How will you be spending Christmas?
Well, if I' still living with my mum, obviously working.

22. Did you fall in love in 2007?
Not experienced enough for that question.

23. How many one-night stands?
6969 :P:lol:

24. What was your favorite TV program?
do you enjoy asking dumb questions or are you having a moment?

25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
H3!! yeah!

26. What was the best book you read?
Night by Elie Wiesel, it's so sad.

27. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Helloween, Edguy, Gamma Ray, and Iron Maiden.

28. What did you want and get?

29. What did you want and not get?
The newest CSI DVDs, but had to get myself, oh well, BestBuy is a great store.

30. What was your favorite film of this year?
I am Legend, it's one of those, it could happen films.

31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I went bowling and I was 17, I'm cool!:lol:

32.What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Getting a bigger bedroom and getting a bed.

33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2007?
Black, jingly, comfortable, and baggy.

34. What kept you sane?
Um.......what's that again?

35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
The most? Can we skip this question? It's too hard!!

36. What political issue stirred you the most?
Well, if I read the news paper I could tell you. That female leader in....Pakistan?....that was pretty sucky.

37. Who did you miss?
I girlfriend.

38. Who was the best new person you met?
Everyone here and in reality!! :D:D

39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2007.
Perfection is for nobodies and slacking is for suicidal dimwits. :)

40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
"Treasure when you´ve been chosen to turn water into wine."

Tip of the Day

When soaking your feet, make sure you get them well dry before running to get the door.

Word of the Mog

Angsty-ishly= To write a beautiful angst-filled fanfic with a great ending.

Where Has the Time Gone?

You know this year has been great.

Got me a job, half paid for most of my sister's stuff and I even start grocery shopping for myself because I don't want to share with the little brother. :D

Field reports from my relationship with Scotty, aren't looking good. did you know that I haven't spoken to her since we got together? Everytime I call, she's not there and I don't get a call back. I e-mail her and I don't get a message back and I know she has a computer with decent internet connections. Really, the only time I hear from her is when Sam has talked with her. It really sucks.

Long Distance relationships really don't work. :(

Yesterday was great. We went to see my niece and her boyfriend and her darling little boy, Mark for a late Christmas get-together. Lol, Mark kept trying to give his gifts because it says it's from Mommy for it's for Mommy. :lol: And we had fun drawing on his new easel and watching Cars for the twentieth time.

Me thinks he likes that game or something.

And, regardless of my efforts, he still managed to step on both my sore toes. Kids are wonderful for that sort of thing.

Tip of the Day

Remember all you boys out there for when you get that nice fancy truck: For every foot your truck is up, is every less inch you have. ;)

Word of the Mog

SHHH = This is how you scare the monsters away when you're taking the recycle bucket out and think a Dark Seeker from the movie I am Legend is following (only it turns out to be your dog:P:lol: )

The Doc Cut Half My Toenail Off (The Procrastination Award Goes to.......)

It was so creepy. Getting the freezing needle hurt quite a bit then spending the next five minutes letting the stuff kick in was so strange.

Dr. Paris (most sarcastic man on the planet) was quite cheerful in taking wire cutters (I'm serious that's what they looked like!!) to my nail then snipping half of it off.

The only thing I felt was a slight pressure. It really messed with my mind because my brain kept saying, "HEY! Where's the pain?! What's going on here?!?!"

You see, older folk like me mum call it "Proud Flesh". I call it an ingrown toenail that hurts like an SOB. Dr. Paris called it something else, but I can't rememeber what he said it was.

As I am typing this, the snow outside the kitchen window has really picked up. and then started slowing down, then picked up, I really don't think it knows what it's doing. :P

So, my toe is almost three times bigger than normal from the bandages. The freezing stuff has now started moving to the ball of my foot, makig walking akward. Lol, my mum and I laughed when the nurse and Dr. Paris said to keep off my feet for the next 24 hours. I work tonight and it's a friday, so that is so not going to happen. I'll just have to get the cigarettes stocked fast and then sit on some milk crates for most of my shift. I hope my toe doesn't hurt too much.:|

Yes, I definitely win this year's procrastination award. Most people usually leave shopping until the 24th, well, I left WRAPPING until Christmas morning. So much for being on top of things. :roll: :P

This year was really great. I got:

~2 sets of camolage clothing
~Helloween CD
~Gamma Ray CD
~PotC 3
~purse bag thingy
~DDR Super nova PS2 Game
~DDR Dance mat
~Combichrist CD
~The birthday Massacre CD
~Edguy CD
~Iron Maiden CD
~Book thingy for pictures and debit/credit/gift/award/membership cards

Oh those were my favourite gifts. All of them were in black and said the following:

Yes, I'm silently judging you.

Crazy enough to kill
(smart enough to get away with it)

One of the many services I offer

I'm sure I had something else but I can't remember right now.

Tip of the Day

Don't start shoveling when it stops snowing heavily. Begin in the middle to cut your work in half.

Word of the Mog
Wal-Mart Lame Card= While they seem like the perfect gift, they are also the most pointless gift for some. Many end up having them waste space in their wallets because they always forget about them.

National Poke the Mog Week (ATTENTION RPGers!!)

So, this weekend was relatively quiet. We had a few idiots who couldn't grasp the concept of "No I don't call cabs, the phone is for business only." I had one guy willing to pay me use our phone.

You know what, if you're old enough to go drinking, then you are bloody old enough to call a cab or arrange for a designated driver. Idiots.

So, almost every morning I'm out shovelling snow. We don't get a lot, only sometimes, but it's enough thatI want it shovelled because I don't want it packed down. I've been noticing a lot of bunny tracks in our front yard. I must say I have many Bunny Ninjas here, Lee!

As I wrote some of this blog, I was soaking my feet in hot water and epsom salts. Well, my left foot was the only one that really needed it. You see, when I was a kid, I used to bite my nails. Well, I kicked that habit and now I pick at my toe nails and bite my fingers. I had picked my big toe's nail until it was down to where the nail is attached to skin. I ripped some of the skin on the edge and figured, "It'll hurt then go away." Well, that was last week, This thing as started growing where the skin ripped and it hurts like a SOB. So, I soak my feet two to three times a day, and bandage it with petro-carbo salve to draw the infection out.

That also hasn't been working. I was just about to try and rip the thing off (carefully, of course) and my foot hit my desk. I was newarly in tears it hurt so much.

I waited til the pain subsided before soaking it again and going into the kitchen to show QB and mum. QB said I should go to the emergancy room and get it checked out in case it spread to my other toes. I sighed dramatically and got changed into my "Not Showing Any Skin" clothes.

The nurse that was assigned to me was fricking hot. Looked great in scrubs. He had tattoo sleeves, two nose piercings, a lip piercing, and those ear piercings that stretch the earlobe. I thought it looked pretty good on him. Pity I didn't get his name. :P

So, the doc that came in to check my toe out scolded me on ripping my nail and gave me antibiotics. He said that it will probably affect and go wonky with the Accutane, much to my displeasure. :roll:

4 fricking pills a day?! Great, thats all I need. At least I don't have to take it with food or anything. He said that they might not actually work and if they don't then I have to go to my usual doctor and he'll have part of my toenail removed. Lol, Dr. P is hilarious and he's also agressive so he'd probably use a caustic (sp?) liquid to make sure the nail didn't grow back there.

Christmas Spirit : 10% (The commercials and ads are annoying me)
Christmas Shopping Completion : 89% (I'm almost done!! W00T! )
Decorations up in our house : 1 (The tree is up and very lopsided, I should get a picture of it. :D)
Amount of times we've tried decorating the family pets for fun : 0 (We're thinknig of it though, just to punish the little brother because Spike would shred the cat shirt and him :twisted:)
Christmas-related excitement : 35% (Did I mention I'm working Christmas!!!!)
Overall Christmassyness Level of my Life: Medium (It's definitely going up!)

(Brought to you by Lee, stolen by Mog.)

So, The 23rd is going to be our first year anniversary for the RPG, everyone, I tempted to ask Laura if we could open a thread and celebrate, but I'm not sure, what do you guys think?

And, now for what I'm sure y'all are curious about. National Poke the Mog Week was NOT created by me. I'm not that vain.

On Monday three of my friends had poked my and I had very innocently asked my friend Kels what the heck was going on, "Is it National Poke the Mog Day or something?"

She laughed and said it was and proceeded to tell everyone. The twit. Then she decided that it was NPtM Week not day. :roll: She is SO going to get her just desserts. You don't mess with the Mog. :twisted:

How does National Proposition Kelsey Week sound? :D:P :twisted:

Tip of the Day

Don't pick at your toe nails, even if it means checking out a hot nurse at the hospital. So not worth it.

Word of the Mog

Chime Pants: these are pants whose chains are at the same pitch as wind chimes and sound fricking great!!