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monkeymoose5000 Blog

I will kill you all


I hope I can go to the concert next week. If I don't go I will cry. I also want a T-Shirt.

Wow, I just tried to buy the tickets and they were $250 each. :| I blame myself for not buying tickets earlier, but also my friends for being flaky on who wanted to go.

On an upside, they played here last year too and I couldn't go then. MAYBE THEY WILL PLAY AGAIN SOON?!

Also butt

PS3 and The Residents!

The other day this mexican kid offered me a 60 GB PS3 with an HDMI cord and 17 games for $110 so I was like OKAY. The only bad part is all his games are like sports and Call of Duty and Killzone 2. But I can just sell them all.

Also these guys are playing in my city on April 6th, AND TICKETS ARE ONLY $22! They're the guys that signed Renaldo and the Loaf, and it will probably be the trippiest/scariest moment of my life! I'M SO PUMPED.

There's Nothing To Do Anymore


That my friends is the front page of Off-Topic, which is filled with boring as hell topics and/or things that have already been discussed billions of times. I honestly don't get it, this website got extremely boring in almost no time flat. Then, my favorite recent post, got deleted:


Damn you gamespot! :evil:


Note: I recieved

  • Errors:
    1. - Your HTML is not well-formed - please check for unclosed tags.
    three times. THREE


Even though Blockbuster has become the worst rental service ever, they've got some pretty good deals on their pre owned DVDs since no one is renting them. The other day I (my mom) bought:

Observe and Report (BLU RAY)
Be Kind Rewind (BLU RAY)
Get Him To The Greek
Karate Kid (my mom's idea)

I haven't watched them all but AAAAAAAAAAAA

Get Him To The Greek - I was told it was probably the funniest thing ever, which has been said for about fifty different movies. It was pretty good, though the highlights of the film were the songs themselves. 7.8/10

Adventureland - Pretty good movie, Jesse Eisenburg is quite the cool dude. IT HAD SOME PRETTY FUNNY PARTS. 8.6/10

The Nine Tales of Fritz The Cat - It'd be just as good as the first one if there were a continuing story line, it's basically just a collection of sh*t he did. Also the only returning character (EXCEPT FRITZ) has a COMPLETELY different voice, they didn't even try. However the soundtrack was more jazzy which is cool. 9.3/10

Brewster McCloud - What the f*ck? Like really, WHAT THE F*CK? I don't think there was even a story line for 90% of the movie, and the other 10% was that a guy liked birds and killed people. And there was some girl but this kid was like, really dumb. Also included the best ending ever. 9/10

The Human Centipede - This movie grossed even me out a little bit, which is saying a lot. However, three dog made the movie. 7/10

I also found this cool game on the indie marketplace. SOMETHING WITH CTHULU in it and it's a turn based RPG WHICH I DON'T REALLY LIKE but I liked this one. Also I bought Castle Crashers and this game frustrates me because my friend kept killing me and stealing my coins. :x Oh man, there's another game I bought called Amneisa and oh boy. OH BOY. This is probably the first game to creep me out since I was six, the atmosphere is intense stuff. I also bought Samorost 2, by the people who made Machinarium, because that game is pretty cool. If only my save file worked. :(

My brother is a homo :evil:

EDIT: So I just played the full version of Amnesia for an hour straight and wasn't scared at all. WUT? I really enjoyed being scared. :(

ALSO I returned the GTA game I got for my PS2 since it was just a PSP port and the controls sucked and ended up finding the PS2 Half Life port and got Big Bumpin for my 360.

A Merry Christmas To All!

Today when I woke up I was all like "DUDE I'M GETTING AN IPOD" but I opened more and more presents and then I was like "WTF WHERE IS IT?!" so then my mom said there was one more BIG present left and tried to make me go on a scavenger hunt. Then I looked out the window and saw a 2003 LEXUS W00T T00T!


I also got some other good stuff, like the keyboard I'm typing on now (LOGITECH G15, I tried putting a picture as a spoiler but Gamespot is the dumbest site on earth), Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, Monster Truck Jam (lawl), a GPS, $100 gas card, 1600 point card (for Dead Money) and other assorted stuff for the car. My mom ended up getting Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 1 (FROM ME) but also got the box set for It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia. HURRAH! I gave my Dad three CDs and my brothers Season 13 of Simpsons and Super Mario All Stars. One of them gave up on the game in like ten minutes. :( One of them has also been a moody @sshole f@ggot lately and last night he really pissed off my mom because she got him stamps he already had for his collection. Yes, I know. I wasn't there to hear what he said but it was probably really dumb. He ended up getting a netbook.

Also I already shared the link to my story with you but I'm doing it again because it's my Christmas present to you guys. :evil: MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!

I Finished My Story...

...but since I didn't have to keep it school appropriate it got dark. Like, really dark. It still retains the same theme as it makes absolutely no sense and just goes around in circles for the whole story, but it somehow turned into an anti-gay battle against the world. And then there's the violent abuse and the large amount of anti-gay message (I'm fine with gay people, it was funny though) and there's lot of attemptive rape. I'm unsure if I should even link it, some of this stuff even creeps me out. And I wrote it. Actually I don't care anymore HERE MERRY CHRISTMAS!


And... I liked how mad everyone got.

Why do I keep buying games?

Today we went to Wal Mart, and gamestop just happened to be in the same parking lot, so I ended up buying Grand Theft Auto Vice City Stories, Silent Hill 2 and Burnout 3. And I convinced my mom to buy me a 1600 point card for Christmas so I'll be getting even more games.

Then there's the steam sales. I went a while without getting anything, but it caught up to me and in the past month (or two) I've gotten:

Super Meat Boy


Humble Indie Bundle 2

Just Cause 2

Metro 2033

Indie Clever Pack

Indie Story Pack

The Deus Ex Collection

Alpha Protocol

Poker Night

Not to mention I'll probably be getting even more games for Christmas. And the steam sales are going on until Jan 2nd. Please help me. :(


I was voting in gamespot's stupid ass voter's choice, then under dubious honors, most disappointing game: Fallout New Vegas.

This is, easily, the worst opinion I have ever seen. I hate you gamespot. :evil:

New Vegas IS COOL

So I got the game Saturday because I told my mom I wanted it and I was sick all weekend, HALLOWEEN WEEKEND, so she was all like AWW OF COURSE! And at first I was like "man this isn't that good" but now I'm all "GOD DAMMIT I WANT TO PLAY NOW!" AAAAAAAAA


MANY more quests
More complex good and bad storyline (last game it was "blow up this city or don't")
New weapons are badass
New elements added to the game make it feel more like an RPG
You can make your own ammo and aides (lawl)
More perks
Bloody mess is still very sexy
Hardcore mode (which I haven't tried yet) will add replay value
Changing difficulty will NOT change the amount of XP you get
Speech options are no longer chance and most are redo-able
Companion commands are now in a cool wheel, and you can still get a dog (NOT DOGMEAT)
That dick sheriff isn't in the game (dumb bastard)


Lots of glitches, possibly more than Fallout 3
Hacking terminals still sucks, and infact sucks even MORE
Perks EVERY TWO LEVELS (there's a PC mod to fix that, but for now I have the 360 version)
Traits had potential but most were lame (I only picked one out of two, Wild Wasteland)
Building weapons now requires a certain skill level
Weapon's strength requirements can be dumb
JUST LIKE FALLOUT 3, the first hour or two are boring and dumb

Some of the glitches in the game were getting stuck in rocks, game pausing for one second (happened a few times in Fallout 3, now it happens a lot), froze on me twice and various other visual glitches like objects disappearing and reappearing. I would say this was understandable but Fallout 3 was definitely not as glitchy as this game and, I'm assuming, is probably about as big. However I can easily look past this as I was obsessed with Fallout 3 for a while and just glad there's more nuclear goodness. And just a disclaimer: THIS IS NOT A SEQUEL, it is basically Fallout 3 in a new setting with lots of new features. Actually, that sounds like a sequel, but you know what I mean.

So if you've played Fallout 3 (and loved it) then you will love this game. If you haven't played Fallout 3 and want New Vegas I STRONGLY advise getting the GOTY edition first, as it's around the same price or maybe even less but includes all the DLC. Hell even I want it since I never played Mothership Zeta and... the other one. Overall, though I haven't finished it, I would so far give the game a 9.452.

Though it's not the game's fault, I think, I had to replay about 2 hours of the game today. For some reason a camp I needed to go into for a quest was hostile against me and kept trying to attack me. Maybe it was the game's fault but it's just easier to blame myself. BUT I NEEDED THEM TO COMPLETE THE MISSION. I'm not sure what I did wrong but I also got my companion back, who ran off because I took his beret (what a fairy). But then I told him to stay somewhere and don't know where he went. Damn.

ALSO the xbox update looks kinda lame, and I liked the look of the last one better, but they FINALLY added a searchbar to Netflix. It took long enough you dumb whores. :evil: And they added all the seasons of Monk and Psych w00t.

I downloaded a trial for this game called Bloody Good Time and it's made by the same people who made The Ship. So it's a FPS, but extremely different because you get a target that you have to kill and certain weapons, at a certain time, get more points. But if you kill someone in front of a guard they come running after you and try to kill you and blah blah blah, just download the trial. And best of all the full game is five dollars for XBLA or PC.


AND TO FINISH OFF I'm working on a second story. If you didn't read my first one you can here. THE NEXT STORY WILL NOT BE A SCREENPLAY BUT A TALE OF A YOUNG BOY WHO FOLLOWS HIS HEART.

Haha aides