So the bone version got "7/10" but this is 3/10 because "The game is saddled with deeply sexist and mean-spirited overtones."Is this different game or did G$ got paid by M$ to hide crappynes of their paid semi-exclusives?
@uncompetative If all you fun with friends is hanging out in the pub, it becomes boring. You have to diversify
It gave me the feeling Kev was hitting on Danny and Danny was annoyed by it, but he didn't wan't to tell anything live
I feel sorry for devs and investors. It is mediocore same as Neverwinter, Rift or many other f2p MMO's out there. It's not worse than defiance. So in between AAA titles when you're wondering what to play - give it a try
@battlefront1943 not absolutely, but this high jumping feels like devs cheated around something they imagined but failed to deliver
@PosiTVEMinD355 @Kinguard73 Most mission DLC's are like 1-3 missions and cost $15. That's industry standard, overpriced... like the games themselves
mr_nee's comments