monkeysmoke's forum posts
[QUOTE="lundy86_4"]So what game graphically is coming out that's impressive? The only game I can think of right now is maybe MAYBE the last guardian. But even then it just feeds into my point. Look how long it's taking. and there's an article stating how Sony was disappointed with the progress. Lol like I said when the ps3 tries to get graphic heavy there will be trade-offs. Not saying there are no trade-offs with the 360 because that would be silly. It's just more versatile and you don't have to worry as much about trade-offs as you have to with the ps3. Ummm please tell me what's the trade off in uncharted 2 ? Uncharted 2 runs full 720p, 30fps, Vsync zero tearing, ZERO LOAD times. The best looking game on xbox 360 Crysis 2 is sub HD :( , it dips below 30fps, and fetures lots of pop ups :P . Tell me any XBOX 360 game that has zero load times :PErm, what makes you think UC3 is all the PS3 could possibly offer (even if it is, it really does rival Gears 3, and it'll be an awesome face-off)? This whole idea seems to predicated on the idea that you think UC3 is the peak.
[QUOTE="monkeysmoke"]Errr i had xbox 360 for years since 2007 but it only just started 2 get good looking games lately 2011 :( clone01Do you really think that Gears 1 and 2 were bad looking games? Gears of War looked great in 2006 because PS3 was just lauched then but imediatly Uncharted 1, MGS4 and Killzone 2 was released the 360 got owned. Gears 2 didnt look as good as MGS4 :p
End of discusion, epic win for 360 :DBut the 360 is still quite strong in term of exclusive : Halo 4,5,6,7,8.9,10 ....
Gears 4,5,6,6,7 ....
Forza 4,5,6,7,8 ....
Fable 4,5,6,7,8 ....
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