Awwwwwwwww yeah! I LOVE this game. I have fond memories of many a LAN party winding down with an intense anything-goes AOE2 game. I even brought it with me to Afghanistan and set up LAN parties with anyone that wanted to play- one night we had 2 different 8-player games going. I'm so glad they are bringin it back!
Bah, I don't think I have the specs to really push this beast of a game, but all hail to the king of military simulators :) Arma, how I love thee, and wish more FPS's would emulate your far superior model for gameplay, le sigh...
You guys should do Star Conflict- it's free on Steam, and it's an AMAZINGLY fun game, in the same way that Chivalry is, or World of Tanks, or Warhawk- very pick-up-and-play PvP with unlockable components :D
@Atomic_Gumshoe @banana23man @moncealyo It took me years to build up the courage to build my own PC- I was so afraid of funneling money into it, and getting the wrong parts. it took me a while to figure out all the compatibility concerns, but i'm rolling steady. regardless, I agree that this system will be a great intro for those who might feel a little uneasy about falling down the newegg rabbit hole.
monstachruck's comments