@7tizz: I still stand by my initial comment. Looks like you misinterpreted what I wrote. Oh well, I got people to do and things to see so please waste your time by dragging this out - I'm outta here
@Thanatos2k: I was looking high and low for Gunstar Super Heroes and then remembered it was my pants pocket, which were already in the wash. Think I lost 6 games that way lol
@Thanatos2k: I never really thought about the price. N64 cartridges were more expensive than PSX and Saturn titles back in the day. Damn, looks like I have to go back to work to afford NX games :-(
Gameplay reminds me of Alien Solider for the Mega Drive. I would like to know more about those platform levels. Looks awesome but I think the difficulty is gonna turn off many gamers (Game Genie to the rescue ha).
Moonco's comments