@TheArcade: Funny price says $0.00 (https://store.xbox.com/en-US/Xbox-One/Games/Killer-Instinct/8b4cfd5d-52ff-4ca0-b5e2-112d7fd09830). In that case minesweeper is MS' best selling game of all time. BEAT THAT SONY! :DDDD AHAHAHHAHAHAAA #botsarestupid
Angry Joe said it all and said it well :) But, I get why some people like it. Ppl are into all kinds of wierd stuff, some like boring games. I get it :)
@jurewicz88: "A tactic (from the Ancient Greek τακτική taktike meaning "art of arrangement") is a conceptual action implemented as one or more specific tasks." is gun a conceptual action? That last word says you about 13yo at least... in terms of your mental development :)
@beantownsean: that was the guy that stole loot from 1st crate. If he had something that he souldn't risk with supply drop, why did he go for the first one? Irrational player?
@ewjiml: I hate to break it to you buddy, but you're the one not getting it. First you claim, bad gear you're dead, next "Tactics are key." So which one is it???
mr_nee's comments