So, I brought my handcuffs to work today. It got a good laugh out of everyone and Ecklie. So, one of our regulars came in around three and I showed her my shiny cuffs and you know what she did???? She cuffed me to the till! My keys were in my bag and I bet if Ecklie hadn't interfered I probably could have gotten them. She grabbed them and started holding them out of my reach. I was able to knock them out of her hand and put my foot on them to keep her from grabbing them. She tried to knock me off balance but she eventually gave up saying she was going to do the coffee. Witch. It wasn't even four yet. :evil:
Tips: $3.47
It was pretty quiet tonight. Nothing spectacular happened, aside from me trying to run the till with my cuffs on one wrist. That was hard. And I also kept my keys in my pocket in case yesterday's incident happened again. :roll:
Tips: $0.89
Yes! Working with QB. So about one am this police car came roaring passed the station to the bridge (that's not even a block away). QB went to check it out and it turned out this guy wacked out on drugs had squeezed into where the bridge meets with the hill.
Yes. I was bored enough to make this picture.
Yes, I was also bored enough to make a bunny too. :P
After an hour, they finally got the guy down. It took a fire truck, an ambulance and three squad cars to do it. Frankly, they should have done this town a favour and encouraged him to jump down. But, that's just sadistically me. :D:D
Tips: $9.32
OMG today was great! These two girls came in and one of them asked if they could get cigarettes. Well, while I was ringing it in, they were telling us about how they were getting out of this tiny hick town. She handed me a twenty then they left. I watched them go, holding their change and looked at QB, "Don't they want their $10.10?" She laughed then said I should split it with her. I made a promise of buying her Night Quill, even though mum already did.
Tonight was also a bit overwhelming too. We usually get a bar rush since, you know, it's Saturday. Well, it was like half the bar showed up! There's a reason I picked night shift: the quiet hours. These idiots were talking over themselves. You know what, this isn't Yotes, SHUT UP!! I wasn't sure if I was allowed to say that or not, but the urge was becoming irresistible. Thankfully, they finally left. I asked QB about it, and she says that if it does become too loud you can tell them to shut up, 'cause it's not like there's loud music for them to have to shout over or anything.
Someone kicked in the window at the insurance place next to Yotes. The cops were finally called and they had asked QB and Kit-Kat to identify the guy who did it (because they saw who did it). But they did it badly. They were yelling across the lot, "Are you sure this is the guy?" Nice going guys. Kit-Kat and QB didn't want to be identified.
And the guy wasn't arrested. In fact, they were trying to pin the charges on his buddy because the f*cking moron said that this one female officer was wearing underwear with dick holes in it. Way to get yourself arrested, moron. She kicked him. Hard. :D Score one for the smart girls and guys.
Tips: I broke last month's record: $18.24
I slept. And slept some more. Very fascinating, I know. :P
Esther and I (yeah, yeah, I wish, but different Esther. Not BM. Sorry. :)) went to the world's biggest convenience store: Wal-Mart. There, I stocked up on under garments and bought some DVDs to add to my collection. Queen of the Damned, Epic Movie, and An Inconvenient Truth. I also bought two boxes of Night Quill for QB. She was very happy when I gave them to her.
We watched the first one then watched most of Epic Movie before Esther had to go. Epic Movie is so funny. It's a parody of PotC 1 and 2, Narnia, Harry Potter, Superman, X-Men, White Castle, Borat, Paris Hilton (They kill her in it, it's so awesome!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D), Snakes on a Plane, Nacho Libre, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and probably many others.
Wednesday and Thursday
Oh, I was ready to kill Ecklie after Thursday. She and Ams don't like each other. It's as common knowledge as Conrad Ecklie is an @$$ kisser. The one thing that Ecklie likes to do is make people fight. She's very good at that. Pitifully enough, she's not good enough to drag me into it. She tried though. I'll give her -2 points for that. When it was a few minutes to 7am (the time our shift ends) she kept saying, "As soon as it's 7, I don't care if she's done her counting, you sign out." I never did. Why should I listen to her? Ams isn't a morning person and it's not like I was in a rush or anything.
Ams was very pissed about that. And it was bad enough that she had to work the morning shift.
Wed Tips: $2.52
Thurs. Tips: $1.88
It was pretty busy tonight. There was this one guy who was swearing and I told him twice to shut it because there's no need for it. Loser had the nerve to say, "I can swear if I effing want to." Yes, you do have the right, just not in the store, nim-rod.:roll:
Rule Number Three of the store: don't come in here bloody.
This guy got the crap beat out of him at the bar (most likely) and then he tried to use our bathroom. I took one look at him and told him in a very stern voice, "No, get out. You aren't allowed in here with blood on you." So he left.
And came back another two times.
Fourth time he came in he was all cleaned up. Idiot. Looked like his nose was broken and he had skidded across the parking lot. Ick. And ouch.
By the way, if any of you guys did that in my store I'd kick you out, clean you up, then ask you if you want to join me for a weird bottle of coke, on the house! :D
So, when PD, the dayshift manager, came for the morning shift, I told her about Ecklie trying to get me to leave early and pull me into her battle with Ams. She said that Ecklie is not the owner of the store, nor is she a manager, so no she can't tell me to sign off at that time. Yes, I am supposed to sign out at 7, but if I'm not in a rush to go somewhere then I can stay on for a few more minutes to let Ams get ready to do her shift.
She also applauded me on not letting Ecklie make me want to fight with Ams and what not.
Tips: $8.51
Well, we didn't get a bar rush like last night, thank god. But we did get a moron another bloody moron. Literally.
Apparently, he was the guy who had tried to give this girl a piggyback ride and fell. We told him not to use the bathroom. He and his girlfriend went in anyway and we shut the bathroom down. Lot of pissed off people. I innocently asked QB if we could tell everyone who it was, but she said no. I don't see why not. Putting idiots against each other could potentially get rid of the peed on genes in the gene pool.
I've placed PD under the Don't Tell Her Everything List. The same list Ecklie is on. Ecklie's on there because she never shuts up about it. PD is under there because she lectures. You know what, I'll yell at the drunks if I deem it necessary. IF someone robs the place, I'll do as they say if they have a gun, but if they have a knife, well, then that depends.
As for Ecklie, if she says I should drop kick someone that she doesn't like one more time, I think I'll scream. Tae Kwon Do is a self-defence martial art. Not "I don't like you and I know cool stuff so I can beat you up" martial art. And don't give me a load of crap that you won't tell my teacher. Witch. :evil::evil::evil:
Sorry, I felt the need to rant a little.
PD Said something that gave me some serious eyestrain from rolling my eyes. She said that Chase is a near genius. Genius my f*CKING @$$!! If he was such a "genius" then his floats would be right and his cash outs would also be right and never short any money. I am no genius (unless you could randomness and annoying the hell out of people as genius-ness:D:D) but I've always gotten my floats right 75% of the time and my cash outs closer to right then not. My tongue hurt from retorting that aloud.
Tips: $4.82
Ugh, I hate working Sundays. It's dead at the bar so not many people come in. And it gets a little rushy between 5:30 and 7am.
I decided to clean the chocolate bars. Man there was a lot of dust on the rows I did. They're kind of hidden by the gum rack so they're not sold well. Ick, girlie moment! The soap I was using to clean them really dried my hands up.
Lol, I had to perform CPR on one chocolate bar. If fell into the bucket. :lol: Poor thing.
Tips: $1.86
I usually sleep in this day, but as everyone from the CSI NY board knows, I didn't. I was so happy to finally get off work that I went a little crazy. In accordance with the prophecy, Lee likes fries with that, he does. :lol::lol::lol::lol: QB and I went to Wal-Mart where I freaked people out with my loud insanity and I finally went to bed around noon. Mark and his mum came over around 7 and man was I tried. I always sleep the first day off, but not this time. When I finally came out of my room, Mark was on my like flies on sh--er--poop. Then he spent five minutes making sure all my hair was behind my shoulders. :P
He missed his Moggiye. :) we had dinner and I didn't exactly make it through that before going to bed.
I woke up around 4am and played on the computer for a while before QB got home. Then Mark and Glory woke up and got dressed and we all had breakfast together. Glory stayed the night because she was going in for her driver's exam. When she, my brother, and my mum left, Mark and I chilled in my room. I was doing my nails and Mark insisted I do his too.:P
After they dried, we went to the park.
He really loves the swings, slide and toy truck there. This group of kids came to the park and Mark fiercely defended his truck. The little cutie.
After Glory and mum came back from the drivers exam (which she passed! W00T!) we took them home. I convinced mum to take me to the Sanctuary since my niece didn't want to go to WEM and Esther couldn't.
Here's what I bought:
Swere Shoes, they make me feel so tall! :D:P:lol: (I believe that's the correct spelling for them)
Hm, I should really consider getting a digital camera one of these days. I don't know if you can see it really well, but it's a mesh long sleeved shirt I'm wearing under my t-shirt.
Bondage pants. They scare the cats with their jingley-ness.
Wednesday Morning
I got pierced again!
I have a third one in the left eyebrow and first one in my right eyebrow. My goal is to get two others by October 31st. This time it actually hurt. But, me thinks it has something to do with this dam cold of mine. :( Stupid cold. My head hurts, I'm sneezing and my left nostril is all closed up. Lol, that sounds funny.
Well here is the promised long blog. Now, I'm going to bed. Night all!
Hm, you know what I noticed about my face? Is that besides the zits, the only things that aren't symetrical are my glasses and my piercings.
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