@immortality20: Agreed. A little bit weak compared to last month but hey ho. I mean, they're free so how bad can it be? Is Valiant Hearts good then? i know it got great reviews but previously I had no interest. but now it's free I'll def pick it up and give it a crack.
@bjsampson I have nothing against pc gaming - not a console fanboy - but you're truly delusional if you think that the consoles will "die off". It's as ridiculous as me saying in future all developers will release games for PS and xbox only, and pc gaming will die off. See how daft that reads?
You don't like consoles, fair enough, you're entitled to like what you like, but there's really no need to come out with a load of rubbish.
I couldn't care less about mobile "gaming". It can't be compared to real gaming, whether on console or pc...it's a totally different animal.
It's weird. Some people really don't like the AC series. Fine. I don't like fighting games, american sports-based games, mobile games or side-scrolling 16-bit-looking games. But you know what? I don't go onto the comments sections of all the games I don't like and keep whinging about them. Do you really have nothing better to do?
I loved AC, AC Brotherhood, Unity and am so far really enjoyed Blag Flag. I really didn't like AC3; though the combat was broken for a start. I may, or may not buy Syndicate - so far it looks fun, and, like most AC games, graphically impressive. Other people love, or hate, games I hate, or love. Great, but ppllleeeaaassseeee stop moaning on about Ubi / AC games. If you don't like them, fine, don't buy them, no one's forcing you to.
Someone below even said "wahwah - it's rubbish - everyone knows the AC series has gone on too long, but they know it will sell so well they keep bringing them out - wahwah", clearly missing the irony of moaning like a child about the regularity of Ubisoft's releasing a game that still "sells so well".
If you like/love these games or think you may do, then buy it. If you think you will hate it, or have some other reason not to want to buy it, then fine - go and buy something else, but can we please stop all this pointless juvenile hating?
@kresa3333 Agreed. Unity was the first AC I finished since, i think, Brotherhood. It was a very good game and the city was beautiful. (although I also only got it at Christmas so think all the patches were out by then). I didn't particularly like AC3 (though probably still put 30 hours into it) but apart from that, i really like them all.
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