monkeysmoke's forum posts
[QUOTE="worknow222"][QUOTE="BigBoss154"]Yep definetly overhyped Yet reach has better looking aspects than uncharted 2 and killzone 2 Besides character models and skyboxes what does Reach do better than those two games? #1. Higher dinamic lighting (go play fire fight) :P #2. More than 20 times bigger enviromental scale than uncharted 2 & killzone 2 :P #3. More than 40 active onscreen AI :P .Above average at best for a console game. It's not even the best looking game on the 360. Overhyped by lemmings.
[QUOTE="monkeysmoke"]Realy impressive :) i like it!! Good thing it is also comming to the XBOX 360 LINK: :D :D :oWhile ago some people claimed it was only possible on 'teh cell" for PS3 (too bad gpu MLAA seems to have even less performance than teh cell :( )-Snooze-
Only Fakeboys made that claim. Of course the Xbox can use it, there's a plethora of thing i'm sure the 360 can do. It's all irrelevant though. Until the MS decided to employ such techniques the Xbox may as well not be able to use them
If killzone 3 ends up using mlaa then am sure epic games will surely want to make gears 3 also smooth too (mlaa all the way!!) they still have more than 9 months to polish gears 3 so it is possible :P . Arcording to what i heard, one of the dev working on the gpu mlaa for xbox 360 is from remedy entertainment. Remedy used 4xmsaa for alan wake on xbox 360 but it cost them resolution,so am sure they'll want a better AA (MLAA) solution with almost no performance cost for Alan wake 2.Well am just predicting ;)Realy impressive :) i like it!!
Good thing it is also comming to the XBOX 360
:oWhile ago some people claimed it was only possible on 'teh cell" for PS3 (too bad gpu MLAA seems to have even less performance than teh cell :( )
NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!..b...b..but ps3 is the lead plateform for MoH. What a terrible year for the ps3,this year alone the 360 has gotten 6 more supperior multiplats compared to the ps3: #1.Bayonneta #2.Red dead redemption #3.Mafia 2 #4.Dead rising 2 #5.Enslaved & now #6.MoH. :( too bad my ps3 has been collecting dust since i finished the 8hrs long God of War 3. :) Nice thing i got a 360 250gb slim.Am a happy man!! :D
Better resolution, better performance (framerates)
The funny thing is PS3 was lead platform, but it didn't look better
This is a comparison between ps3 and 360.
How can you even judge anything from that video? Also, why are they so against showing PS3 footage?
Either these guys or the Rage guys (can't remember which) said they wanted to show their game at its worse first. That doesn't mean that the ps3 version is better, but at least the same. Of course, that's if I have the right guys in the first place.:P
But usualy Developers show the best version during Preview Videos when it comes to these multiplats on consoles, thats why we see them mostly demo on 360. Thats whats making me think the PS3 versions isnt as good, atleast right now.
Since the ps3 is more difficult & requires more time to progame for am sure the ps3 version will even have more issues than this. :( I dont think any dev/publisher would want to embarrase themselves by showing the worst version of their game/product so am sure for now the 360 version of crysis 2 is the better console version to display **for now**[QUOTE="gamecubepad"]Video is kinda meh. Don't know what to think.:PI guess it confirms my suspicions that this was the 360 build...ChiefFreemanGamecubepad, the screenshots that you posted; were those from the 360 build or pc? If those are from the console version, that's quite impressive. Lots of impressive detail in the environments. The liquid flames in the second shot looked awesome.
i thaught of that too. The shots are impressive if they realy from 360 build which am sure off.
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