muirplayer's forum posts
First you give poor people health care. Then what? They'll start asking for better water sanitation, better food services, better housing.Soon enough they'll startasking forfree education, andthey'll start getting higher-end skilled jobs, and then who's going to work in the factories? Hmmm? Who's going to do the crap jobs no one wants? No one will. Then our whole capitalist system will collapse and we'll all have to start calling each other comrade.
You've got a very distorted view on things.
Poor people support the nation. It wouldn't survive without them, so why not make sure they live longer or healthier?
Free education is already available.
If they're not getting the higher-end skilled jobs already, it's not really going to start happening faster than it is now.
There will always be people to work in factores and do the crap jobs no one wants.
i have (2) 2gb sticks of ram in my pc atm running windows 7 64bit. it runs fast. if i upgraded to another 2 2gb stick will i notice any diffrence?
Really a waste of time to ask that question here. Near everyone here will tell you no, but only because they really don't know, or are biased in some way. Won't notice anything in gaming for sure... yea, right about that and basic pc usage. Ram isn't necessarilu made to "speed" up your computer, although those are the effects of it when extra ram comes into play. If anyone gets around to telling you that they've never used all 100% of their 2gb of ram - good for them. You're never going to reach 100% usage unless you disable the paging file, which then would probably cuase the pc to crash.
You may notice faster windows loading times with the extra ram. As far as anything else, it'd depend on the speed of your hard drives, what programs you use, how ram hungry they are and if you use multiple ram hungry programs at the same time.
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