@mdign I dedicated 4 years of my life --- felt like with WOTLK it was too far away from good old vanilla
@oldtobie I think you are wrong. QB gameplay is very flat - just shoot and timebend mechanics. 1886 is more diverse than that - all those guns have different functionality to take care of different situations
@DVONvX @thr330mega "x1 is known for having more stable framerates" Sure, it's easier to have steady framerate when you cap them at 30fps all the time
@gtx_780ti_sli how do you spot a bot - they try to imitate sense of humor. Ahhh A.I. still has a long way to go
@gtx_780ti_sli how do you spot the most dedicated bot - they are all programmed to say they had PS4 but were unhappy with it.Same story all over again and again
mr_nee's comments