@adub424 It's a mmorpgfps. PVE is campaign. You can solo or play coop. This is really ok. Titanfall is crap because it doesn't have any campaign whatsoever, all it has is a deathmatch + few other competitive modes.
Still not sure how good it will be, I mean their previous big IP sucked big time.
@Fartman7998 as if gears, halo or forza are not generic games in their genres. If you want absolutely unique gameplay you should look at indies which are also better on PS4.
So no matter what you're looking for - exclusive AAA, cross-plat AAA or indies, PS4 is the console for you.
Says, @xbox1day1 Did you play Killzone on bone? It's a generic shooter like... let's say a halo... + deploy shield and zip line + best shooter graphics to date
"These are the archetypal class roles for a shooter, which would be fine, except that there's nothing about any of these classes that stands out from the regular Shadow Fall fare"
... aaaand I stopped reading. The game is as good as coop-shooter gets. Mark is just bored with his life. Mark, it's summer. take a vacation and a break from video games for a month or longer. Go to Spain or Thailand
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