monatomic's forum posts
Uncharted, Sony's "best" exclusive" franchise and yet its this bad? How sad. The graphics look above average, the gameplay is clunky, the story is cliche indiana jones rip off, terrible multuplayer and not to mention it has gotten worse with number 3.
Then comes Gears. Best console graphics, tight controls, story is cliche but not as bad as uncharted, and bets tps online multiplayer on console.
Why is Uncharted so overrated? Makes me sick quite frankly. Thankfully reviewers has caught on after overrating UC2, and scored UC3 a garbage rating of 9.0, while gears 3 got the amaizng 9.5. UC4 will score veen worse.
And all the while, Gears mantains its AAA status and Uncharted has lost it's. TCHBFR
^^Yeah and halo 4 proves it!!Domin8tersDamn straight:)
What's with these lemming damage control threads lately? Guess TLOUS really rustled some jimmies.....
They arn't the same power, anyone who looks at both consoles knows this. If they were then 360 would have jaw dropping games on the same level as UC or KZ ect....but alas it does not, because the 360 cannot do it.
I will end this thread right now.
This post proves the PS3 is more powerful than the 360, everything in this post is made up of evidence, facts, and proof. Not from me, but from people who all work in the game industry, devs, tech analysts, and even the US Military. People who know what they are talking about. So now I present to you the facts.
Xbox 360 vs. PlayStation 3: The Hardware Throwdown - IGN
Uncharted, Killzone, God of War ect... are all impossible on 360. It simply cannot handle them.
Killzone 2 Can't Work on Xbox 360 - Softpedia
Why God of War III is only possible on PS3 | GamesRadar
Uncharted 2 "impossible" on Xbox 360 News ? News ? PlayStation 3 ...
The 360 simply can't handle it. The devs said so themselves. In fact several devs have many things to say on PS3 and 360 power.
EA VP says the Xbox 360 is maxed out but not PS3-- Engadget
BioWare: 360 maxed out - NowGamer
PS3 Not Maxed Out By Killzone 3, says Industry Devs - IndustryGamers
And if your dumb enough to argue with the devs, you know, people who know more than you and I do. Then I would like to see you argue with the US Military Tech Team.
U.S. Air Force Finishes PS3 Supercomputer of Epic Proportions
Yep they made a super computer using PS3's they even said that no other console was powerful enough to do it. Not 360 and not the Wii, just the PS3. Are you going to argue the US Military? Proud men and women who were selected and trained to be the best fighter and tech engineers for air craft and computer systes, are you going to suggest you know more than they do? Didn't think so.
And if that still doesn't do it for you, then let's look at some upcoming games shall we?
Halo 4 - Gameplay Demo Walkthrough E3 2012 [HD] (XBOX 360 ...
The Last of Us E3 2012 HD Gameplay - YouTube
God of War: Ascension E3 2012 Gameplay Demo [HD] - YouTube
No game on 360 even comes close, not even upcoming ones. And if your still going to run from the truth, then all you need to do is look at the pudding for the proof, look at the games. There is NOTHING on 360 that comes close to Uncharted or Killzone or God of War ect...nothing. It can't match it's visuals or tech. So if what you say is true, the then why haven't any 360 games done it yet?
Let's look at the best looking games for each system shall we?
Gears of War 3 Gameplay: Beast Mode -HD - YouTube
The Witcher 2: Xbox 360 HD Game Play- YouTube
Now let's look at the PS3:
Uncharted 3 'Desert Village Gameplay' HD
Uncharted 2 - Village Gameplay HD - YouTube
Killzone 3: Kaznan Jungle Multiplayer Gameplay [HD]
God of War 3 - Kratos vs Cronos Boss Battle Pt 1 (HD) - YouTube
God of War 3 - Poseidon Battle HD - YouTube
There is the proof right there. You can see it all for yourself. Why can't the best looking 360 games match the PS3 games? Because it can't. It's that simple. This doesn't mean 360 is a bad console mind you, or that it has bad graphics, both Gears and Witcher look great, so does Halo 4. But you would be lying to yourself if you thought they looked just as good or better as many PS3 exclusives do.
This is the TRUTH. This is a FACT. I don't know why you just can't accept it? All the proof and evidence shows it, listen to your logic and reason, not your emotions.
/thread. Anyone who isn't a blind fanboy knows this is true. Just accept it lems.
Hmmm i think 360 exclusives look better than PS3's if that makes me a blind fan boy than so be it.[QUOTE="gpuking"][QUOTE="reach3"]Wow, those uncharted pics were jaggie messes. How sad. You pick the worst pics you could of Gears and posted the best you could find of uncharted, and yet, the worst gears pics you found still looked better than uncharted pics LOL. Not to mention good pics of Gears and Halo 4 blow UC away. This is the biggest case of self ownage I have seen, thank you. :)reach3Oh that's why the majority of this thread disagree with you right:lol:? Stop pretending and just admit defeat like a man, I know your insides are crying but the truth hurts son. This forum is full of biased cows, no chance of them admitting when they are wrong. Any unbiased person would agree that UC3 looks miles worse than Witcher 2, Halo 4 and GEars. Its not even open for debate Yeah forums are full of blind cows. 360 exclusives look better that anything on on PS3 alwase have
I'm the topic poster and the reason I book days off work to play video games (like a couple days a year) is that I work long hours and have a wife and baby so I get home late and have to deal with the wife and baby - the only time I can play video games is when the baby is sleeping, but when the baby sleeps I have to go to bed within a couple hours as she'll be up early so I need to get some sleep.
So basically, the only way I can ever sit and play video games for more than 2-3 hours at one time is by taking a day off work and staying at home when the baby is at daycare and the wife is at work and I actually have the place to myself.
It's frustrating playing really intensive long games for only 2-3 hour sittings at a time!
I work 60 hour weeks with maybe 1 week of vacation if I'm lucky (which I use to go to like a resort type vacation).
So to get a full day to play video games is a huge rarity (and an impossibility unless I take a day off work for it).
guess what idiot, your ps3 still works, its not like sony has deactivated it, i'm sure you have some single player games and if you don't go read a book and stop complaining like a b*tch. Be lucky this is sh*t you can complain about because some people have it much much much worse then not being able to play a videogame for a day. dont listen to all theres haters!! ive had the same problem in the past with psn... like i get off work early n i got a couple of hours before i got to go get the kid's from daycare so i turn on my ps3 put in Gow3 n guess what theres an up date that take an hour before im able to play.... i feel ya it drives me krazy to. its why i play mostly on my 360 cuz if there is an update it takes like 30 seconds to download and live hardly ever goes down[QUOTE="monatomic"]yea uncharted is pure barbage!turtlethetaffer
Tell me more about this mystical compound known as barbage.
oops haha i think its pretty obvious ment garbage
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