monatomic's forum posts
16 1.2 GHz cores :lol:
No silly, Durango will have 4 physical cores with 4 threads per core. Here is the proof: awesome....looks legit^^I hear all these people saying that this is doubtful or bs. The fact of the matter is this should be expected, this was a top of the line tech demo shown off about a year ago wich would make logical sense for a console probalby coming out sometime next year to be able to acheive these visuals and beyond. Anything less and the consoles will fail. People think just because Nintendo got away with releasing a gimmick and 5 year old hardware at launch that everyone can succeed that way and the fact of the matter is that couldnt be further from the truth. If the next consoles are not far beyond whats out now they will be dead in the water. Apple and tablet makers will release a tablet in 2 to 3 years time that could simply connect to a wireless bluetooth controller and blow the consoles out of the water wich would make them obsolete. The only way to avoid that is produce something cutting edge in which it would take ( according to Tim Sweeny) 8 years for tablet makers to catch up to. Sorry but a cheap gaming console is no longer an alternative if they want to be successful.
just because they might not put a disck drive in the next xbox dosent mean they wont have games on some sort of memory card! in fact i think there was a roomer that said thats what they were planing on doingmonatomicand if they do put the game on some sort of memory cards then couldnt they still sale used games??!! sure the games on memory cards would be kinda pricy n that would probably push more DD.... wich is what they want anyway
I fully support MS's move for anti-piracy and anti-used games. Developers deserve to receive money for their hard work and dedication. The use of piracy and used games takes away from that money. Gamestop makes money for essentially doing nothing, while the developer gets nothing. The fact that people are against anti-used games moves shows that they dont care about the industry and the developer, and only care about their own pockets (before you say anything, I realize companies dont give a damn about the customer, but if they have higher returns, they can take greater risks and make better and more unique experiences). And hell, it still makes no sense to me how someone goes and buys a used game for $50-$55 when a brand new one is there for only $5-$10 more (had not been used by anyone before, and the purchase actually helps the dev). If gamestop does this, they would get hurt. I am guessing that both Sony and MS will have this anti-used tech next gen, so if GS does not sell products from them, they will fall. jonathant5^^
i like motion gaming to....its fun for what it is. bowling with a controler isnt much fun but bowling on the kinect is a blasti mean i like motion control but of course i don't want them to be the new standard controllers if you get what i'm saying
yea gears 3 looks way better. when u get close to anything in uncharted the picture get blury n the textures brake down fact[QUOTE="monatomic"][QUOTE="soapandbubbles"] Gears 3 holds up much more consistant textures, with better lighting too without the blur uncharted games have. Technically its much more impressive with what the game does. Uncharted 3 appears great..but zoom it in and get real close and you can anaylze what's better..being gears of war 3. 4dr1el
I guess you fanboys got to believe whatever it pleases you. Still butthurt over all the best graphics awards U3 won over gears 3? Q_Q
im no fan boy... well ok u got me im a graphix fanboy i love's pretty graphix.... i have a 360 and a ps3 i love them both. had uncherted 2 and 3 and all the gears. i just really like the way textures look n 360 seems to alwase alwase has the better texters of the 2 consoles.Nuff said.
The 360 doesn't provide you with features that are as good as the Ps3's and the corporation just cares about money, not the welfare of humanity.
The ps3 is a kind system that has equipment, far superior to its rival. It also is free to play online, because sony knows that paying to play a portion of your purchased game is fairly outrageous.
no no... the 360 is much more efficient of a design then the ps3. theres no way Tesla would have ever made an invention that would be impossible for it to achieve its maximum potential lol. Tesla's laughing at Sony from his grave lolVisually NO, technically YES. While uncharted looks nice, its plagued with horrid textures and AA issues. Obviously ND sacrifices them a lot due to the many other technical factors which makes uncharted so good. Both having their strong suits of course. soapandbubbles
Am sorry but I have to disagree there. Even visually Uncharted 3 is above Gears 3. Thats proven by all the best graphics awards given to U3 last year while Gears 3 wasnt even nominated in most of them, besides gamespot and a few other sites
Gears 3 holds up much more consistant textures, with better lighting too without the blur uncharted games have. Technically its much more impressive with what the game does. Uncharted 3 appears great..but zoom it in and get real close and you can anaylze what's better..being gears of war 3. yea gears 3 looks way better. when u get close to anything in uncharted the picture get blury n the textures brake down fact
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