@killa32130 @sil-1 and that is most incorrect way to do a rewiev.
The point of doing reviews is not to let us one man's personal preferences. Tom is just not that interesting. The point is to tell wether we should buy it or not. If I already have a lastgen version? If it's coming out around same time as inFamous? Would I like it if I'm into Uncharted?
He has to know the gamer and give him recomendations not personal feelings.
It is ok to share your feelings if you're just a blogger. Then people choose which bloggers to follow because their common taste in games.
Last-gen version had a shitty VFX (water, fire, even that crashing plane looked bad) because of the weakest link in last gen. This was the one thing I hoped most they would fix. But no -- it was too muchs of a hussle. DAMN YOU 360!!!
To those who object a warhammer writer working on this game.
warhammer miniatures game was originally intended to be a LOTR game, but then they fell out of agreement. So same roots. Oh, and if that isn't enough, warcraft originally was intended to be a PC version of Warhammer miniatures game, but they fell out of agreement.
mr_nee's comments