@roguebot they do that on purpose. Those extra processing power consuming FX are added because they make everything more "realistic". Most multiplats had this on ps3, while x360 had cartoony vibrant colors. I remeber being amazed once when it was the other way around, but can't remeber which game was it
@greenknight1490 I finished arkham city on PC last night (got it on Steam Sale) - it was terrible. During the fights I had to reach out to "Y" to do the combos, double tap 5, ctrl+space and all that mouse bashing - my hands started hurt as if I was actually fighting those thugs.
Even with no nVidia Physics and Ultra settings - I would enjoy that game more on console. So I here's my policy - Shooters: PC, everything else: consoles... unless steam bastards do another sale :)
@NoHyperbolePlz "I'd been looking at the name for Xbox One for months, and I wasn't clever enough to merge them and come up with Xbone." - Phill Spencer
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