@Nev3rtime @abHS4L88 you can defend Nintendo games and ask "why are they kiddie games" all you want. But if you disagree that Ninendos niche market is families and casual games and that is why they make kiddie friendly games then aither you are trolls or just don't know nothing about game industry.
When Ninetendo makes "AO" rated Mario game that has "sexual violence" warning on it I'll agree. But for now -- nintendo makes games non-gaming adults know they can by for their 5year-olds who can barely read
@nigelholden Probably because you played zelda on NES. Some people get turned on by 2 girls 1 cup video. Even if you do liked Zelda -- is that honestly the best game you played in 2013?
one of the dudes (swedension 3:48) is actually 100% right.
The point of giving reviews is undertstanding what mainstream gamer likes and giving him feedback, so he knows where he should put his money between various choices. If reviewer doesn't understand an average gamer or puts his opinion first, then he is not fit for the job and should be replaced, because his opinion is worthless...
unless all self proclaimed Gamespot "journalists" are not really a journalists... just a bunch of bloggers and gamespot is just a blog... Then I'd rather follow in that case Kotaku or Joustiq are better than Gamespot, because they are gaming blogs not pretending to be gaming news sites
@Defender1978 your PC is completely reverse compatible? You lucky bastard! Then you should be able to install original Driver game, right? I had to throw away my game CD after winxp came out, because it wasn't compatible.
Not all PC compatible gamepads work with most PC games. Appearantly you need xbox controller to play Arkham Origins.... And don't get me started on Arkham origins buggy PC port. The game creashes all the time! I even had to hack the game to workaround "joker beatdown bug".
I recently found out that, I can actually run far cry 3, if I install it on my relatively small primary SSD, because 80% off HDD drivers don't work if that drive is secondary. I can't run a lot of games I bought on steam including saints row 2 and 3, dead island and few more, guess Ill have to try primary drive install some time later.
I say **** PC. If it's a master race then I'm a ballerina.
I'm glad I had to buy console to play Rocksmith in Europe and I'm glad that console had to be PS3 not xbox I n00bishly planned to get.
@jayjay444 Well i don't like barbie games so I don't buy them. This game is not designed for plain gamers. It's more of a car enthusiast gadget. If you're not a car enthusiast then you're gonna enjoy this one as little as I would enjoy a barbie game.
but i don't expect predetermined xbot troll to understand it
mr_nee's comments