Graphics don't make the game. The first Crysis is still the bread-winner in my opinion. Crytek should have expanded on the sandbox elements, instead of being so concerned with the visuals. Very disappointing to see a promising franchise like this lose quality with each title, and then claim their latest crap is their greatest achievement. Look to your roots, Crytek! :(
Oh and the visual quality has improved dramatically over the years- the ships keep looking better and better, and the galaxy itself is beautifully defined. I'll be a little sad when I switch to Star Citizen :D
I love this game. I do, though I completely understand the criticism. I do wish the interface for the game was better- it does feel like milling around spreadsheets sometimes, which is why I like to do small-scale pvp. But it's really the environment that attracts me- I love that it is a completely player driven game- all of the politics and economy are run and maintained by player organizations. There is a defined PvE element, but it's the power struggles out in null-sec, the most dangerous regions of space that player corporations can conquer and exploit for resources, or for tactical dominance of an entire region. The player community is very diverse. I have tons of fun with it, and have made some great friends playing. If you love the idea of being part of a living, breathing galaxy teaming with potential friends and enemies, you'd love EVE.
Why are people comparing this to DS3? Because it has aliens and it's an action game? Seems dumb. If anything, this is more like Left 4 Dead, which is why I'm excited for this title :)
@TERMINATOR-SSD I dunno man- I'm pretty stoked about it. I like the "Left 4 Dead" feel of it. I agree, the graphics look a little dated, but I think they want it to be a very smooth, easy-to-run game for fluid multiplayer. Just a speculation. For me, I reserve my judgement until I see the number of maps and game modes.
monstachruck's comments