So you're admitting that the only chance Peasant Class has to win GOTY is if console games are delayed? LMAO SELF-FOOKIN-OWNED! Ahahahaha
Lol. Where did I say that ? I just stated the fact that consoles have literally nothing to put against PC, except some multiplats like Dark Souls 2 (not available on PS4 and X1) and maybe Dragon Age: Inquisition. And If there weren't delays, what game would consoles threaten PC's Goty with ? With that steam punk downgraded gears of war clone ? Lol.
The fact is consoles won't win the next year GOTY either, as it belongs to Witcher 3 by default. Nor they will win it in 2016, as it's reserved for Star Citizen.
Not my fault that console exclusive line up is so lame.
You are conceding that the only way PC would win GOTY is because console exclusives(which are of higher standard) are delayed. In fact, you ignore 2015 and jump forward to 2016 because of all the big console hitters coming next year LMAO!! How many of these games you listed will also get delayed or end up on console?
We suppose to take you seriously when you are predicting GOTY two and a half years in advance? If Destiny wins GOTY, this year should I bump this thread or will you post a thread asking for forgiveness from the true gamers?
Dark Souls 2 is available on console right now, in fact that's where most people play it. Unlike GTA5 which isn't available on any pc.
It's actually the other way around.
GS reviewer(Kevin Van Ord iirc) confirmed it.
Peasant's idea of high standard is 16xAA vs 4xAA. How many PC exclusives have the same production values, story, polished gameplay as The Last of Us, Halo games, Uncharted games, on and on? Zero. On PC, something has gotta give because there is no big console maker backing for PC exclusives. So if the game has an interesting story or concept, the gameplay is nonexistent or the game opts for point and click gameplay. If the gameplay is great, there is little story or lore or anything to back it up, it feels hollow.
Blizzard had to invent an entirely new combat system for Diablo 3 because they knew Console gamers would not accept the joke of a control scheme that it shipped with on PC. PC gamers bend over and just accept it and reviewers overlook it because crap like that is expected on PC. It would be like if Resident Evil 7 used the same camera from part 1.
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