@strothers101 Duke nukem forever, Rogue Warrior, Scourge:Outbreak... you can name all sorts of games, does that make Mirrors Egde better than TLOU... nope
"it's questionable whether a man who treats the lives of so many of his fellow human beings as so disposable would really be capable of placing any meaningful importance on the life of one particular individual. You can't soil your hands with the blood of hundreds and still have room for love in your heart."
Trying to accuse game's integrity, backfired and it was the reviewer who lost the integrity.
First of all, you can kill millions of other people and still love those you consider your own - these things are not interrelated.
Second, I played that game and I didn't come across the episode where Joel killed someone for fun. Not even Robert. Sometimes killing is the right thing to do. Is the reviewer judging the murder of infected? They are humans too. And just like infected, those gangs that tried to kill for fun or for little gain have lost their humanity too. So why is killing them wrong, but killing infected right?
"For the purposes of this review, she participated in a multiplayer session organized by Sony."
mr_nee's comments