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monkeymoose5000 Blog

Blog #2

While my week of suspension was going on (thanks colakid), I also obtained seven more games.

From, as part of their buy one get one free sale, I got:

Redneck Rampage - The game seems very fun, but with the game being so old the controls are sort of annoying. I'll try getting my 360 controller to work with it, but there's nothing certain about that.

Messiah - This one seemed very interesting, but I played for like, five minutes and played something else. The controls for the mouse were a little strange too, I'll try playing this for more than a few minutes later.

Fallout 1 & 2 - I've only tried playing the first one, but so far I like it. It's very different from 3, such as the top down view and AP in battle, but it still has a lot of the same elements, and I assume it shall be very fun.

From Steam:

Garry's Mod - Even though I still have trouble getting mods to work with this, it's still quite fun. Placing enemies around a TF2 level and getting from one point to another is a lot more fun than I thought it would be.

Mass Effect - This game seems really great, but it keeps slowing down on my computer. Hopefully I was just having trouble that one time, but if it really doesn't work I'm just going to wait until I get a new graphics card to play it.

And, from Office Max:

Far Cry - Loving the Crysis demo and finding this for $10, I asked my mom to buy it for me, and she surprisingly did. However, I haven't even gotten to play it. The game doesn't install on 64 bit machines, so I have to install it on a different computer and move all the files to mine. Of course, I've been to lazy to do this.

My brothers also obtained a reserved Beatles: Rock Band for the Wii as a birthday gift. I am not a huge fan of guitar games, but having a band of three or four people is actually quite fun, despite the fact I am awful on guitar/bass. However, you shall all cower at my singing abilities.

In other news, I started school recently, and so far it hasn't been nearly as bad as I thought it'd be. I haven't had a single bigger kid mess with me, which is nice. There's also block scheduling this year, which really sucks, since I eat lunch at 1 one day and 2 the other. And if I miss a day, it's like missing two days of school for half of my claaaaaasses. But, it's nice having two nights to do homework (I had five days to do my math homework, thanks to labor day weekend, which I still haven't touched). THE END

Computer Trouble/PSP Stuff

Well my computer was making a weird sound with the fan when starting up, and then it was so loud I could hear it from quite far away. It ended up being the graphics card and I couldn't fix it, so we took it to Best Buy. After three hours of a wild goose chase I was able to solve my problem; get a new computer. For some reason they couldn't just switch out the graphics card, so they gave me the exact same computer, but I have to restore all my data. Which sucks too, because that means all that damn data transferring again. :evil: But at least I didn't have to pay anything.

In other news, I got three games for my PSP today, which I shall be taking on my trip next week:
Grand Theft Auto Liberty Stories
Ratchet and Clank Size Matters
and Mercury
I haven't played any of them since my PSP is recharging as we speak, but I expect much fun.



I haven't posted a blog in a while. So...

-I got out of middle school on the 3rd, but I spent the last day at in school suspension because

-We went to Six Flags the day before, and I got banned for a year. Why? I flipped off the cameras that take your picture. Three times. Because it felt cool.

-My parents have forced me to go to a conditioning camp, because they thought I needed to stay in shape over the summer. Well today was my first day, and I threw up for a minute straight and was feeling dizzy practically half the time we were outside. But it's gonna get better... right?

-My birthday is Sunday, which is also Father's Day and Frosty Weekend. And for my birthday, I'm getting a gaming computer. (yay) We went to Best Buy the other day and almost had it picked out, but my mom says who knows when it'll go on sale? Not soon...

And last but not least...

I'm a daddy! :)

Apperently, I haz been tagged

1. I'm in a gang (my gang name is A Wall)

2. I play Xbox a lot

3. I hate stupid people

4. Terrorising random people is fun, especially on the Internet

5. You're most likely stupid

6. Roger is better than you

7. GoldenJiggies stole my friend's cocaine

The end.

I tag: Jesus, Thundarr and Santa Claus

Finally Finished Fallout 3

After having a total of 40 hours on the game, I'm done with Fallout 3. It's an amazing game, but the end of the story is just... awful. I knew from friends the story line would be bad, so I didn't pay much attention to it and I loved it. GO BUY IT NOW! :evil:

so lyk, stuff

I'm going to be gone this Friday... for 17 days. I don't want to say where, but it's really, really horrible. :( Please, someone save me from it.

Also, I got Manhunt 2 and God of War for my PSP for the trip. That damn trip...

Anyways, Manhunt 2 is alright, but it's kind of creepy. I hate how slow the guy walks though, and whenever I press X and run people always find me. God of War was really fun, but I'm not too far into it.

Also today, I was playing Team Fortress 2. I created a game on Hydro, and this game lasted two hours. The end result? I got a total of 310 points. :o I'm around 50-ish on the leaderboards (think it was 51, but not sure) but damn was it fun.


My Bornday

That's right, today is the day of my birth. :o

All I got was a really nice computer, but something's wrong with the graphics card and my parents think we don't need to return it because we can fix it. So I can't even play Counter Strike Source. :(

Today was also really boring. I slept until 1, and when I woke up it was to the sound of my annoying brothers who just got home from camp. And best of all, the cable and interwebs were out. Luckily, my friend let me borrow his The Office DVDs, so I watched those all day. Thankfully, for once, I have wireless interwebs, so I just stole the neighbor's. :)

And on Tuesday, I'm going to go get that new Futurama movie. I hope it's as good as Bender's Big Score, because if it isn't...