Off-topic, does anyone know if Fallout4 will have iron sights, like New Vegas? I know Fallout3 didn't. I've seen (many, many) clips of Fallout4 using the slightly off-set gun thing, and of course VATS, but can't remember seeing a proper iron sights, ADS, view.
Having said that, my memory is bloody terrible so it's possible every clip I've ever seen of Fallout 4 has had iron sights in it...
Sprint and jump? They're weird. Happy about the grenade button - was always a bit fiddly having 8 different weapons (inc. grenades) on the 8 points of the d-pad - glad they've reverted to a 4 point one this time.
Also very happy about the ADS on the LT. I know they had this on New Vegas, but didn't have iron sights on Fallout3 so that's good news.
@TTDog: I'm not gonna get it, though it certainly seems good value. I'm of the same opinion though - a few years ago I downloaded a demo of Defender for the 360 from Xbox Arcade, because I used to love Defender (probably well before your time), and after about 5 minutes I thought "Wow! This is rubbish!" and uninstalled it again.
@domiddian: Haha! Yes - I do - but fortunately my wife's very understanding! She'll probably just be relieved I'll no longer be telling her "only 84 days until fallout!", "only 40 days left", "fallout comes out in 3 weeks!", etc.
I've been playing through TR recently on the One (thank you Games with Gold), and it's a decent game...looks great, gameplay's ok, even the story's pretty good and the combat's enjoyable, but it's just a game I'm trying to complete for the sake of completing it. It's a bit "on-rails" for me. I'm very excited about Fallout 4 - ridiculously so, but I remember that playing Fallout 3 it was definitely not about completing the game - I was trying to avoid finishing it. I played that (for a total of about 400 hours in 3 playthroughs) just to get to the next town, or to explore the next building, or to see what's over that next hill.
The fact is, I could easily afford to buy both on the same day, but I won't. I'll get Fallout, then lock myself in my spare room, with my gamer chair, 40" tv, some food and drink, and a chemical toilet (uurghhh!) and play Fallout for about 2 months solid (ok - I'll come out for Christmas and the New Year, but then go back in). If I need a bit of exercise in the meantime I'll hook up my steering wheel and boot up Project Cars.
When I come out, all pale and blinking into the light, I'll decide what to do then. but to be honest, it probably won't be to go and get RoTR. Actually, I might just pick up Wasteland 2 then go back into the room (after emptying out the toilet!)
@PStrife: Stop crying. Also, I don't know who you think you are, but the only thing you are entitled to is the choice of whether to buy the One, or the PS4, or some Nintendo thing, or a gaming pc, or none of these. The choice is yours.
That's it.
I'm pleased you won't be buying any more xboxes...we can do with less people with your attitude.
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