monkeysmoke's forum posts
[QUOTE="monkeysmoke"]Let me correct some guys here that is the xbox 360 official website. Every thing in that list is xbox 360 exclusive.COD Black ops was featured in the list because of the exclusive DLC deal microsoft signed with ativision. All COD black ops DLC will come first to xbox 360 from 2010 through 2012. MGS:RISING is in the list surely means nothing than it will be exclusive. We all know microsoft are worst at keeping secerets so i guess they've leaked another 1 again. All eyes on TGS they might reveal this.ShadowriverUB
Look like your flamebaiting is failing :lol:
It's E3 list site, they show the game on there conference so they point it on the list and as i said same as MW2 is MGS:Raising is advitised as 360 exclusive form the begining... but it's not
This is not a flamebait i'll still play the game if it turns out multiplat. We all know how sony reacts to MGS titles but they're realy slow with very little detail about the PS3 for RISING.Apart from microsoft & konami E3 conference RISING wasn't mentioned i sony E3 press conference,i've also tried if i can get PS3 detail of RISING from but not at all compared to the many in Am sure the exclusive negotiation deal is not completed yet.Somehow this game will come out as 360 exclusive or as pc & 360 exclusive. Kojima has been hinting on MGS5 which i think he will use to compensate sony for MGS:RISING. It makes sense to have 2 different kind of MGS in 2 different consoles.Solid snake for PS3 while Raiden for XBOX 360. Let just watch out for TGS something might happen.It is going to be 360 enclusive for sure may be the exclusive negotiation deal between kojima & microsoft is still going on that's why it has not been officialy announced.
That list is not a mistake.
It might be announced at the coming TGS.
MGS:RISING is stealthly going XBOX 360 exclusive!
MGS:RISING since announcment last year has been falling under microsoft E3 cofernce.Till now there has been very little detail about a ps3 version.Even on there is little or no detail about MGS:RISING compared to
Yesterday i found out that at XBOX.COM microsoft is already listing MGS:RISING as ONLY ON XBOX 360 gamelist.
How hot can the new Xbox 360 Slim get?
Based on our test, the new Xbox 360 Slim runs
20 degrees Fahrenheit cooler than the original
Xbox 360 while playing a game.
To make sure the Xbox 360 is getting enough
ventilation, you need to make sure that it
isn't in an enclosed space so that the console
can take cool air in with the intake on its
side. Without cool air flowing, the Xbox 360
will run hot beyond your imagination. Putting
it along with the entertainment system shelf
is a bad idea as there is no sufficient air to
get into the intakes of the Xbox 360. The new
Xbox 360 Slim has its ventilation fan on the
top, which sucks air directly onto the heat
sink, and it does a really good job of keeping
the system cool and preventing overheat.
NOTE: The temperature of your Xbox 360
varies depending on several factors; room
temperature, and where the Xbox 360 is
Also here's a nice video showing what's inside
the 360 Slim. It looks very nicely built and the
fan looks huge and looks more efficient and
works better than the PS3 slim fan.
I wonder what fanboys gain from bashing
other consoles.
Arcording to all the reviews i've read the
xbox 360 slim is more cooler & stable.
The jasper motherboard already killed the rrod so this new slim was just to fix the noise & introduce built in wifi. The slim is even more advanced than the stable jasper model.
Jasper: GPU = 65nm
CPU = 65nm
new slim: GPU = 45nm
CPU = 45nm
How hot can the new Xbox 360 Slim get?
Based on our test, the new Xbox 360 Slim runs 20 degrees Fahrenheit cooler than the original Xbox 360 while playing a game.
To make sure the Xbox 360 is getting enough ventilation, you need to make sure that it isn't in an enclosed space so that the console can take cool air in with the intake on its side. Without cool air flowing, the Xbox 360 will run hot beyond your imagination. Putting it along with the entertainment system shelf is a bad idea as there is no sufficient air to get into the intakes of the Xbox 360. The new Xbox 360 Slim has its ventilation fan on the top, which sucks air directly onto the heat sink, and it does a really good job of keeping the system cool and preventing overheat.
NOTE: The temperature of your Xbox 360 varies depending on several factors; room temperature, and where the Xbox 360 is stored.
Also here's a nice video showing what's inside the 360 Slim. It looks very nicely built and the fan looks huge and looks more efficient and works better than the PS3 slim fan.
Beat it i've seen all the videos Gears 3 owns all of them except crysis 2.
Out of the 4 games (gears 3,crysis 2,rage & killzone 3) gears 3 was the only 1 running a 4 player co-op yet it looked sweeet!!!
GG knows what an ordinary 2 players co-op can cause to killzone 3's graphic while gears 3 was running upto 4 players co-op smoothly at the e3.
Crysis 2 is #1 out of all because of the distructible enviroment,lighting & multiple AI in such a huge enviroment with large drawdistance is breath taking.
So it goes like this:
Crysis 2>Gears of War 3>Rage>Killzone 3.
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