msdd9's forum posts
I'll either rent it or buy it next year during the summer drought when it will be cheaper.
It looks like a lot of fun, but not worth full price for me.
Prince of Persia.
It's my favorite game series, so of course I'd get it.
I play games because I have all my life and it was always something I was good at.
My favorite game is Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Trilogy (I consider it more one long beautiful story than 3 individual games) with Medievil for the PS1 and Zelda OoT for the N64 (mostly for the great memories with my friends) close behind.
If gaming is going to risk your college career then you should probably cut back and only get 2 or 3 of the games that you really want.
Another thing you could try is applying for scholarships. There are some that you can just apply for and don't require any particular achievement (such as straight A's).
I'm sort of in the same boat. I'm a junior is High school and am finding that if I want money to fix up my car, to go toward college, and all the other expenses of life I need to cut back on the games I buy.
It can be tough sometimes, but in the long run you'll be glad you did.
I sounds like you ran out of time. If I recall when the scoop bar is gray it means that the scoop has expired.
About all you can do is try to be faster or if you really have no time just forget about the story and have fun (you could also start a new game and try to complete the story if you want).
8 or 8.5.
I think there will be some very minor flaws (possibly some graphical popping) that will hold the game back from its full potential.
I haven't played the demo (don't have xbl), but I have been looking forward to this game for about a year and it looks like a ton of fun. I have it pre-ordered and right now it's the game I'm most excited for.
Also I've read a lot of forum posts and a few reviews and for all the hate there's an equal amount of people saying they absolutely love it.
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