@mjgrierson: Yeah, you could be right. Eddie is the master at this, which is why he deserves the Pulitzer Prize and have his face chiseled on Mount Rushmore
Hell yeah!! When the theme parks were first announced, I ran down the street naked yelling with excitement. Not sure why I took off my cloths though....
I mentioned before that my van hit a kid riding his bike while playing Pokemon Go. He came flying out of nowhere like a human missile! Thank goodness he was alright but he got a good spanking. No phone calls from his mom yet.....
Duke always had the best one liners "It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum....and I'm all out of gum" I say that every time I walk into a bank and everyone starts to get nervous
I don't know how Eddie finds all these daily Greenberg interviews? He is like a raging bull searching 24/7 for the latest quotes or maybe he cheats by having a direct hotline to Microsoft PR department lol
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