@joystickwaggler: everyone enjoys a good tease. So many players on Destiny who need to kill after crucible has ended, so the opponent can't return the favor. So many kill cam teabaggers on Siege. Yes, victory tastes sweet, but it's even better when you crush the opponent who voted for rematch, cause they think we just got lucky :)
I'm sure everyone knows what I'm talking about and can relate :)
@Strang3l: Your argument is not logical, it's emotional. Both are game mechanics. Both can be done or ignored. Both frustrate opponents. In both cases if you give gun to mentally weak person, he might shoot the player that bested him. Hate the game or better yet -- learn to play so don't shoot you on sight :DDD
@Strang3l: Let's agree that you're wrong. ok? The saying is "hate the game not the player". Is goalkeeper d-bag, for intercepting shots on goal? No, that's a game mechanic. Without it you're not getting full content.
@joystickwaggler: What do you mean c***s? UBI wants me to rob you, that's the part of the game. It's as natural as grinding mobs for loot. You don't see me calling you names, for killing innocent mobs, do you?
So imagine you've spent couple of hours working in a team, to get that endgame loot, just for it to be taken away in mere seconds at extraction point... That's what me and my division are gonna be raiding - you guys! You're not gonna enjoy it, but I certainly will :D
Less work, more fun! win-win! for me.... for you it's lose lose :P
mr_nee's comments