lol veteran mw1, mw2, black ops,world at war. go play gears of war 1 and 2 on their hardest difficulties, demons souls, super meat boy, halo reach, halo 3.
yeah sorry this generation is filled with challenging games. I could come up with a bigger list.
Just ordered one of these! Won't be arriving until March 18th... At first i wasn't sure since i've already got a 5970, but running 5760x1080 resolution the card struggled lol. And they did not scale very well tbh.
Whats the point in arguing over how much it costs? Of course it it stupid to spend over $1200 on a pc unless your a big time geek and love looking at numbers and feeling giddy..... The guy is either just full of bs or he is about to get his student loan check/ new credit card and feels the world is his oyster.... Let him do what he wants and in 5 years when it is sitting under the bed collecting dust and worth $400 well... what more can I say?
Called having a full time job with the ability to save up money. If this build lasts me 5 years i'd be suprised ;) Thanks for everyone's input. The parts are being shipped as we speak. I'll throw up some pic's when i've got it built if you think i'm talking BS
My intention is indeed running a crossfire setup. I added a second 5970 - sure it will be overkill but this time around i've got the cash to blow and want to make sure it'll not lag on me playing 'high end' games (Yes i'm looking at you ArmA2 :P) across 3 24" montiors (5760x1200)
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