While my week of suspension was going on (thanks colakid), I also obtained seven more games.
From gog.com, as part of their buy one get one free sale, I got:
Redneck Rampage - The game seems very fun, but with the game being so old the controls are sort of annoying. I'll try getting my 360 controller to work with it, but there's nothing certain about that.
Messiah - This one seemed very interesting, but I played for like, five minutes and played something else. The controls for the mouse were a little strange too, I'll try playing this for more than a few minutes later.
Fallout 1 & 2 - I've only tried playing the first one, but so far I like it. It's very different from 3, such as the top down view and AP in battle, but it still has a lot of the same elements, and I assume it shall be very fun.
From Steam:
Garry's Mod - Even though I still have trouble getting mods to work with this, it's still quite fun. Placing enemies around a TF2 level and getting from one point to another is a lot more fun than I thought it would be.
Mass Effect - This game seems really great, but it keeps slowing down on my computer. Hopefully I was just having trouble that one time, but if it really doesn't work I'm just going to wait until I get a new graphics card to play it.
And, from Office Max:
Far Cry - Loving the Crysis demo and finding this for $10, I asked my mom to buy it for me, and she surprisingly did. However, I haven't even gotten to play it. The game doesn't install on 64 bit machines, so I have to install it on a different computer and move all the files to mine. Of course, I've been to lazy to do this.
My brothers also obtained a reserved Beatles: Rock Band for the Wii as a birthday gift. I am not a huge fan of guitar games, but having a band of three or four people is actually quite fun, despite the fact I am awful on guitar/bass. However, you shall all cower at my singing abilities.
In other news, I started school recently, and so far it hasn't been nearly as bad as I thought it'd be. I haven't had a single bigger kid mess with me, which is nice. There's also block scheduling this year, which really sucks, since I eat lunch at 1 one day and 2 the other. And if I miss a day, it's like missing two days of school for half of my claaaaaasses. But, it's nice having two nights to do homework (I had five days to do my math homework, thanks to labor day weekend, which I still haven't touched). THE END
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