Red Dead Redemption. Living in the desert of CA rockstar nailed it, the colors were perfect and not overstuffed Orange/ green like most other games. They created such alive desert foothills environment full of animals and random events. Even down to the manzanita shrubs
Morf-muziks' forum posts
Before clicking this thread I couldn't wait to brag about the environments in Alan Wake, turns out I'm not the only one lol.
Agreed Alan Wake took place in a small town setting and felt more alive and open than all Assassins creed games combined. There wasn't much to explore but I found myself looking at every corner of the game, especially in the few daylight chapters.
Every event that happened was broadcasted on the radio and felt like the entire town knew about each chapter of the game as you progressed. The tree and forest rendering still haven't been surpassed as of this yen. The natural lighting was a first of its kind last gen and the music was top notch. The free camera roam patch on PC was a dream come true for those of us who would love to fully explore the games environment
I bought a Xbox 360 just for this game, bought it on PC again. But to bad Remedy left us with a cliff hanger and decided a completely new tv cinematic single player this gen Quantum Break seems like to much action for me.
Yes this thread will quickly get locked, but they allow 3-4 Uncharted 4 hate threads on the front page of system wars
@Halo2-Best-FPS: With that username you might as well make the title "I'm a Lemming aka M$ fan girl"
Your user name is "Halo 2 best fps"
And you're mad at the PS4 being the strongest console so you make a thread comparing a PS4 multiplat to its PC counterpart, to make you feel better for buying an Xbox One?
Tomb Raider trailer full of set pieces and climbing sequences - Lems be like OMFG Goty best evaaarrrr
Uncharted trailer full of set pieces and climbing sequences - Lems be like umm looks like another uncharted cinematic crap
I agree MS literally gave it their all already, Gears 4 and Failo 5 are done by completely different developers who seem to not know what the heck they're doing. While Sony haven't even whipped out their big guns yet; Naughty Dog, Gran Turismo, etc... And the PS4 is selling like EBT card accepted pizza on first of the month
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