So I got the game Saturday because I told my mom I wanted it and I was sick all weekend, HALLOWEEN WEEKEND, so she was all like AWW OF COURSE! And at first I was like "man this isn't that good" but now I'm all "GOD DAMMIT I WANT TO PLAY NOW!" AAAAAAAAA
MANY more quests
More complex good and bad storyline (last game it was "blow up this city or don't")
New weapons are badass
New elements added to the game make it feel more like an RPG
You can make your own ammo and aides (lawl)
More perks
Bloody mess is still very sexy
Hardcore mode (which I haven't tried yet) will add replay value
Changing difficulty will NOT change the amount of XP you get
Speech options are no longer chance and most are redo-able
Companion commands are now in a cool wheel, and you can still get a dog (NOT DOGMEAT)
That dick sheriff isn't in the game (dumb bastard)
Lots of glitches, possibly more than Fallout 3
Hacking terminals still sucks, and infact sucks even MORE
Perks EVERY TWO LEVELS (there's a PC mod to fix that, but for now I have the 360 version)
Traits had potential but most were lame (I only picked one out of two, Wild Wasteland)
Building weapons now requires a certain skill level
Weapon's strength requirements can be dumb
JUST LIKE FALLOUT 3, the first hour or two are boring and dumb
Some of the glitches in the game were getting stuck in rocks, game pausing for one second (happened a few times in Fallout 3, now it happens a lot), froze on me twice and various other visual glitches like objects disappearing and reappearing. I would say this was understandable but Fallout 3 was definitely not as glitchy as this game and, I'm assuming, is probably about as big. However I can easily look past this as I was obsessed with Fallout 3 for a while and just glad there's more nuclear goodness. And just a disclaimer: THIS IS NOT A SEQUEL, it is basically Fallout 3 in a new setting with lots of new features. Actually, that sounds like a sequel, but you know what I mean.
So if you've played Fallout 3 (and loved it) then you will love this game. If you haven't played Fallout 3 and want New Vegas I STRONGLY advise getting the GOTY edition first, as it's around the same price or maybe even less but includes all the DLC. Hell even I want it since I never played Mothership Zeta and... the other one. Overall, though I haven't finished it, I would so far give the game a 9.452.
Though it's not the game's fault, I think, I had to replay about 2 hours of the game today. For some reason a camp I needed to go into for a quest was hostile against me and kept trying to attack me. Maybe it was the game's fault but it's just easier to blame myself. BUT I NEEDED THEM TO COMPLETE THE MISSION. I'm not sure what I did wrong but I also got my companion back, who ran off because I took his beret (what a fairy). But then I told him to stay somewhere and don't know where he went. Damn.
ALSO the xbox update looks kinda lame, and I liked the look of the last one better, but they FINALLY added a searchbar to Netflix. It took long enough you dumb whores. :evil: And they added all the seasons of Monk and Psych w00t.
I downloaded a trial for this game called Bloody Good Time and it's made by the same people who made The Ship. So it's a FPS, but extremely different because you get a target that you have to kill and certain weapons, at a certain time, get more points. But if you kill someone in front of a guard they come running after you and try to kill you and blah blah blah, just download the trial. And best of all the full game is five dollars for XBLA or PC.
AND TO FINISH OFF I'm working on a second story. If you didn't read my first one you can here. THE NEXT STORY WILL NOT BE A SCREENPLAY BUT A TALE OF A YOUNG BOY WHO FOLLOWS HIS HEART.
Haha aides
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