I know graphics don't make the game, im just saying, its 2013 now.....why would people keep playing on this.I know it was one of the best systems ever made.I mean, do people still play original xbox?
As great as that system was, y on earth would anyone still be playing it...Please dont tell me the graphics are still good, compared to what we have today.
I wish they would add multiplayer modes where you play aganist the other team like in tdm, demo, domination but they also had zombies, so you would killing the other team while you was fighting off the other team.
Oh well, im still getting this game for the single player.Probably will check out mulitplayer but it won't be the reason for getting it (assassin's creed)
wow,good thing I don't play bulletstorm or mortal kombat anymore, i just might get violent.....no but in all honesty, people who say video games are to blame are just ignorant and foolish.
Im really sick of these people saying that violent games are to blame.....no they are not.It's the sick people in the head that are to blame, not COD, not halo.I have been playing shooters all my life, and no matter how bad life gets, I don't feel like COD makes me want to go kill someone.
mrsniper83's comments