Paid or not, GS reviews and articles are still biased -- to come out in the right time and say right things, to attract most attention and earn more money (Danny even made an episode on that). Since GS is mostly US/UK targeted (they even anounce European prices in currency of one island instead of Euros), they will bend reality atleast little bit towards what xbots want to hear
Either ambience FX can be turned on and off or GS has put wrong labels on videos. Because on xbox version I saw colors were vibrant (ambience off), PS4 version - colors were pale (ambience on), here it's vice versa
@hystavito same here, although as a PC builder I will try SteamOS and if it is great as they say, I will build less powerful steam machine, to stream media and games to livingroom
I doubt steam machine will be able to run all steam titles 1080p*60fps, i dounbt they will run at all. When I look at my steam library, there are so few linux compatible games
mr_nee's comments