How is getting a free game (even if it is the cheapest out of the 3) for buying 2 a Rip-off? The only way it's a rip-off is if they inflate the retail prices prior to starting the deal. I take advantage of these sales often, though I try to get games that are all the same price or at least within $10 of one another. I also almost never buy a game at full retail.
I say if you've got 3 (or 6, or 9, etc) games you want, and the expendible income... why not?
I'm pretty sure (from what I have read) screen shots lose any morphological AA effects since it is post-processing. ATI has a utility you can use on screenshots you've taken to get the effect added back on.
If Intel hadn't done this I believe they would not have held on to the significant portion of marketshare during the time when AMD was producing a vastly superior product (around when AMD released the Athlon 64 line). This would have allowed AMD more revenue to research and move their line forward and the two companies would be closer to even footing as far as architecture performance.
I will keep buying AMD processors as long as I feel like I am getting what I paid for. I haven't been dissappointed yet and I feel compelled to support the underdog. Even when AMD had a superior product Intel nabbed market-share away from them through deals that scored them some anti-trust suits. I'll keep supporting AMD until they starting acting like A-hats.
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