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#1 monkeysmoke
Member since 2010 • 457 Posts
Hahaha no much improvement just take away all the snows & you're looking at a killzone 2. Why is GG so dumb when it comes to concept disigneing why should should sev be wearing short sleeves in an arctic eviroment,why should a rescue carrier be so open & unprotected & since killzone is a futuristic fiction why should the jetpacks look so bogus,big,unflexible & outdated?
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#2 monkeysmoke
Member since 2010 • 457 Posts
Omfg!!! This looks awsome & it just the beast mode not campaigne. Gears of war 2 campaign looked a lot better than the hord mode. No gears of war game has ever come out 2nd to any game in term of graphics & gears of war 3 won't either.
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#3 monkeysmoke
Member since 2010 • 457 Posts
Haha looks like the whole market thing is hiting sony so hard. The ps3 has been in last place since launch in console market & things are worst now that the new xbox 360 slim is doing great even the japans likes the new xbox 360 consoles. For the handheld market the psp has been in the last place to ds since launch. I can bet that sony will be the 1st to release their next gen console so that they will capture wider developers & consumers from start so they dont fall in to the ps3 mistake again. But honestly sony psp2 will still fail to 3ds or else they'll want to do a shameless ripoff of 3d & touchscreen feature from 3ds.
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#4 monkeysmoke
Member since 2010 • 457 Posts
Cow are so funny they think all their exclusive must look great on the ps3. Prototype looked great on screeshots but looked like ps2 when played.Assasins creed 2 also looked good on screen shots but not so good when played. From the video i saw infamouse 2 only looks close to assasins creed 2 & please stop comparing this infamous 2 to RDR because RDR blows infamouse 2 away graphicaly.
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#5 monkeysmoke
Member since 2010 • 457 Posts
Ps3 exclusives (uncharted 2,killzone 2,heavy rain) are all linear,no co op campaign,no multiple onscreen AI & small scale. God of war 3 is has fixed camera so it could hide textures & feels more like 2d,the titan level scale is not realy that huge the whole background in that level could easily be rendered as 2d. Infamous 2 the only ps3 exclusive that attempts open world sandbox fails to look impressive & looks so outdated.Honestly infamouse 2 from what i've looks on par with prototype. Xbox 360 exclusives are system tasking & more complicated. Halo reach is an open world sandbox which will be bigger than halo 3,it has 4 players co op campaign,multiple ative AI onscreen & good vissuals. Gears of war 3 runs 4 players co op campaign smoothly with increased on screen AI yet it looked vissualy stunning over gears of war 2. Crysis 2 & Rage that was played on xbox 360 at the e3 looks better than any game on ps3.Id tech carmack must still be struglin to push 60fps for ps3 ver of rage while the 360's ver at e3 looks capped already at 60fps. The 360 still has more to give.Ps3 exclusives only look good because they are just linear non-system tasking games & are all high budgets.
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#6 monkeysmoke
Member since 2010 • 457 Posts
Ps3 spus= xbox 360 cpu threads. The xenon cpu was designed based on the cell acording to ibm the xbox 360's cpu was developed from the early stage of the cell cpu then customized for the xbox 360. * xbox 360 has 3 cpu/ppu & 6 threads/spu @ 3.2ghz each all free for use in games. * Ps3 has 1 cpu/ppu & 8 spu/threads @ 3.2ghz each but 1 spu is locked for system use resulting to only 7 spus for games. So the ps3 is only 1 thread/spu ahead of the 360 in term of cpu performance. I personaly think the xenon cpu is more advanced because of it has 3 mother CPUs/PPUs while the cell has only 1 mother CPUs/PPUs. Because of the good performance of the xenos gpu game developers hardly utilise the xenon cpu for games on the 360.If developers should focuse on drawing extensive performance from the xenon cpu + xnenos gpu am sure graphic better will be archieved. Though upcoming games are doing great jobs on the 360 like gears of war 3 which was running 4 players co op campaign with great visuals smoothly at e3 & Rage one of the most impressive looking game at e3 was runing on a smooth caped 60fps on the xbox 360.Id tech John carmack once said they're only getting 20-30fps on the ps3 verson of rage although he later said they try to get 60fps for the ps3 also but am sure it will not be caped 60fps like the 360 version.
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#7 monkeysmoke
Member since 2010 • 457 Posts
Res evil 3 Nemesis is still the most scariest monster i yet encountered in any game. I played res evil 4 & 5 thinking i'll encouter a similer nemesis monster but didn't find any. Unlike other monsters *the nemesis is ony 1 in the game *you cant predict where he will pop out from *he is not just a dumb monster that will chase to kill you but he is smart & tactical. *You get to kill him several time in the until the final battle. Serously i always almost sh!t on my pants whenever this guy pops out & says S.T.A.R.S! No monster can match the namesis from res evil 3 until capcom brings him back in res evil 6 am not buying any other res evil again.
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#8 monkeysmoke
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I'll so much like a prequel because it will give a back story about all the characters especialy the lost heroes (carlos santiago,kim & tai kalisto). In gears of war 2 dom said tai is as tough as a brumak so i'll like to know more on why & how tough he is from a prequel. Carlos santiago is dom's brother & also marcus childhood friend like dom, arcording to gears story carlos is one of the lost heroes to the pendulum wars. Kim former leader of delta squad didn't spend much time before he was exiled in gears of war 1 so i'll like to know his backstory also. Gears of war is one of the few franchise that has vastly flexible & expandable story line. (Gears of War: Pendulum Wars) will be the perfect game to make after Gears of War 3.
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#9 monkeysmoke
Member since 2010 • 457 Posts
Oh gawd 3d is gonna fail so much am realy sorry for sony. Most people have not upgraded to a propper HDtv yet sony is already pushing 3D tv.....oh no! we have to wear awful glasses to watch the 3d tv & we have to buy more glasses if more wants to watch a 3d movie what if we're up to 10 or more people who wants to watch 3D movie? uh oh that will cost so much & what if anyone mistakenly lose a glass oh? buy another glass? OH NO! Nintendo is wiser with the 3ds atleast no need of wearing stupid glasses for the 3ds. Standard 3d tv tech (red & blue glass type) has been available but nobody uses them at home except cinemas sometime so why does sony think the expensive stereoscopic 3D tv will do better in market.It will only end up in cinemas. Oh sony thinks killzone 3 will help push 3D tv? hehe almost every body will play the game on HD tv instead except sony will make it only 3D compatible which will make it flop worst than killzone 2 did. Nintendo has spoilt the show for sony by putting up a better tech (3DS) than the sony over expensive 3Dtv that requires glasses.