[QUOTE="SakusEnvoy"]The resolution also had to be lowered to achieve the 3D effect. It's definitely a pointless comparison at this point, until we see more 2D-HD videos. Oh I see, how convienient that the TC did not mentioned that was a 3D video. Oh I see the TC did not mention that the gears 3 video was 4 players co-op that GG has always been scared to implement in to killzone games (not even 2 players co-op) because of visual degrade it will cause the game yet from the video gears 3 plays "smooter" & looks "stunning" with the 4 players co-op.[QUOTE="TehKillzonelova"] ...KZ3 uses MLAA...Its just since that video was in 3D, it made it much more blurry, unless you has your 3D glasses on at the timeLookAnDrolL
monkeysmoke's forum posts
Who says KZ3 is gonna do what avatar did for movies with 3d?
3d tech is not that special & exclusive for ps3 as sony is making it. Crytek already announced at the e3 stage that crysis 2 will surport "steroscopic 3D" in the 3 platforms so why the yell like killzone 3 is the only game going 3D.
Epic updated unreal engine with nvidia 3D vision which means they can implement 3D to gears 3 if they like who knows it might be a surprise at next year's GDC since microsoft is in partnership with LG to suport 3D for xbox 360. But i dont care about 3D anyway.
"Gears 3 still looks better" seriously from what've seen from both.
GG didn't include co-op campaign in KZ2 because it will affect the vissiual. While the gears 3 demo wasn't just running a 2 player co-op it was running 4 playe co-op & it still looked so sweet!
Killzone 3 should at least try out 2 player co-op campaign so we see how it will look.
Killzone 3 was hiding so much with the snow,almost every thing was covered with snow & rico looked like a COD character compared to character textures in gears 3.
With the colours,textures,vegetation & lighting Gears 3 still look slightly better than KZ3.Despite gears 3 was running on 4 player co-op.
Gears 3 destroys them all.The E3 demo was 4 player co-op yet it still looked increadibly stunning!!!
Gears 3 e3 demo was 4 player co operation yet it stil looked stunning compared to killzone 3 single player.
Gears 3 clearly has the edge in visual between both.
Any body who have seen the HD video of both with out a fanboy google will easily know that gears of war 3 has the edge now over killzone 3.
From both videos gears of war has the better character texture,marcus & even the locust now has realistic skin texture that feels touchable while "rico" from kz3 video looks so avarage like a cod character.
Gears of war 3 has improved on it light effect over the previouse 2. From the video gears 3 light looks fantastic especialy when the hammer of dawn striked.
While gears 3 with more colours is very confident of its enviroment without any trick to hide bad textures Killzone 3 is still using tricks to attain it vissual the snow is now used to hide bad texture in the enviroment as most surface was covered with snow making the whole level in the demo look whitish.
Any non fanboy who sees the both video will easily pick gears 3. Am not saying killzone 3 looks bad but gears of war 3 has the edge for now don't know about later but i still think gears 3 will still have the edge because it has longer dev time & epic games doesn't like comming out second to anyone.
Despite the hype for killzone 2 Uncharted 2 still stomped on it graphic & right now gears 3 is going for the uncharted 2 look . From what i've seen gears 3 seems to be using hand 'cell shaded' technique used in uncharted 2 while killzone 3 is still looking like killzone 2.
GG are only focusing on 3d & move implimentation to killzone 3 while epic games are adding loads of new stuffs to gears of war 3 including a significant visual improvement.
Gears of war 3 looks better than killzone 3 at this stage & will still look better by release if it still sticks to this new art design rather than boring levels with few colours like killzone.
Gears of war 3 looks better judging from the e3 gameplay video of gears of war 3 & killzone 3.
Gears of war 3 has better texture resolution than kz3 (from both vids when the locust tore off the soldier's arm in gears 3 you can see how detailed the locust skin texture is compared to rico's character texture detail)
-kz3 still has good light effect but gears 3 look a bit better now with the global illumination.
-Gears 3 has distructible enviroment now YES when the lambent beskerker charges any marcus cover spot it destroys it.
-Motion blur is now implemented in gears 3
-From the video gears 3 featured multiple coloures while killzone 3 ditched grey now every thing is snow white.
-Gears of war 3 seems to be using "cell shade" procedure like uncharted 2 while killzone 3 looks very identical to killzone 2 even the e3 reviewers admited to it.
Overall from the both videos gears 3 improved & looks better than killzone 3.
Gears of war 3 looks better judging from the e3 gameplay video of gears of war 3 & killzone 3.
Gears of war 3 has better texture resolution than kz3 (from both vids when the locust tore off the soldier's arm in gears 3 you can see how detailed the locust skin texture is compared to rico's character texture detail)
kz3 still has good light effect but gears 3 look a bit better now with the global illumination.
From the video gears 3 featured multiple coloures while killzone 3 ditched grey now every thing is snow white.
Gears of war 3 seems to be using "cell shade" procedure like uncharted 2 while killzone 3 looks very identical to killzone 2 even the e3 reviewers admited to it.
Overall from the both videos gears 3 looks better than killzone 3 but not too much.
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