@bluepuppy82 Besides buying a PS3 just to play this game, you don't have a choice, you have to pass on this one.
@sorintitus There's no point in wrinting a comment when someone wrote it all already. I have nothing to add here
@sorintitus There's no point in wrinting a comment when someone wrote it all already. I have nothing to add here
@thenightmare12 you have to disable adblock... Gamespot, bastards!I hope they add some variety to their adds or these vids are just not worth the annoyance of watching same ad over and over again
@NTM23 I'm waiting to get it used for about $20. As much as I like gaming, with all my gut I honestly beleive $60 (in some parts of the world up to $120) for a game is just too much.No game is worth that money
mr_nee's comments