@mantiis: No you won't buy it. Otherwise you'd already have. and as for "that greater sales of any product over an other does not equate to anyone with intelligence as it being better", well not necessarily, I mean some sheep are easily fooled with marketing campaigns (xbox360 last gen is a good example), but it's a good metric
@Saidrex: "you do realize that crackers release new cracked firmware every time update is released?" No they dont. It wasn't the case on PS3 anyway. xbox doesn't count - it's weak
@Xristophoros: Tell me about it. I met a guy in an airport who felt it necessary to show off his $7k alienware laptop. He saw me watch a movie on a phone and asked how to get it there. I said, rent it from google play. He said, he gets everything from piratebay -- what a douche
@the_master_race: Master race boms who spent last penny on rig and can't afford games must understand that their argument is not valid. Nobody bothers pirating crappy game. They actually think that downloading is a hard work. So if they downloaded something they are entitled to quality. Morons!
@sladakrobot: I don't think so. I we take a closer look at steam sales dirt cheap games are 3 to infinity years old. They've been out of active market for atleast 2,5 years. There was an article on GS explaining, that money is made during first few weeks, Then price has to stay up for some time otherwise gamers would change their behaviour to wait until they receive huge discount.
I enjoyed early Leslie Nielsen movies and shorts. I understand humor in very silly jokes, but this movie is stupid and unfunny. Stopped watching after reunion of first two bros.
mr_nee's comments