@ShimmeringSword you seem to be missing that MS is loosing their positions in any front. Though it already weaker than it used to be, if SteamOS won't fail, MS is gonna loose the OS market position too.
But that's a good thing their natural monopoly was unnatural. I just hope this downfall will lead to balance, not death of MS
@DaN_WiL @MJ12-Conspiracy "Once again, what does ANY of that have to do with the Titanfall beta being entertaining on xbone?"
because you implied that it's not on PS and ppl thought you implied it's xbone exclusive.
BTW, I was in a PC beta of Titanfall. I hope that this game is entertaining on xbone. Unless they change something, this game won't have a success of Battlefield 3. xbox fanboys might keep up the hype out of the sourness, but that game was oversold
@zygany each country/region gets different deal. I don't think Europe is getting it either. Luckily my country doesn't have an official PS store, so I went for US... though Europe gets better games most of the time.
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