That list is bullshit, most of them are indies, many crossplats, few good pay2win's... probably Sid Meiers are only legit entries, but wouldn't ring the bells 'till they're out. Might turn out to be trash
@zrex2metagor @fgjnfgh @mkeezay22 Eve Valkyrie - dream on! Oculus won't be released this year and they're working woth sony's morpeus too.
70% of thos games are indie crap. Star citizen has not yet be released, might become the biggest disappointment in gaming history and reason why no one will crowdfund games ever again.
what strikes me is that, if PC overpowers consoles so bad and consoles are holding PC's back why do PC exclusives look like something between PS2 and PS3? Oh, right, because PS4/BONE > 90% PC's, PS3/360 > 50% gaming PC's.
They're not making games for few richboys or nolifers who go hungry for months just to get that Titan upgrade
mr_nee's comments