Sports Champions is great.The sequel is coming out soon i think. And also FPS games like resistance 3 and killzone 3 work well too. Just don't bother playing them for more than 45 minutes at a stretch. Aching arms.:P
The game was broken at launch. I click 'start game' only for the game to tell me my save file is corrupted and even when i do get past that it crashes back to the desktop after like 2-3 seconds of an animated cutscene... No developer should ever release a game in this state.
love both games.....but i'd go with inFAMOUS 2 over R3....simply because of more replay value and because the multiplayer in R3 was not that good compared to R2 and R:FOM......get the infamous collection....u get infamous1,2 and festival of blood.
Not a very great year for exclusives for either 360 or PS3. Except for Halo 4 coming out on 360 next month, there have been no AAA exclusive games from either Sony or MS so far. But next year PS3 is gonna own...GOW:A, Last of Us, Ni No Kuni and so much more....
If you own a PS3 or 360 or plan to buy a WiiU, get it for those. PC version of revelations was OK but the AC games have always been console or rather controller-centric games. If you don't mind playing with a controller on PC then it's OK. Keyboard and Mouse controls are horrible for the AC series.
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