@mcrawf21 This game does actually have long waits, but you can accelerate time to get to the action, or just wait it out like a realism-loving chump! hehe
I also highly recommend Heavy Gear II- great mech piloting game, but the mechs are much more similar to those in Titanfall than in Mechwarrior/Battletech- very quick and mobile, but more vulnerable to damage.
Don't forget Hawken! Free-to-play mech combat with Occulus Rift support!
@pezzott1 @monstachruck I see what you are saying, but honestly, I don't think that kind of ambiguity is a bad thing. If anything, it provides some legitimacy to the aesthetic of the game.
As a PC Gamer, I have much more respect, admiration, and monetary consideration for the guy that made the Wing Commander saga than some California punks that made a game about fucking prostitutes.
Not enough PC games mentioned- most consoles games (even old ones on consoles like Nintendo, Atari and Colecovision) borrow tropes , story and gameplay mechanics from much older PC games and pen-and-paper RPG's.
monstachruck's comments