Wow, it doesnt matter what they do, people will never be happy, just read some of the comments....What do you want the next xbox to do people.....the only thing that I hear people say is that they want free xbox live....not gonna happen.
Violent video games do not make people into killers, it's the imbalance in their head that makes them killers.I have been playing video games since I was little and now almost 30, I have never thought about hurting or killing anyone just because I can do it in a video game.Are you telling me if we get rid of violent video games, that will get rid of violence....Give me a break.
Im just really sick of people blaming violent video games for all these shootings that are going on.How come you never hear them attack violent movies?
@Landsharkk No matter what people say your always gonna have something to say back because you have to be right.So your saying because they have vehicles is why bf3 is that much better?
@Landsharkk Ok dude, we get it, your a bf3 fanboy.You asked me to name something that COD does that bf3 doesnt and when I mention zombies you get all mad.I own both games and i would rather play bf3, but your taking this way too serious.Also, do you think because your looking at wiki about halo and cod release dates it will make you seem like your all knowing about all my friend are a troll and nothing more....good day
This is by far the worst thing they can do.Do they think that we are all made of money,first of all the damn thing was like 500 bucks when it came out, now they are saying that I will never get to play used games...Im sorry but this is a joke.
mrsniper83's comments